288 patents in this list

Updated: February 06, 2024

1.  Sweetener composition that replaces sugar and fat while enriching the product with fiber


A sweetener composition to replace sugar in food products with a healthier alternative. The composition contains crystalline carbohydrates like sucrose combined with bulking agents like soluble fibers. The composition is prepared by forming a supersaturated solution of the carbohydrates and then inducing crystallization through temperature, concentration, or solubility changes. The resulting crystalline sweetener has smaller particle size and improved taste compared to regular sugar. The composition enables reducing sugar content in foods while maintaining sweetness and texture.


2.  Rice-derived sweetener with inhibited crystallization


Rice-derived sweetener made using rice, water, and enzymes. It contains glucose along with specific saccharides like panose, maltotriose, isomaltotriose, and optionally isomaltose. The glucose content is 4-47.2% by mass, while the saccharides are 1.96-16% by mass. This composition inhibits sugar crystallization when the sweetener is stored.

3.  Production of steviol glycosides in recombinant hosts


Recombinant production of high purity, high yield steviol glycosides such as Rebaudioside D and Rebaudioside M. The method involves expressing specific genes in yeast or other cells to biosynthesize these glycosides. The genes encode enzymes involved in the natural pathway to make steviol glycosides, including UGT76G1, UGT74G1, UGT91d2, and EUGT11. The recombinant cells are cultured and induced to produce the desired glycosides, which can be isolated for use as sweeteners. This provides a scalable, consistent source of high quality Rebaudioside D and Rebaudioside M compared to traditional extraction from the Stevia plant.


4.  Reducing sugar content in food products without compromising taste

Nomad Bioscience GmbH, 2023

A reduced-sugar food product containing thaumatin, a natural sweetener with low caloric content, as a replacement for some of the sugar. The thaumatin allows reducing the sugar content of foods without sacrificing sweetness. This can be used to create lower-calorie, reduced-sugar food products that taste similar to full-sugar versions. The thaumatin is combined with sugar like sucrose, glucose, or fructose to provide sweetness with less overall sugar. The reduced-sugar food product can help address health issues related to excessive sugar consumption.

5.  High steviol glycoside content in stevia plants


Identification of a stevia plant variety with elevated steviol glycoside content, a natural sweet component extracted from stevia leaves. The variety has specific genetic features that can be screened for to identify high glycoside stevia plants.


6.  High sweet content stevia plants


Stevia plant with high sweet content and method of screening for same. The stevia plant with higher sweet content than average stevia plants. The sweet content is increased by a genetic variation at a specific point in the genome. This variation can be detected and screened for to identify stevia plants with higher sweet content.


7.  Production of diterpenes and diterpene glycosides using recombinant microorganisms


Recombinant microorganisms engineered to produce high-value glycosylated diterpenes like the steviol glycosides found in the stevia plant. The microorganisms have been modified to express enzymes from the stevia biosynthetic pathway, allowing them to convert simple diterpenes into glycosylated diterpenes.

8.  Natural sweeteners and sweetness enhancers


Sweeteners and enhancers/masking agents to provide sweet taste without calories. The compounds are new natural products that can be extracted from plants or microorganisms. These compounds are useful as sweeteners and enhancers in food and oral compositions to provide sweet taste without calories.


9.  High purity food ingredient from Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni


A highly purified sweetener ingredient from the Stevia plant called rebaudioside B and its use in food and beverages. The process involves converting steviol glycosides extracted from Stevia leaves into rebaudioside B using an alkaline process, then converting the rebaudioside B into a carboxylate salt form. The resulting purified rebaudioside B ingredient provides high quality sweetness with reduced bitterness and aftertaste compared to other stevia extracts, making it suitable as a natural, non-caloric sweetener for food and beverage applications.


10.  Screening stevia plants for use in stevia sweeteners


A stevia plant with high rebaudioside M (RebM) content produced either by crossing or mutagenesis. The plant has specific genetic features detectable by PCR that correlate with increased RebM levels. The method can be used to screen and breed stevia plants with high RebM content for extracting the sweetener.


11.  Production of rebaudioside M from Reb D4

Conagen Inc., 2023

Producing novel steviol glycosides for use as sweeteners via synthetic biology techniques. The method involves producing previously unknown steviol glycosides like rebaudioside D4 ("Reb D4") and rebaudioside WB1 and WB2 using microbial fermentation. These glycosides can then be converted to the popular sweetener rebaudioside M ("Reb M") using specific enzymes. This provides a scalable and cost-effective way to produce Reb M, which is currently in low supply from the Stevia plant.

12.  Stevia plant with specific genetic features that increase rebaudioside E content


Stevia plant with high content of rebaudioside E, a sweet component which provides 1.5x the sweetness of stevioside. The plant has specific genetic features that can be screened for to identify high rebaudioside E Stevia plants. The features are single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the Stevia genome sequence.


13.  Sugar substitute that mimics the taste and function of sugar without the calories and glyce

SweetScience, LLC, 2023

Sugar substitute that has a clean taste similar to cane sugar but without the calories and with a lower glycemic index. The substitute is made from dairy-derived ingredients, natural high-potency sweeteners like monk fruit extract, and flavor enhancers. The dairy ingredients provide most of the bulk, sweetness is added by the natural sweeteners, and flavor enhancers balance the taste. Optionally, grain hulls can be added to mimic the taste of cane sugar. The dairy sugar substitute is free from artificial ingredients, sugar alcohols, and stevia extracts.


14.  Modifying flavors without adding sweetness


Using extracts of Stevia rebaudiana plants containing chlorogenic acids and steviol glycosides as a natural flavor modifier. The extracts provide a flavor modification without adding sweetness. They can be used in food, beverages, and other consumables to reduce bitterness, astringency, and aftertaste, and enhance or suppress flavor notes.

15.  Natural sweeteners and sweetness enhancers from Momordica grosvenori


Sweetener compounds obtainable from plants or microorganisms that can provide sweetness, enhance sweetness, and mask the taste of other sweeteners in food and oral compositions. The sweetener compounds have a unique taste profile with a low amount needed to provide a sweet effect. They can be used as natural sweeteners in food, drinks, and as a substitute for other sweeteners like sugar or high-intensity sweeteners.

16.  Purifying novel mogrosides from Siraitia grosvenorii fruit extract


A process to purify novel mogroside compounds from siraitia grosvenorii fruit extract for use in consumables like foods and beverages. The process involves isolating and concentrating the mogrosides from the extract using chromatography. The purified mogrosides can then be added to consumables at concentrations below their flavor/sweetness thresholds to enhance those sensory characteristics. This allows using the novel mogrosides as natural sweeteners and flavor enhancers in foods and beverages.


17.  Palm sap sweetener


A low-glycemic, nutrient-rich sweetener that tastes like sugar but contains added vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. The sweetener is made from concentrated palm sap granulated to form jaggery-like crystals with similar sweetness to sugar. The granules are dried to a low moisture content. They can be used as a natural sugar substitute that provides nutrients like B vitamins and iron.

18.  Producing allulose crystals from allulose syrup

Tate & Lyle Solutions USA LLC, 2023

Producing allulose crystals from allulose syrup using crystallization is disclosed. The process involves cooling and agitating the syrup to initiate crystallization, using seed crystals to promote crystal growth. The cooling is continued until a desired yield of allulose crystals is achieved. The crystals are separated from the mother liquor and further processed as desired.

19.  High-intensity sweetener containing Rebaudioside M

AMYRIS, INC., 2023

High purity rebaudioside M sweetener composition for reduced-calorie sugar substitutes. The process involves fermenting yeast strains engineered to produce rebaudioside M using synthetic biology. The rebaudioside M is obtained from yeast fermentation broth and purified to over 95% using filtration and drying. The high purity rebaudioside M is used as a natural intense sweetener in sugar substitutes along with bulking agents like erythritol and soluble fiber. The rebaudioside M sweetener concentrates the high sweetness without off flavors.


20.  Calcium fortification of beverages

Nant Holdings IP, LLC, 2023

Beverage compositions fortified with calcium that provide an alternative to calcium supplementation from dairy products. The beverage uses calcium carbonate from aragonite, a natural source with potential health benefits, as the calcium source. Aragonite is a form of calcium carbonate found in deposits like oolitic aragonite on ocean floors. The aragonite particles can be mixed with a liquid component like water, juice, or milk to create a fortified beverage. The beverage can also contain additional additive agents like flavors, antioxidants, colorants, thickeners, etc.

21. Natural diterpene glycosides that provide a temporal and flavor profile similar to

22. Sweetened dairy products

23. Natural bulking agents for sweeteners

24. Preventing teeth staining from chromogens in beverages

25. Production method for rebaudioside D crystallized product from Stevia plant extracts

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