10 patents in this list

Updated: April 29, 2024

In difficult lighting situations like fog, rain, or darkness, homogeneous distribution of light greatly enhances a driver's sight by reducing glare and dim lighting. Additionally, it improves visibility of traffic signs, pedestrians, and other automobiles, which raises everyone's level of safety when driving.


This page examines the innovative methods by which automobile lighting systems can attain uniform light distribution.

1.  Vehicle Lamp Design for Uniform Luminance Distribution Using LED Arrangement

Toshiba Lighting & Technology Corporation, 2023

Vehicle lamps with a specific arrangement of first and second LEDs to achieve a desired luminance distribution pattern. The lamp has one central LED surrounded by four outer LEDs on a substrate. The luminance from these LEDs is arranged to have a central high-intensity region surrounded by progressively lower-intensity regions. This provides a balanced and uniform overall luminance distribution. The lamp achieves this using specific LED positions, sizes, and intensities.

2.  Light Guide Design for Uniform Brightness in Vehicle Lamps


Vehicular light guide member that provides uniform brightness across its exit surface when used in vehicle lamps. The light guide has a main body with an entrance for light to join and an exit for light to exit. The entrance has multiple specular surfaces that reflect the incoming light towards the exit. Some of the specular surfaces are displaced closer to the exit than others. This increases the reflected light towards areas that would be darker otherwise, creating a more uniform brightness on the exit surface.

3.  Enhanced Homogeneity in Vehicle Lighting via Spatial Optical Structuring

Varroc Lighting Systems, s.r.o., 2023

A lighting module for vehicle lighting devices with a highly homogeneous surface light output. The module uses an LED housed in a cavity with a transparent optical filter between the LED and the light-emitting surface. The filter reflects most of the LED light back into the cavity while allowing a small portion to pass through. A spatial optical structure scatters the reflected light back toward the cavity surfaces on the filter's lower surface facing the LED. This bouncing of light between the cavity and filter enhances mixing and homogenization before exiting the module's light-emitting surface.

4.  Dual-Function Vehicle Lamp Module with Uniform Light Distribution


Vehicle lamp module that enables a single lamp to perform multiple lighting functions like low beam and high beam while having a common light output surface that can create a uniform design when the lamp is switched on. The module includes multiple light sources with different light distributions, a light guide lens, and an optic that directs light from some sources. The light guide has a recess to separate light output. Some light passes straight through for one distribution pattern, while another light reflects to form a different pattern. This allows the lamp to have dual functions with a single lens.

5.  Regional Focal Length Variation in Lens Arrays for Uniform Automotive Lighting Distribution


This vehicle lamp employs a lens array to improve the uniformity of the optical pattern of light projected on the road. The lens array is divided into regions, with each region having a different lens focal length. This allows for optimizing the lens design for each region based on its distance from the vehicle and projecting angle.

6.  Uniform Light Distribution Technology in Automotive Lighting with Dual-Resolution Light Sources


This is an illuminated device for vehicles that generate uniform light distribution over a transition between two light sources with different resolutions. The device has a first light unit with low resolution and a second light unit with higher resolution. The light sources are controlled to reduce intensity and resolution gradients in the transition region between them. The second light source can have multiple pixels per unit area compared to the first source.

7.  Enhanced Homogeneous Luminance in Vehicle Lighting through Scattering Particle-Embedded Light Guides

FicoMirrors, S.A.U., 2023

Indirect vision device for vehicles like rear-view mirrors that integrate lighting devices for indicators or decorative lights with improved homogeneous luminance. The lighting is achieved using a light guide with embedded scattering particles. Light emitted from the source is guided along the light guide and scattered out through its side surface. The scattering particles cause the light to exit uniformly along the guide rather than just at the ends. The light guide is positioned above a reflective back housing so the scattered light reflects back and further enhances luminance.

8.  Selective Diffusion Spotlight for Enhanced Uniformity in Automotive Lighting

Stanley Electric Co., Ltd., 2023

Spotlight with improved uniformity and edge sharpness by selectively diffusing the central collimated light from the collimator lens and transmitting the peripheral collimated light without diffusion. This prevents uniformity issues caused by source shape projection and color nonuniformity from source differences. It also prevents edge blurring by selective diffusion of the central light versus transmitting the peripheral light without diffusion. The selective diffusion is done using a diffusion lens with inner and outer sections that diffuse the central light and transmit the peripheral light, respectively.


9.  V-Shaped Automotive Lighting Device for Uniform Lateral Light Distribution


A v-shaped lighting device for vehicles that provides homogenous lateral lighting without hotspots. The device has a v-shaped lens angled towards the main reflection direction of the reflectors. This allows light to be scattered laterally by a diffuser separator wall between the reflectors. The diffuser encloses an acute angle with the lens surface for homogenous lateral radiation. The v-shape and diffuser geometry enable uniform light distribution to the main reflection in transverse directions.


10.  Reflective Element-Based Vehicle Lamp System for Uniform Light Distribution

Hasco Vision Technology Co., Ltd., 2022

A vehicle lamp system that improves uniformity of light output by using a light-reflective element instead of a lens. The lamp has at least one light source facing the reflective element. The reflective element diffusely reflects the light in all directions without focusing like a lens. This spreads the light beams more evenly without dark spots. It provides wider-angle uniformity without needing a separate lens.


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The ability to distribute light uniformly because of advances in automotive lighting technology makes driving on the road safer and more efficient. More progress in this cutting-edge technology should result in increased visibility and road safety.