21 patents in this list

Updated: July 29, 2024

Effective voice recognition for authentication in banking is essential for enhancing security and user experience in today’s digital finance landscape. Inadequate authentication methods can lead to significant security breaches and financial fraud.

This article explores AI-driven techniques for implementing voice recognition in banking, focusing on how AI enhances security measures and streamlines user authentication processes.

By leveraging AI, financial institutions can achieve robust security, reduce fraud, and offer seamless authentication experiences, ensuring greater trust and efficiency in their operations.

1. Contactless Voice Recognition Authentication System for Enhanced Banking Security


Contactless authentication using voice recognition to improve security, convenience, and cross-platform compatibility compared to conventional authentication methods that require contact. The authentication is performed by converting an audio sample from a user device into a processed format and transmitting it to a speech recognition module. The speech recognition module compares the processed audio against user voice models to determine if it matches. If the match is successful, the user is authenticated. This allows contactless voice-based authentication that can be used on any device with a microphone and speaker, without requiring dedicated authentication devices or manual entry.

2. AI and Multimodal Biometric Authentication System for Secure Financial Transactions

iWallet, Inc., 2024

Secure electronic financial transactions system that uses AI, biometrics, and multimodal data analysis to prevent fraud and improve user experience. The system collects multimodal data from visual, auditory, and tactile sensors during transactions. It uses AI modules like biometric authentication, transaction anomaly detection, geospatial analysis, behavioral analysis, and third-party data integration to analyze this data for fraud prevention. The system also communicates with users through modalities like vision, audio, touch, taste, smell, temperature, pain, and balance to address fraud concerns or request verification.

3. Biometric Authentication for Automated Offline Payment Systems


Automated offline payment system that allows users to select products without manually scanning them and makes payment without using their own devices. The system uses biometric authentication to verify users and their devices. When a user selects items in a store, a dedicated terminal recognizes them. The store terminal sends biometric info to the user's device. It authenticates against stored data. If successful, the device makes payment. Leaving the store triggers payment. In product transportation units, the dedicated terminal recognizes items and requests payment. It receives biometrics from the user's device and authenticates. If successful, it pays.


4. Voice Authentication System for Secure Order Pickup

Toshiba Global Commerce Solutions, Inc., 2024

Secure and efficient order pickup system that uses voice authentication to verify user identity and prevent unauthorized pickups. The system associates a voice signature with each order during placement. When a user comes to pick up an order, they speak a phrase which is compared against the stored voice signature. If it matches, the user is authorized to retrieve the order. This eliminates the need for IDs or documents, improves security, and reduces errors compared to manual verification.

5. Radar-Based Gesture Recognition and Authentication for Contactless ATM Transactions

Bank of America Corporation, 2024

Contact-minimized automated teller machine (ATM) using radar-based gesture recognition and authentication to eliminate the need for physical cards and keypads. The ATM has a radar transmitter to create a field in front of it. Customers interact with the ATM using gestures instead of touching buttons or cards. The radar detects the gestures and translates them into actions. The ATM can also identify customers based on unique gestures learned during account setup. This provides contactless ATM usage and reduces transmission of germs.


6. Narrative-Based Voice Authentication Using Transaction History for Banking Security

Capital One Services, LLC, 2024

Improving authentication security by generating and processing user responses to authentication questions in a narrative format. The responses are textual inputs like "I shopped at Joe's last week" instead of multiple choice options. The text is processed to identify merchants and compare to transaction data. A machine learning model predicts guessability based on merchant popularity. If a user correctly identifies a matched merchant, the authentication score is determined based on guessability. This provides more secure authentication by preventing guessing and profiling from predefined options.


7. Natural Language Payment Scheduling with Multifactor Authentication

Mastercard International Incorporated, 2024

Enabling users to schedule payments using voice or text commands through a payment app, without needing to navigate complex menus or remember OTPs. The app extracts payment instructions from natural language input and authenticates the user based on factors like location, facial features, typing patterns, etc. This allows scheduling payments using conversational commands like "Pay my credit card bill on Thursday" or "Send $50 to Mom next week". The app encrypts the instruction and factors and sends to the server, which processes the scheduled payment. This provides an intuitive and convenient way to schedule payments using natural language input and automatic authentication.


8. Machine Learning-Enhanced Challenge Questions for Secure Financial Transaction Authentication

Capital One Services, LLC, 2024

Using machine learning to improve user authentication in financial transactions by generating more effective challenge questions that are tailored to the specific transactions of an authorized user. The method involves training a machine learning model to identify financial transactions that an authorized user is likely to remember based on their transaction history. This allows generating challenge questions about recent transactions that are more likely to be answered correctly by the authorized user.


9. Dynamic Voiceprint Authentication Using Transaction-Based Queries for Banking Security

Capital One Services, LLC, 2023

Enhancing user authentication using a smart device like a smart speaker to improve security and reliability. The method involves using transaction-based authentication questions like "What was your credit card purchase on May 12?" instead of static questions. The user's voice is analyzed during the responses to determine if it matches an expected voiceprint. If so, fewer questions are needed for authentication. If not, more questions are required. This combines voice analysis with dynamic transaction-based questions to prevent spoofing of prerecorded voices.


10. Secure Voice-Based Transaction Method for Banking Services

Source Ltd., 2023

Exchanging data for secure transactions over voice channels to enable voice-based payment and other transactions. The method involves monitoring voice conversations for transaction requests, extracting details from the voice, confirming with the user, and carrying out the transaction using the extracted data. It uses voice encoding to embed transaction requests in audio and voice decoding to extract them. This allows performing transactions without separate channels or devices.

11. Biometric Verification with Enhanced Security for Banking Transactions

International Business Machines Corporation, 2023

Enhanced security for accessing resources like bank accounts using biometric verification at the time of transaction in addition to PIN entry. The method involves comparing current biometric data with historical data to ensure consistency. This prevents unauthorized use of stolen cards or compromised PINs. A generative adversarial network (GAN) is trained to enhance biometric data and generate distributions for verification. It analyzes discrepancies and determines if multiple users could match the data.

12. Machine Learning Model for Simultaneous Voice Authentication and Liveness Detection in Banking

Daon Enterprises Limited, 2023

Training a machine learning model for simultaneously authenticating a user and determining liveness of the user's biometric voice data. The training involves using a dataset of audio signals with user identities and flags indicating if the audio was live or synthetic. The model learns embeddings from the audio signals and optimizes losses like triplet loss to successfully verify user identity and liveness. This joint training allows the model to authenticate users and detect spoofing attacks like voice cloning or conversion.


13. Machine Learning-Based Voice Authentication Waiver for Digital Payments


Verifying digital payments using machine learning models to determine whether an authentication is waived. The system receives service data associated with a transaction from a user's device. It uses a blacklist generated from machine learning models to automatically determine if authentication is required. If the user and transaction attributes are not on the blacklist, the system approves the payment without requesting authentication. If they are on the blacklist, it requests authentication and validates it. This balances convenience with security by avoiding unnecessary authentication requests for low-risk transactions.

14. Homomorphic Encryption-Based Neural Network for Secure Voice Authentication in Banking

Intuit Inc., 2023

Securely validating credentials like bank account numbers without exposing the actual credentials. The method involves training a neural network to infer validity of encrypted credentials. The neural network is then encrypted using the same homomorphic encryption as the credentials. This allows validating encrypted credentials without decrypting them. The encrypted validity indicators can be provided back to the original source without exposing the original encrypted credentials.


15. Behavioral Biometric Authentication Using Speech and Touch Patterns in Banking

Capital One Services, LLC, 2022

Authenticating users based on their behavioral biometric data like speech patterns and touch inputs to improve accuracy and prevent impersonation compared to traditional authentication methods like PINs or passwords. The technique involves generating challenge questions based on the user's recent transactions, prompting the user to respond audibly and/or via touch, extracting behavioral biometric data from the responses, and using machine learning models trained on user-specific biometric data to verify the user's identity.


16. Smartcard Transactions with Enhanced Security through Biometric Voice Authentication

Visa International Service Association, 2022

Authorizing transactions involving smartcards by combining smartcard usage with biometric authentication. The method involves receiving a policy message with ruleset for transaction authorization and biometric parameters. Biometric data is received and an authentication score calculated using the machine learning algorithm. The transaction is checked against the ruleset to authorize. This combines smartcard usage with biometric verification to provide improved security and reduce false positives in transaction authorization.

17. Behavioral Biometrics for Streamlined Voice Authentication in Payment Transactions

Visa International Service Association, 2022

Authenticating payment transactions using behavioral biometrics to quickly determine user identity and approve transactions without multiple authentication steps. The method involves embedding a behavioral biometrics service in merchant webpages/apps that collects transaction and user data. This data is sent to a behavioral biometrics server for analysis to generate an authentication response. If the response indicates lack of authenticity, an alert is sent to merchant, app, and issuer. This allows quicker approval without extra authentication if behavior matches known patterns. It also provides an additional layer of authentication called cloaking for PSD2 compliance.

18. Voice and Location-Based Authentication System for Credit Card Fraud Prevention

Bank of America Corporation, 2022

A security tool that uses a user's location history and voice biometrics to detect and prevent credit card fraud. The tool analyzes historical transactions, locations, and voice data to determine fraud probability. If a transaction looks suspicious, it requires vocal confirmation from the user. If the voice matches, the transaction is authorized. This reduces false positives compared to just transaction history. It also allows faster reactivation of frozen accounts.


19. Eye-Tracking and Neural Network-Based User Authentication for Secure Financial Transactions

Magic Leap, Inc., 2022

Secure financial transactions using augmented reality headsets for seamless and convenient payments without requiring physical cards or identification. The system uses eye tracking and neural networks to recognize users based on unique eye features. It allows users to make transactions by scanning their eyes instead of presenting cards or IDs. The neural networks analyze eye images to identify users. This provides contactless payments and eliminates the need for physical tokens or IDs. The neural networks use specialized layers to accurately and precisely identify users from eye data.

20. Dynamic Voice Authentication System for Enhanced Banking Security

Visa International Service Association, 2021

Dynamic voice authentication system that matches a person's current utterance with previously recorded ones to authenticate them. It isolates words and acoustic characteristics from utterances, compares them with stored ones, and transmits an authentication message if matches. This improves over static phrase authentication as it can handle pronunciation variations and compromised phrases. The system uses statistical and acoustic analysis to extract characteristics, and allows speaker repetition of generated phrases to further improve matching.


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