Microsoft Patents

Speech And Natural Language Processing

Microsoft filed these patents around Speech And Natural Language Processing in the last 5 years

# Patent No. Short Description
1. US20190266246A1 Modeling sequences using segmentations to improve output predictions
2. US11848000B2 Aiding human proofreaders in correcting transcriptions output by an ASR system
3. US11688399B2 A computerized conference assistant that facilitates meetings by coordinating, transcribing, and analyzing multi-modal interactions among participants
4. US11017231B2 Enabling user specified operations on virtual objects in a head mounted display (HMD) using natural language input
5. US20210035560A1 Dynamic adjustment of speech recognition parameters to improve accuracy and performance
6. US11657799B2 Training techniques for recurrent neural network transducers (RNN-T) to improve accuracy and reduce training time
7. US10650811B2 Improving speech recognition accuracy by detecting and correcting errors using unsupervised learning signals
8. US11823661B2 Expediting a user's interaction with a digital assistant by predicting the user's responses to system prompts and using the predictions to control the assistant
9. US11256868B2 Automated agent system that can handle ambiguities in user utterances in a multi-turn dialogue
10. US10818287B2 Providing a more efficient user interface that enables users to respond to tasks quickly
11. US11244696B2 A computer-implemented audiovisual speech enhancement system that uses a squeeze-excitation (SE) fusion block to integrate audio and visual features for improved speech enhancement
12. US11238226B2 Predicting conversational phrases for a communication between two users to improve chat efficiency
13. US11663405B2 Real-time natural language classification for online help tools
14. US10930275B2 Disambiguating natural language commands in AR/VR environments to improve accuracy of user interactions
15. US20200007380A1 Enhancing virtual agent conversational capabilities to understand and select choices corresponding to unexpected user responses

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