285 patents in this list

Updated: July 18, 2024

Continuous and precise health monitoring is vital for managing chronic conditions, improving patient outcomes, and reducing healthcare costs. Traditional methods of patient monitoring can be limiting, and there is a growing need for more advanced, intelligent solutions.

This article delves into the use of AI for patient health monitoring, an innovative approach that redefines how patient data is tracked and managed.

With advancements in AI technology, we can now achieve real-time, comprehensive monitoring of patient health metrics, leading to early detection of abnormalities and personalized care plans. These breakthroughs are ushering in a new era in healthcare, where AI-driven systems provide more accurate and proactive patient management.

1. AI-Enhanced Safety Controls for Medical Devices Based on Machine Learning Analysis

Cilag GmbH International, 2024

Determining allowable operation ranges for controlling medical devices like surgical tools using machine learning to improve patient safety. The system analyzes historical data to train ML models that determine optimal input ranges for devices during procedures. When an operator tries to exceed these ranges, the system alerts them and blocks the input to prevent errors. The ML models are adaptive and can learn from feedback to improve the ranges over time.


2. AI-Powered Non-Invasive Blood Analyte Monitoring through ECG Analysis

AliveCor, Inc., 2024

Non-invasive monitoring of blood analyte levels using electrocardiograms (ECGs) and machine learning. The technique involves training a machine learning model using ECGs and corresponding analyte levels from multiple individuals. The model can then predict analyte levels from new ECGs without needing blood samples. The training data is processed to filter out potentially inaccurate analyte measurements that could negatively impact model accuracy. This involves analyzing the ECGs to identify features that correlate with analyte levels, as some subtle changes in the ECG may indicate analyte fluctuations that are not obvious to the human eye. The model is trained using these identified ECG features rather than just the analyte measurements. By leveraging the relationship between ECGs and analyte levels, the model can accurately predict analyte concentrations without invasive blood draws.

3. AI-Enhanced Multimodal Health Monitoring and Diagnostic System

CurieAI, Inc., 2024

Health monitoring using multimodal sensors and external data to accurately diagnose diseases and track symptoms over time. The method involves continuously monitoring health using sensors like microphones, peak flow meters, pulse oximeters, etc. It also collects non-sensory data like medication, diet, location, etc. The sensory and non-sensory data is fed into neural networks to detect symptoms and diseases. The networks adapt periodically based on user data to improve accuracy and reduce false alarms. The method also generates personalized audio summaries for doctors to help diagnose.

4. AI-Based Prediction and Management of Chronic Health Conditions Using Wearable Device Data

Evidation Health, Inc., 2024

Predicting, detecting, and mitigating the effects of chronic health conditions using sensor data from wearable devices. The system analyzes sensor data to build baseline models that predict chronic condition symptoms based on wearable device data. It then deploys and refines individual user-specific models using active learning techniques. The models are used to predict chronic condition symptoms, which are logged and used to personalize treatment plans. The system also provides interventions based on predicted severe symptoms.


5. AI-Powered Wearable Device for Health Monitoring with Hybrid Location Tracking


Wearable electronic device for monitoring health conditions of individuals like seniors with dementia or those at risk of urinary tract infections. The device has a hybrid wireless communication system that can selectively receive location data from indoor Bluetooth beacons and outdoor GPS. It transmits location over low-power wide area networks. This allows accurate indoor and outdoor location tracking. The device also sensors for environment, activity, and physiology. It analyzes the data using onboard machine learning to classify health conditions. Alerts are sent when the wearer leaves a zone. The device connects to a server for training the machine learning model.


6. AI-Powered Wearable Biosensing Device for Personalized Health Monitoring and Recommendations

Alio, Inc, 2024

A wearable biosensing device that provides personalized health recommendations and risk assessments directly to patients. The device captures biosensing data like blood flow and oxygen levels using sensors mounted on the skin. This data is analyzed using machine learning models to predict health metrics like potassium levels. The predictions are then presented to patients via a graphical user interface on the device. This allows patients to monitor their health without blood tests and get personalized recommendations based on their biosensing data.


7. AI-Based Electrocardiogram (ECG) Analysis for Improved Patient Monitoring


Analyzing electrocardiogram (ECG) data using artificial intelligence to accurately and efficiently process ECG signals with enhanced accuracy. The system involves delineating the ECG waves, grouping beats together, and embedding the beats into a lower dimensional space for classification. This allows identifying hidden P waves, handling noisy signals, and handling multiple beats at once. The AI algorithms are trained on large datasets of ECGs from different patients.


8. AI-Powered Real-Time Abnormality Detection in Medical Imaging


Real-time abnormality detection and notification during medical imaging scans to help diagnose patients faster and more accurately. The system uses AI to analyze images in real-time as they are acquired and detect potential abnormalities. It then presents the user with a notification containing details of the potential abnormality and options to accept, postpone, or reject the notification. If accepted, a report is immediately generated. If postponed, the report is delayed until after the scan. If rejected, the abnormality is logged but not reported. This allows the user to focus on scanning while potentially important findings are flagged without interrupting the flow.

9. AI-Powered Assistive Robot for Health Monitoring and Environmental Interaction

Geoffrey Lee Ruben, 2024

Assistive robot system that uses sensors to monitor health characteristics of a person under care and make decisions based on that data. The system has an analysis module that receives health data from sensors, identifies the person's status using machine learning, and provides instructions to the robot's actuators to interact with the environment. It can also communicate with other systems using outputs from the robot. The robot can diagnose conditions, move around, and interact with the environment based on the person's health data.

10. AI-Based System for Personalized Health Guidance through Advanced Diagnostic Analysis

KPN Innovations, LLC, 2024

System for using diagnostics to provide personalized health guidance by leveraging machine learning models trained on labeled training data. The system receives user contextual information, generates a diagnostic output using a trained machine learning model, and transmits the diagnostic output to an advisor device. The diagnostic output classifies the user's physiological state based on contextual data. This is further linked to prognostic and ameliorative labels through additional training. The advisor can then use this diagnostic output to provide personalized guidance. The machine learning models are trained on labeled training data to accurately classify physiological states based on contextual inputs.

11. AI-Enhanced Smart Mattress for Autonomous Patient Monitoring and Positioning

Seoul National University Hospital, 2024

Smart mattress that monitors patient health, helps caregivers, and automatically adjusts patient positioning without human assistance. The mattress has sensors to collect biometric data, pressure sensors to measure patient weight distribution, actuators to deform the mattress, and a control system to coordinate motion. The mattress can detect vital signs, pressure ulcers, and posture issues. It can also identify falls and provide alerts. The mattress can autonomously adjust positioning at intervals to prevent bedsores. The mattress communicates with external devices like wearables and EMR systems.


12. AI-Powered Personalized Health Monitoring Platform with Non-Invasive Sensors

International Business Machines Corporation, 2024

Multi-sensor health monitoring platform that provides personalized health monitoring using non-invasive, wearable, and point-of-care sensors in a patient's home to complement hospital and clinic testing. The platform leverages AI to predict patient needs, energy requirements, and sensor activation based on physiological and activity features. It schedules sensor recharging and identifies which sensors to activate. The platform collects sensor data, applies AI to generate insights and recommendations, and provides tailored care.


13. AI-Based System for Objective Pain Detection and Quantification in Healthcare

HERO Medical Technologies Inc., 2024

Using machine learning models trained on media and medical data to accurately, consistently, and objectively detect, assess, quantify, and report pain levels experienced by patients. The models are trained on diverse datasets like emergency medical calls and image classifiers to identify pain presence and intensity. Pain levels can be predicted and verified using inputs like age, vital signs, and images. This allows objective pain quantification beyond subjective reports.

14. AI-Enhanced Remote Physical Therapy System with Motion Analysis


Remote physical therapy system that uses AI and motion analysis to enable remote delivery of personalized physical therapy routines to patients. The system involves a client device at the patient's location with a virtual avatar to guide exercises, and a server with AI motion analysis to analyze videos and provide customized instructions. The AI analyzes motion data to monitor compliance and progress. The system can also notify caregivers of issues.

15. AI-Based Neural Network Model for Asynchronous Multi-Lead Bio-Signal Analysis

VUNO Inc., 2024

A single neural network model for analyzing asynchronous bio-signals from multiple leads without requiring separate models for each lead combination. The model learns to derive an analysis value by reflecting the correlation between leads regardless of the specific combination acquired. This is done through encoding the lead position in the input features and using self-attention computations to propagate the correlation. The model can accurately predict cardiovascular disease even when not all leads are available, since it learns the overall lead interdependence.


16. AI-Powered, Cloud-Connected Machine for Automated Patient Health Assessment

Siemens Healthineers AG, 2024

Automatic assessment of patient health using a cloud-connected, AI-powered health machine. The machine interacts with patients to collect initial data, determines risk factors, then asks further questions based on the risks. It processes the combined data using machine learning models to determine assessments, diagnoses, and treatment recommendations. The machine provides a comprehensive, point-of-care system for automated patient evaluation.

17. AI-Assisted Medical Imaging and Report Generation System

Sirona Medical, Inc., 2024

AI-assisted medical imaging and report generation system that integrates AI algorithms into a unified user interface to improve efficiency and accuracy of medical image interpretation and reporting. The system provides AI-assisted image segmentation and labeling, AI-assisted dictation of findings, bi-directional dynamic linking of findings, AI finding display and interaction, and AI-enabled quality metrics. It generates reports with AI-assisted findings that can be accepted by the user and automatically incorporated into the report. The system aims to provide a complete radiology workflow with integrated AI functionality.


18. AI-Based Personalized Treatment Generation for Metabolic Diseases from Continuous Biosignals


A patient health management platform for managing metabolic diseases using continuously collected biosignals. The platform generates personalized treatments for metabolic diseases like diabetes by analyzing a unique combination of continuous biosignals from wearables, lab tests, nutrition, meds, and symptoms. It uses machine learning models to understand how biosignals impact metabolic health, generates time series of metabolic states, and recommends treatments based on the patient's profile.

19. AI-Enhanced Wearable Health Monitoring System with Low-Cost Processing

Ortho Biomed Inc., 2024

Cost-effective and accurate health monitoring system using wearable sensors and a low-cost processing unit. The system acquires multiple biomedical signals like ECG, PPG, motion, voice, and body temperature using a wearable sensor package. It processes these signals using machine learning models to monitor parameters like arrhythmia, heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and coughs. The models are trained on a conventional processor and then implemented on a low-cost processing unit. This allows real-time monitoring on commercial devices without needing expensive specialized hardware.

20. AI-Based System for Integrating Multi-Modality Medical Images to Determine Patient Recommendations

XIFIN, Inc., 2024

Automatically determining medical recommendations for patients based on multiple medical images from different modalities using a machine learning classifier. The system maps regions of interest from images of different modalities related to a patient's condition, generates annotations and clinical data for each ROI, inputs it into the classifier, and uses it to determine a medical recommendation for the patient's condition. This allows integrating and analyzing images from different modalities to provide more informed and comprehensive medical recommendations.

21. Machine Learning-Optimized Artificial Pancreas System for Automated Insulin Delivery

22. AI-Based Diagnosis from Patient Time Series Data

23. AI-Powered Assistant Robots for Health Monitoring and Emergency Response

24. AI-Based Estimation of Physiological Variables from Non-Invasive Bio-Signals

25. Machine Learning-Based Classification of Peripheral Arterial Disease from Doppler Ultrasound Waveforms

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