Spotify Patents

Contextual And Location Aware Services

Spotify filed these patents around Contextual And Location Aware Services in the last 5 years

# Patent No. Short Description
1. US10785591B2 Selecting and providing three-dimensional (3D) and non-three-dimensional (non-3D) audio content associated with a target venue to a media playback system
2. US10200748B2 Providing commercial detection in digital media environments to enable users to skip or locate commercials
3. US20190324940A1 Media content caching and state prediction to improve media playback on devices like smartphones, tablets, and cars
4. US11168996B2 Customized media program for a specified duration that is specifically configured to provide playback of media content for the duration of a traveled route
5. US20230144529A1 Cadence-based playlists for supporting repetitive motion activities like running
6. US10884697B2 Efficiently sharing media content between electronic devices like smartphones and tablets using near-field communication (NFC) channels
7. US10134059B2 A system that provides targeted media content, such as music, video, or television, along with sponsor-directed content, such as advertisements
8. US10782929B2 Aligning media playback to a user's repetitive motion activity like running to enhance enjoyment and performance
9. US10891948B2 Determining taste attributes of a user from an audio signal to personalize media recommendations
10. US11122055B2 Enabling multiple users to collaborate on controlling a playlist of media items at social gatherings by authorizing proximate devices to manipulate the order of playback
11. US11514117B2 Enabling use of media content bots in social messaging environments that support group chat
12. US11340862B2 Enabling media playback during travel in a way that is less distracting and requires less attention from the user
13. US11694229B2 A system for providing targeted sponsor-directed content in media streaming
14. US11436472B2 Recommending media suitable for a designated activity using data extracted from media object lists
15. US11256471B2 Selecting and playing media content that matches a user's cadence during repetitive motion activities like running

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