4 patents in this list

Updated: August 24, 2024

A skateboard deck's responsiveness, stability, and control are all greatly impacted by how stiff it is. 

Skateboards with adjustable stiffness allow users to tailor these features to fit different skating techniques and types of terrain. This adaptability is especially useful for skaters who alternate between park, street, and downhill skating. 

This page examines recent developments in stiffness-adjustable skateboards.

1.  Innovative Skateboard Truck Design with Adjustable Stiffness and Inverted Kingpin Orientation

NHS, Inc., 2023

Skateboard trucks with an inverted kingpin orientation differ from traditional trucks by mounting the kingpin into the baseplate with the threaded end facing downwards toward the deck. The baseplate features a recessed area that houses a hex nut with a long shaft, securing the kingpin. This inverted design allows for easy adjustment of truck tightness by tightening the nut, without the kingpin protruding from the bottom, reducing the risk of it catching on obstacles. The recessed nut design also prevents contact between the hard kingpin and the softer baseplate material, minimizing wear and reducing truck wobble.

2.  Innovative Skateboard Truck Design with Adjustable Stiffness and Inverted Kingpin

NHS, Inc., 2022

A skateboard truck with adjustable tightness enhances maneuverability and prevents wheel bite while avoiding kingpin snagging on obstacles. It features a baseplate, hanger, kingpin, and a permanently affixed threaded shaft nut inside the baseplate. The kingpin is inverted compared to conventional trucks, so tightening it lowers the head away from the ground. The embedded shaft nut ensures stability and prevents wear of the kingpin against the baseplate.


3.  Innovative Skateboard Truck Design with Adjustable Tightness and Recessed Kingpin

NHS, Inc., 2022

A skateboard truck design that allows for adjustable tightness of the truck turning while also preventing the kingpin from protruding below the baseplate surface. The truck has an inverted kingpin orientation where the threaded end faces the deck bottom. The kingpin threads into a fixed shaft nut inside the baseplate. As the kingpin is tightened, it lowers closer to the baseplate rather than protruding. This prevents the kingpin from hitting obstacles on the ground.

4.  Skateboard Truck with User-Adjustable Torsional Stiffness

Mark Groenenboom, 2022

A skateboard truck that allows the user to adjust the torsional stiffness of the truck. The truck has a fork-shaped arm with compliant tongs that flex when the truck turns. The tongs are prevented from over-flexing by spacers on the axle. Clamping the wheels against the tongs loads the axle in tension, allowing the user to adjust torsional stiffness by adding or removing spacers.


Important issues including durability, usability, and structural integrity are addressed by the designs that are offered. These developments show the possibility of highly customized skateboards that can accommodate a diverse variety of riding styles and preferences, even though more research and development are required.