Tesla Patents

Software And User Interface

Tesla filed these patents around Software And User Interface in the last 5 years

# Patent No. Short Description
1. US10295355B2 System that provides trip planning for vehicles with energy constraints
2. US10180727B2 Launching programs on a graphical user interface (GUI) display with a taskbar, persistent controls, and multiple windows
3. US9637020B2 A user interface and charging system controller that simplifies vehicle charging while helping the user minimize charging costs
4. US8907629B2 A multi-mode operating system for an electric vehicle that allows users to select an operational mode for battery life optimization
5. US8892299B2 A vehicle user interface that uses a touch screen display to provide customizable access to multiple vehicle subsystems
6. US9079498B2 A touch-screen interface for a vehicle that automatically matches the usage patterns and preferences of a variety of users
7. US7698078B2 An electric vehicle communication interface that allows users to remotely control and monitor their electric vehicle's battery charging and performance
8. US8095278B2 A vehicle seat adjustment system that allows intuitive and easy adjustment of vehicle seats using a graphical user interface (GUI) displayed on a vehicle dashboard
9. US8818624B2 A vehicle user interface that adapts to changing conditions to improve usability and safety
10. US10406972B2 Automatically activating a turn signal source in a vehicle when it will imminently leave its current lane by either crossing over a lane line or effecting a turn
11. US9489103B2 Mobile design automation system that allows users to design features of a project at a remote project site using a mobile computing device
12. US9026405B2 A computer-implemented tool for facilitating the home energy audit process that leverages dedicated energy simulation engines like EnergyPlus to provide comprehensive analysis and simulation
13. US20190176837A1 Personalization system for vehicles that uses onboard cameras to capture images of occupants and estimate their body heights
14. US20110082620A1 A vehicle user interface that adapts to changing conditions to provide a safer, more intuitive, easier-to-use interface regardless of the conditions in which the driver and/or passenger finds themselves
15. US10805155B1 An Internet of Things (IoT) platform that enables plug-and-play and point-to-multipoint communication between any IoT devices, managers, and servers regardless of their physical connections, industrial standards, and communication protocols

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