17 patents in this list

Updated: August 14, 2024

Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) devices provide real-time information about blood glucose levels, making them indispensable tools for people with diabetes.


Since these systems frequently consist of several parts, such as sensors, transmitters, and receivers, effective inter-device communication is essential.


Reliable diabetes treatment depends on ensuring accurate, secure, and efficient data interchange across various components; this is covered in detail on this page.

1.  Secure Data Retrieval Method for Glucose Monitoring Systems without Wired Connections or User Credentials


A method for retrieving analyte data from a glucose monitoring system without needing a wired connection or user credentials involves creating an association between patient records in the monitoring system and an electronic medical records (EMR) system. This association enables the EMR system to request new glucose data from the monitoring system, which then sends the data automatically without requiring user intervention or authentication.

2.  Optimized RF Communication Protocol for Reliable Data Transmission in Glucose Monitors


Optimizing RF communication in medical devices, such as glucose monitors, enhances data transmission reliability and efficiency. The technique utilizes proximity commands to trigger specific functions on the device without the need to transmit full data packets. This separation of urgent and non-urgent data minimizes transmission time. The device positions itself within range, sends predefined commands, and receives responses. This approach allows tasks like sensor calibration to be segmented and transmitted separately while critical data is sent immediately.

3.  Secure Context Information Transfer System for Continuous Glucose Monitoring Devices


A system for managing glucose levels facilitates the transfer of sensor context information between disposable devices. The system includes a glucose sensor, electronics, and a receiving device. External disposable glucometers can communicate with both the sensor and the receiving device. When a user replaces a disposable glucometer, the system packages the sensor context information and transfers it to the new device. This ensures continuity of sensor performance without requiring user calibration or device setup when switching disposables.


4.  Efficient Data Transmission Protocol for Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems

I-SENS, INC., 2023

Transmitting and receiving biometric information between a sensor and a device in a continuous monitoring system reduces the need to verify data receipt at every regular interval. Instead, the system checks for unreceived data only at extended intervals and selectively requests missing data when necessary. This approach minimizes processing demands and energy consumption compared to constant checking.

5.  Automatic Sensor Parameter Recognition in Glucose Monitoring Devices


Intelligent analyte detection device that automatically identifies sensor parameters without user input. The device has a physical unit with corresponding parameters that the detection circuit detects. This allows the transmitter to automatically recognize the sensor's parameters instead of manual entry. It enhances device intelligence and user experience by eliminating the need to input sensor codes. The physical unit can have parameters like resistance, capacitance, inductance, or magnetic field that correspond to the sensor's first parameters.

6.  Enhancing Continuous Glucose Monitoring with Multi-Physiological Data Integration

Dexcom, Inc., 2023

A system for augmenting wearable continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) devices with additional physiological data to provide more context and insights into glucose trends. The system involves using a secondary wearable device that can collect additional data like heart rate, sweat, or skin temperature. This secondary wearable is communicably coupled to the CGM device and both devices transmit their data to a central hub. The hub combines the CGM glucose data with the additional physiological data to provide a more complete picture of the user's health. This allows the hub to detect events like exercise or meals that may not be immediately apparent from glucose alone, as well as correlations between glucose and other physiological factors. The secondary wearable can have form factors that complement the CGM device to minimize size and complexity.

7.  Secure Notification Method for Continuous Glucose Monitoring System Maintenance

I-SENS, INC., 2022

Notification method for continuous glucose monitoring systems that alert users when sensor module batteries are low and prevent reuse of expired sensors. The method involves a central device connecting to the sensor, calculating the remaining battery life, and notifying the user. If communication is lost, the central device verifies if the sensor truly failed vs just disconnected. If confirmed failed, it notifies to replace. This prevents users from mistakenly using expired sensors.

8.  Sequential Identifier-Based Transmission for Reliable Glucose Monitoring Data Exchange

I-SENNS, INC., 2022

Method for transmitting and receiving biometric information between a continuous blood glucose monitoring sensor and a communication terminal. The method involves generating transmission packets with a sequential generation identifier when the sensor measures biometric data like glucose. The packets are transmitted to the terminal which checks the identifiers to find and request any missing packets. This allows reliable reception even if there are disconnections.


9.  Intuitive NFC Connection Method with Image Recognition for Continuous Glucose Monitoring Devices

I-SENS, INC., 2022

Easier and more intuitive near-field communication connection method for continuous glucose monitoring devices. It involves using an image recognition code on the device to quickly connect it to a communication terminal. The code contains the device identifier and pin code. The terminal searches for devices using the identifier and then connects using the retrieved PIN code from the code. If the device is lost, the terminal requests the server to send the code.


10.  Enhanced Security and Communication for Handheld Glucose Monitoring Devices

Telcare, Inc., 2022

Wireless handheld medical devices for monitoring analytes like blood glucose and communicating the readings to a remote server for analysis and feedback. The devices have a local sensing subsystem, a radio transceiver, and a display. They transmit analyte measurements wirelessly and receive customized messages back from the server. The devices also mitigate RF interference and temperature sensor errors. The remote server analyzes the measurements and sends personalized messages back to the devices.

11.  Secure Real-Time Glucose Monitoring System with Remote Data Management

Senseonics, Incorporated, 2021

Continuous glucose monitoring system that enables real-time monitoring and tracking of glucose levels in diabetic patients using a sensor, transceiver, and display device. The sensor measures glucose levels and sends data to the transceiver. The transceiver calculates glucose concentrations and sends them to the display device, which can be a smartphone. The system allows continuous monitoring with alerts/alarms based on glucose trends and can upload data to a remote server for analysis and management. The transceiver and display device provide communication and user interface capabilities to enhance the monitoring experience.


12.  Innovative CGM Device with Reusable Transmitter and Replaceable Base Unit for Secure Data Transfer

Ascensia Diabetes Care Holdings AG, 2021

Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) wearable device with replaceable base unit and reusable transmitter unit to reduce costs and waste. The base unit has a disposable sensor assembly with biosensors and memory circuitry to store parameters like electrode sensitivity. When coupled to the reusable transmitter, the stored parameters are transferred. This allows using multiple base units with the same transmitter instead of replacing both together. The memory reduces waste by capturing device-specific calibration data.


13.  Automated NFC and Bluetooth Pairing for Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems

I-SENS, INC., 2021

Apparatus for controlling operations of a continuous glucose monitoring system that enables automated pairing and power supply to the device when it comes within range of a user terminal. When a continuous glucose monitoring system is near a user terminal, the terminal's NFC module activates the CGM's power switch using an enable signal. This starts the CGM without user intervention. The CGM's Bluetooth module then pairs with the terminal. When pairing is complete, the Bluetooth module provides an enable signal to the power switch, allowing ongoing communication even if the user moves away.


14.  Compact Glucose Monitoring System with External Antenna for Enhanced Wireless Communication


Compact glucose monitoring system with an external antenna to enable wireless communication without requiring a large printed circuit board (PCB) inside the device. The antenna is positioned on the external housing instead of the PCB. This allows a larger antenna area for better wireless performance without enlarging the device. The housing itself may also function as an antenna. The PCB can be smaller since it doesn't have to accommodate a large internal antenna.


15.  Optimized Data Transmission Method for Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems

DexCom, Inc., 2020

Method for optimized data transmission from implantable glucose sensors to improve continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems. The method involves frequent short data bursts instead of infrequent long transmissions. It allows CGM devices to conserve power and reduce radio communication interference by transmitting glucose values more often but in shorter windows. This involves activating the transceiver, establishing a connection, sending data, and deactivating the transceiver within a few minutes. This allows frequent updates while minimizing radio usage. It also involves authentication and synchronization between devices to prevent collisions and ensure accurate timing.

16.  Enhanced User Interface and Secure Data Sharing for Continuous Glucose Monitoring Devices

Senseonics, Incorporated, 2020

Enhancing real-time analyte monitoring devices like continuous glucose monitors (CGM) by improving the user interface and data sharing features. The methods involve displaying interactive graphs with configurable alarms, targets, and trends. It allows users to see their real-time analyte levels over time, with customizable thresholds and visualizations. The displays can also show events, alarms, and notifications with selectable icons for further details. This provides a comprehensive view of analyte trends and alerts. The devices can also transmit health data to other devices like phones or medical apps on request. This allows the sharing of analyte data with caregivers, doctors, or family members.

17.  Secure RF Communication Protocol for Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems

Abbott Diabetes Care Inc., 2020

Communication protocol for data communication between a continuous glucose monitoring transmitter and receiver. It involves generating a radio frequency (RF) data stream based on the monitored glucose data using a low-power, low-noise logic circuit consisting of finite-state machines and digital circuits. This avoids a high-power ASIC and enables accurate glucose monitoring for diabetes treatment. The transmitter sends glucose data in a synchronized window over RF to the receiver, which identifies the transmitter and displays the glucose levels.


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These developments, which range from safe data retrieval techniques to enhanced RF communication and user interfaces, are meant to raise the efficacy and dependability of glucose monitoring systems, which will ultimately help with improved diabetes care and patient experience.