14 patents in this list

Updated: April 09, 2024

This page showcases the latest innovations in skateboards equipped with speed and direction sensors, allowing riders to track their performance and enhance their riding experience.

Speed and direction sensors play a crucial role in skateboarding, enabling riders to monitor their speed, distance traveled, and overall performance. These sensors provide real-time feedback, allowing riders to push their limits and improve their skills. Whether it's for casual cruising or intense downhill racing, having accurate speed and direction data enhances safety, enables performance analysis, and opens up possibilities for new tricks and techniques.

Integrating speed and direction sensors into skateboards presents unique technological challenges. The sensors need to be highly accurate and responsive to provide real-time data without affecting the skateboard's maneuverability. They must be able to withstand vibrations, shocks, and extreme weather conditions. Additionally, the sensors must be lightweight and compact to ensure they don't interfere with the skateboard's functionality or the rider's experience. Battery life is also a crucial factor to consider, as the sensors need to operate for extended periods without draining the skateboard's power source.

1.  Modular Electric Skateboard with Integrated Performance Monitoring Sensors

Evolve Skateboards Pty Ltd, 2021

An electric skateboard that can be easily customized and adapted for different riding styles and terrain. The skateboard has a modular design that allows users to interchange components like the deck, wheels, and trucks to create different configurations. The modular design enables users to convert the skateboard between street, off-road, and carving setups depending on their needs. The electric skateboard also includes sensors and an electronic control system to monitor performance metrics like speed and distance.


2.  Sensor-Based Directional Control Method for Skateboards

Beijing Xiaomi Mobile Software Co., Ltd., 2019

Skateboard control method that allows intuitive turning and sliding without leaning by fixing the deck to the axle and using sensors. The method involves sequentially placing pressure sensors on the skateboard deck in the width direction. The skateboard turns based on the pressure difference between the left and right sensor groups. If left sensor pressure exceeds right by a threshold, it turns left. If right exceeds left, it turns right. This allows turning without leaning. Other functions like speed and braking are based on sensor pressure differences. The fixed deck prevents sliding when sensors have low pressure.


3.  Weight-Sensing Control System for Electric Skateboards

Daniel James WOOD, 2019

An electric skateboard that uses weight sensing to control speed and acceleration/deceleration without requiring a handheld remote control. The skateboard has strain gauges or other sensors to detect the rider's center of gravity position on the board. When the rider leans forward, the speed increases and when they lean back, it decreases. This allows intuitive control and eliminates the need for a handheld remote.

4.  Weight-Sensing Speed Control for Electric Skateboards

Daniel James Wood, 2019

An electric skateboard that uses weight sensing to intuitively control speed without a handheld remote. The skateboard has sensors that detect the rider's center of gravity (CG). When the CG is forward, it increases the setpoint speed of the skateboard. When the CG is back, it decreases the setpoint speed. The further the CG is from center, the faster the increase or decrease. This allows the rider to simply lean forward to accelerate and lean back to slow down, without needing a handheld remote.


5.  Wireless-Controlled Motorized Skateboard with Integrated Speed and Direction Sensing

Carla R. Gillett, 2019

A powered skateboard with inner motorized trucks that can be controlled wirelessly using a handheld remote or smartphone. The skateboard has a compartment in the deck to house the control system, batteries, and wiring. The inner motorized trucks have hub motors controlled by sensors and a central system. The wireless remote/phone lets the rider adjust power levels and braking for each truck. This allows all-wheel drive and control over steep hills without a tethered power cord.


6.  Hands-Free Control for Electric Skateboards Using Integrated Motion Sensors

Hui Zheng, Deyi Pi, Bingqiang Zhu, 2018

Electric skateboard that allows hands-free control using motion sensors in the wheels. The skateboard has strain gauge sensors on the suspension trucks to detect weight and angle. The sensors generate signals representing board tilt and rider weight. A control logic processes these signals to determine the skateboard's intended motion, like accelerating or turning. This allows riders to control the skateboard without a separate remote, as the board's motion itself provides input.

7.  Weight-Sensing Trucks for Remote-Free Control of Electric Skateboards

Grin Technologies Ltd., 2018

Electric skateboard with weight sensing trucks that allow control of the board without needing a separate remote. The trucks have sensors in the base plates that measure the force applied by the deck. This force data is used to determine weight distribution and control the motorized wheels. When the rider leans forward, the motor accelerates. Leaning back decelerates. Kick events (lifts) are detected and acceleration is limited during and after. This allows foot-based steering and propulsion without a separate handheld remote.

8.  Strain Gauge-Based Steering and Suspension System for Self-Balancing Electric Skateboards

Future Motion, Inc., 2018

Self-balancing electric skateboard that uses strain gauges to improve stability, traction, and turning. The skateboard has strain gauges on the platform between the foot sections to detect twisting forces from unbalanced weight distribution. This allows the motors to independently turn the wheels differently based on the strain, providing steering without a steering mechanism. The skateboard also has suspension between the wheels and board to maintain traction when leaning. The strain gauges and suspension replace traditional steering and improve stability compared to other self-balancing skateboards.

9.  Advanced Sensor-Based Motor Control System for Electric Skateboards

Juergen Ruschkowski, 2018

Motor control system for electric skateboards that provides stability and safety while allowing freedom of movement for the rider. It uses sensors to detect sideways forces, board angle, rider weight, wheel rotation, etc. to automatically control the motor speed, direction, and braking. Targeted for electric skateboards, the system uses an integrated controller and sensors to detect forces acting on the skateboard. The sensor data is processed to dynamically regulate the motor speed, direction, and braking to provide stability, prevent skidding, and avoid falls while allowing natural rider movements.

10.  Rider Detection and Balance Control in Single-Wheel Electric Skateboards

Future Motion, Inc., 2018

Self-balancing electric vehicles like skateboards that can detect if a rider is on the board using pressure sensors in the foot areas. The sensors measure force applied to the deck to determine if the rider is present. The vehicle's motor and speed control then use this rider detection in addition to orientation sensors to balance and propel the board. This allows features like automatic stopping when the rider steps off. The single-wheel skateboard has a motor, orientation sensors, and pressure sensors in the foot areas.


11.  Skid-Corrective Vehicle Position Detection System for Accurate Speed and Direction Sensing


A vehicle position detection system that accurately calculates vehicle position even when the wheels are slipping. The system corrects the calculated vehicle speed based on detected wheel skidding. When skidding is not detected, it calculates the vehicle speed from wheel speeds. But if skidding is detected, it corrects the wheel speeds using skid rate information and calculates the vehicle speed from those corrected wheel speeds. This avoids errors in vehicle position calculation due to slipping wheels.

12.  Enhanced Sensor Failure Detection in Inverted Vehicles through Supplementary Angular Speed Calculations


Reducing cost of inverted vehicle failure detection without compromising accuracy by using supplementary angular speed calculations. Inverted vehicles like inverted two-wheelers perform inversion control based on sensor outputs. To prevent unsafe inversions with failed sensors, the technique involves detecting sensor failures using a mutual relation between angular speeds around the pitch axis from sensors at different angles, the pitch axis angular speed from the main sensor, and the pitch axis angular speed calculated from vehicle accelerations. This provides a supplementary check that improves failed sensor identification accuracy compared to just using the main sensor angular speed.

13.  Intuitive Footpad Sensor Control for Electric Skateboards

Intuitive Motion, Inc., 2015

Electric motorized skateboard with footpad sensors for intuitive acceleration and deceleration control. The skateboard has two force-sensing footpads on the deck, one at the front and one at the rear. When the rider shifts their weight forward on the front pad, it generates a signal to accelerate. Shifting weight back on the rear pad generates a deceleration signal. This allows intuitive control by mimicking natural body movements for acceleration and deceleration rather than a separate handheld accelerator. The footpad forces are sensed and converted to motor input signals to accelerate/decelerate the skateboard electric motor.


14.  Electric Skateboard with Advanced Load and Weight Transfer Detection Mechanism

Yamaha Hatsudoki Kabushiki Kaisha, 2007

Electric skateboard that accurately detects rider load and weight transfer using a unique frame pivoting mechanism. The skateboard has a load receiver with sensors sandwiched between two frames that pivot relative to each other. When the rider applies force or shifts weight, the frames slightly pivot around shafts, transferring the load to the sensors. This allows accurate detection of rider inputs without escaping to other areas. It improves steering control and responsiveness compared to boards with fixed frames.

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