16 patents in this list

Updated: July 01, 2024

For many applications, especially in the area of autonomous vehicles, LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology is essential.


But LiDAR systems are not immune to interference from the sun, other LiDAR systems, or even flaws in the LiDAR itself. The precision and dependability of the information gathered may be jeopardized by this influence.


This page examines several innovative solutions to the problem of interference in LiDAR systems.

1. Channel Isolation Techniques for Crosstalk Prevention

1.1.  Adaptive Mitigation of External Light Interference in LIDAR Devices

Waymo LLC, 2023

Protecting a LiDAR device from external light sources that could interfere with its operation, by using proactive and reactive mitigation procedures. The proactive procedure involves operating the LiDAR to emit and detect light with specific timing, wavelengths, intensities, etc., and then adjusting those characteristics if external light is detected to match. The reactive procedure involves activating a shutter or varying emitted/detected light characteristics upon detecting external light. The LiDAR device may also include filters like interference, absorptive, adaptive, or spatial filters to block unwanted wavelengths or light angles.

1.2.  Wavelength Locking Techniques for Crosstalk Reduction in LIDAR Systems

Waymo LLC, 2021

Techniques for reducing crosstalk between adjacent channels of a LiDAR system to ensure accurate detection. The techniques involve locking the wavelengths of the adjacent channel's light emitters to different values using feedback signals. For example, volume Bragg gratings or optical filters can be used to select and feedback a narrowband portion of each emitter's output. This prevents adjacent channels from interfering with each other's detection. The gratings/filters can also narrow the emitter bandwidth and reduce temperature dependence.

2. Diffraction Optical Elements for Beam Separation

2.1.  Two-Dimensional Multi-Beam LiDAR Transmission with Integrated Optical Phased Array for Interference Avoidance

Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2021

A two-dimensional multi-beam LiDAR transmitter that uses an integrated optical phased array to steer multiple beams in two dimensions. The transmitter uses a Butler matrix network to generate N optical beams from an N-path FMCW signal. An optical beam expanding network and phase shifter array expands and phase-shifts the beams to enable two-dimensional beam steering. The beams are emitted by a multi-path grating-based optical antenna.

2.2.  Diffractive Optical Element Integration for Reduced Lidar Crosstalk and Enhanced Autonomous Driving Performance


An autonomous driving system using a lidar sensor that incorporates a diffractive optical element to separate beams from multiple laser sources into distinct points. This reduces crosstalk and sensor interference compared to conventional linear light source lidars. The system also varies laser intensity based on distance to improve sensing performance.

2.3.  Advanced LiDAR System with Reduced Interference Using Unique Emitter/Detector Configurations

Big Sky Financial Corporation, 2019

A LiDAR system that uses an array of emitter/detector sets to cover a given field of view. The emitter/detector sets are configured to receive reflected light energy on unique coincident axes for each set. This provides reduced interference among emitters and from other LiDAR units compared to scanning LiDARs that emit on a single axis. The system can also use locally unique multi-bit emitter pulse sequences to further reduce interference.


3. Independent Loop Design for Noise Reduction

3.1.  Electromagnetic Isolation in LiDAR Systems for Crosstalk Reduction and Signal Quality Improvement


Laser receiving device for LiDAR systems that mitigates crosstalk and increases signal-to-noise ratio. The device has multiple parallel sensor-amplifier-collector-power supply channels for receiving laser echoes. It uses electromagnetic isolation between parallel sensors and amplifiers to prevent noise coupling. The parallel channels are arranged such that each forms an independent current loop, reducing crosstalk and improving signal quality compared to densely packed parallel channels without isolation. The device is used in LiDAR systems for autonomous vehicles and other applications.


3.2.  Unique Pulse Pattern Generation and Coherence Filtering for LIDAR Interference Reduction


A LIDAR system that reduces signal interference among multiple sensors to improve reliability and accuracy of LIDAR systems in applications like self-driving cars or mapping. The method involves generating unique non-uniform pulse patterns for each sensor that can be distinguished from other sensors. Then, when processing the received LIDAR points, coherence filtering is applied to remove points that likely come from other sensors.

4. Modular Scanning for Interference Avoidance

4.1.  Adaptive Filtering in LiDAR Systems for Enhanced Interference Mitigation


LiDAR system with tunable filters to avoid interference from sunlight and other radiation sources. The system uses wavelength monitoring to track the laser's output wavelength and then tunes the filters in the receive path to match that wavelength. This filters out background light at other wavelengths while passing the laser light. This allows using narrower filters to reduce interference while still accommodating the laser's temperature-induced wavelength drift.

4.2.  Adaptive Scanning Parameter Adjustment for Interference Mitigation in Mechanical Scanning LiDAR Systems

Seagate Technology LLC, 2023

Mitigating interference in mechanical scanning LiDAR systems. The method involves detecting interference from another non-co-located light source and adjusting the LiDAR scanning parameters to avoid interference. When interference is detected, the LiDAR system randomly modifies its scanning trajectory and timing to differentiate its light from the interfering source.


4.3.  Multi-Board Lidar System Design for Improved Heat Dissipation and Electromagnetic Interference Reduction


LiDAR system design that improves heat dissipation and reduces electromagnetic interference for better performance and reliability. The LiDAR design separates functions onto multiple boards inside the housing - analog processing, digital processing, emitting, receiving, and interfaces - to isolate signals and prevent heat buildup. The emitting and receiving boards are shielded to reduce interference. Heat-generating components are attached to the housing for better dissipation.

5. Sensor Fusion for Comprehensive Detection

5.1.  Doppler Shift Compensation in LIDAR Systems for Enhanced Object Detection


LiDAR system that cancels out Doppler frequency shifts due to target movement to improve object detection accuracy for autonomous vehicles. The system uses a reference channel that measures the unshifted Doppler signal. It then uses mathematical properties of signal mixing to shift the frequency of the imaging channels to cancel or reduce the Doppler shift. This allows extracting the Doppler-shifted information from the imaging channels while suppressing the Doppler shift.


5.2.  Fusion of Radar, Lidar, and Camera Data for Enhanced Target Detection in Autonomous Vehicles

Quanzhou Equipment Manufacturing Research Institute, 2022

Target detection using radar, LiDAR, and camera sensors for applications like autonomous vehicles. The targets detected by radar and camera are used as anchor points to generate 3D regions of interest. The LiDAR point cloud and camera image are projected onto the regions of interest and fused. This fused image is processed to output the final detection result.


6. Time-Based Echo Interference Mitigation

6.1.  Randomized Timing Technique for Lidar Interference Mitigation


Lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) is a sensing technology that uses laser light to measure distances. Lidar systems can experience interference when multiple lidars are used in the same area, causing crosstalk between their signals. To mitigate this interference, the lidar transmits laser pulses with randomized timing intervals. This disrupts the correlation between the lidar's own transmit and receive times versus other lidar echoes. By identifying echoes with lower correlation due to the randomized timing, interference can be detected and filtered out.


6.2.  Pulsed LIDAR Interference Detection and Mitigation Method

Infineon Technologies AG, 2020

Interference detection and/or mitigation for pulsed LIDAR systems to ensure accurate object detection and prevent false targets. The method involves combining detector signals from multiple pulses at the same delay time to evaluate if they represent true target reflections. If the combined signal exceeds a threshold, it is considered a valid target. If the variation between the signals exceeds a threshold, it is considered interference.

7. Others

7.1.  Improved Scanning and Detection Methods for LIDAR Interference Avoidance

Suteng Innovation Technology Co., Ltd., 2023

Enhancing accuracy and reliability of LiDAR devices for applications like autonomous vehicles through improved scanning, detection, and control methods. The methods include scanning selected regions, refining regions based on detection results, and using sensors to monitor and adjust scanning. This allows focusing resources on areas of interest and improving accuracy.


7.2.  Vehicle Lidar System with Interference Source Detection and Localization

Robert Bosch GmbH, 2022

LiDAR system for vehicles that can detect and locate interference sources on its window that can impair performance. The system uses secondary detectors positioned on the window to capture scattered light from defects like scratches, dirt or drops inside the window. It compares the scattered light intensity detected by the secondary detectors to locate and identify interference sources.


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These patents present an extensive list of solutions to different problems pertaining to avoiding LiDAR interference. Among many other advancements, these included reducing crosstalk between internal channels, adjusting for target movement, and mitigating external light interference.