13 patents in this list

Updated: July 01, 2024

Light Detection and Ranging, or LiDAR, is a potent technology with an expanding list of uses in environmental conservation. This technique builds incredibly accurate 3D models of the surroundings by measuring distance using lasers.


The LiDAR innovations and their applications to different challenges in the environment are demonstrated by the patents that can be found on this page.

1.  Virtual Bumpers for Autonomous Vehicles Using Lidar and Cameras

CYNGN, INC., 2023

Autonomous vehicles (AVs) use virtual bumpers to enhance obstacle avoidance and navigation. LiDAR and camera sensors detect objects around the AV, and the sensor data is analyzed by a secondary computing system to create virtual bumpers around the vehicle. These virtual bumpers provide a buffer zone for obstacle avoidance and facilitate navigation in tight spaces.


2.  Integrated Lidar and Multisensor System for Dam Slope Deformation Monitoring


A dam slope deformation monitoring system and method that uses multiple sensors and technologies to continuously monitor and warn of dam slope collapses. The system uses UAV photogrammetry, ground-based radar interferometry, LiDAR scanning, GPS positioning, and micro-core piles to monitor dams from slow deformation to rapid deformation and collapse. It involves progressively focused monitoring from wide area to key areas to particles, and from 2D surface to 3D displacement.

3.  Spectral Comb Filter for Enhanced Aperture Utilization in LiDAR Systems


Method of directing outgoing light in a LiDAR system to maximize utilization of the aperture size regardless of the number of angles or directions over which light is directed. This is done by using a beam director with a spectral comb filter that interleaves multiple wavelength channels onto separate ports.


4.  Optimal Combination of Optical and Microwave Remote Sensing for Aboveground Biomass Estimation


A method and system for estimating aboveground biomass using an optimal combination of optical and microwave remote sensing data. The system extracts vegetation indexes from optical images, extracts microwave characteristics from SAR data, and combines them to construct an optimal model for aboveground biomass estimation. The combined optical and microwave model provides better accuracy than using either modality alone.


5.  Single-Frame LIDAR Detection of Movement and Intrusion Using Sparse 3D Point Cloud Data

Outsight SA, 2022

Method for using sparse 3D point cloud data from LiDAR sensors to detect movement and intrusion in a physical space. It involves detecting movement using single frames of 3D point cloud data without requiring multiple frames or tracking over time. The method involves storing 3D surface points as well as free space locations computed from line-of-sight vectors. When an occupied space location is detected at a point that was previously free space, it indicates movement or intrusion at that location.

6.  Dual-Wavelength Lidar System for Weather Phenomena Detection


Using lasers and a dual-mode photodetector to detect weather conditions like ice, snow, fog, rain, and clouds. The system illuminates an area with two lasers of different wavelengths. A photodetector senses the reflected light. By comparing the amounts of reflected light at the two wavelengths, the system can detect weather phenomena that have different absorption and reflectance rates for each wavelength.

7.  LIDAR-Based Detection and Mapping of Hydrocarbon Bubbles in Water Bodies

ExxonMobil Upstream Research Company, 2021

Using LiDAR to remotely detect and map hydrocarbon bubbles on the surface of water bodies like lakes and oceans. It involves surveying shallow water environments with LiDAR to detect surface hydrocarbon bubbles for purposes like hydrocarbon exploration and brownfield remediation. The technique leverages LiDAR's ability to measure distance and identify targets by analyzing reflected laser light. The aim is to find optimal hydrocarbon sources or locate contamination by detecting surface bubbles that may contain hydrocarbons.

8.  Enhanced Solid-State LIDAR with Dual Field of View for Environmental Mapping

Continental Automotive Systems, Inc., 2020

Improving solid-state LiDAR systems that use fixed photodetectors to generate 3D maps of the environment for autonomous vehicles. The solid-state LiDAR emits light into the field of view and detects reflected light to determine distances. The improvement involves using both short-range and long-range fields of view to generate the 3D map. This makes it easier to distinguish long-range reflections from short-range reflections so they don't influence each other's distance measurements.


9.  Spaceborne Doppler LIDAR Instrument for Mesosphere Sodium Layer Analysis

U.S.A. as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2019

Spaceborne Doppler LiDAR instrument to measure the sodium layer and composition of Earth's mesosphere. The instrument uses a tunable laser to remotely sense the mesosphere's sodium layer to study the structure, dynamics, and energetics of the region. The sodium measurements can provide information on atmospheric gravity waves and meteor impacts.

10.  Marine Vessel-Mounted Lidar System for Cost-Effective Sea Surface Pollution Detection


A system for detecting pollution on or at a sea surface that mounts on a marine vessel to provide lower-cost environmental pollution data for an area at sea compared to airplanes or satellites. The system uses LiDAR, positioning data, and a timestamp to detect and record pollution along the vessel's path. The pollution data is encrypted and stored for analysis.


11.  Aesthetic Vehicle Trim Panels for Housing and Protecting LiDAR Sensors

Dura Operating, LLC, 2018

Decorative exterior trim panels for mounting sensors like LiDAR on vehicles. The trim panels house sensors while providing protection and an aesthetically-pleasing appearance. The panels have a base portion that attaches to the vehicle and a protruding sensor housing portion. The sensor housing houses the sensor and extends out from the base. The housing has a curved window. This allows sensors like LiDAR to protrude for an unobstructed view while being recessed and protected. The trim panels can be rocker panels, front/rear fascias, or side panels.


12.  Ground-Based Lidar System with Overhead Reflector for Environmental Monitoring

Kevin N. Pyle, 2018

Lidar system where a ground-based laser beam is directed at an overhead reflector that reflects the beam to a target area. Light reflected from the target area is detected by an overhead sensor.


13.  Redundant LIDAR Sensor Configurations for Fault-Tolerant Environmental Monitoring

Honeywell International Inc., 2018

Using multiple variations of LIDAR sensors with different hardware, software, algorithms, and processing units to provide redundancy and fault tolerance in autonomous vehicle perception systems. The sensors produce dissimilar LIDAR measurements that are processed independently. If a sensor or processing unit fails or degrades, the other combinations can still provide reliable data.


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LiDAR is a flexible and useful system for environmental protection that may be used for anywhere from pollutant detection on sea surfaces to monitoring dam stability. More advances and cost-effectiveness in LiDAR technology could lead to even more applications in environmental monitoring.