Microsoft Patents

Quantum Computing

Microsoft filed these patents around Quantum Computing in the last 5 years

# Patent No. Short Description
1. US10469087B1 Bayesian tuning of quantum gates to improve their performance and reduce errors
2. US11755941B2 Microarchitecture for implementing a fault-tolerant quantum computer with scalable error correction
3. US10692010B2 A quantum computing device with semiconductor-superconductor nanowires that can be used to build topological quantum computers
4. US11694103B2 Quantum walk algorithm for classical optimization problems
5. US20190378032A1 A method for fault-tolerant quantum computing that allows efficient implementation of quantum circuits on noisy hardware
6. US10664761B2 Generating quantum computing circuits by distributing approximation errors in a quantum algorithm
7. US11120359B2 Quantum simulation of physical systems using adaptive Hamiltonian randomization to reduce the number of terms and qubits needed
8. US11809959B2 Quantum algorithm for simulating quantum systems using the interaction picture representation of the Hamiltonian
9. US11797872B2 A quantum AI prediction methodology that leverages the processing power of quantum machines to intelligently predict future data bits in human-generated time-based data sequences
10. US11386347B2 Quantum computer architecture and methods to simulate many-body quantum systems like molecules using qubit swap networks
11. US11404624B2 Fabrication method for scalable production of large nanowire networks for quantum computing applications
12. US20220149262A1 A method of fabricating semiconductor-superconductor hybrid devices that can be used for quantum computing
13. US20210126181A1 A semiconductor-superconductor hybrid device for quantum computing that has a large topological gap for protecting qubit states from noise
14. US10963125B2 A technique to assist a user in exploring the operation of a quantum computer program, e.g., for testing the program or for any other purpose
15. US11726825B2 Compiling Clifford gates in topological quantum computing devices using measurement-only protocols

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