10 patents in this list

Updated: August 24, 2024

An emerging area of technology aiming at improving the skateboarding experience is represented by autonomous skateboards. 

Researchers and businesses are creating skateboards that can navigate, balance on their own, and even operate hands-free by combining sophisticated sensors, algorithms, and control systems. 

The technology of autonomous skateboards has advanced recently, and this page looks at many methods for propulsion, stability, and control. 

1. Adaptive motor torque based on sensor inputs.

1.1.  Autonomous Multi-Wheeled Skate System with Synchronized Control

Passion Mobility Ltd., 2023

Motorized skate with multiple wheels, motors, and communication devices on each skate plate. A controller manages the skates by communicating with the devices on each plate. This allows synchronized acceleration, deceleration, and speed maintenance across the skates. It enables easier long-distance commuting, uphill climbing, and downhill riding compared to regular skates.


1.2.  Advanced Motor Control System for Enhanced Autonomous Skateboard Movement and Safety

Juergen Ruschkowski, 2018

Motor control and regulating device that permits a higher degree of freedom of movement and safety for the rider, that has a lighter weight and that absorbs the laterally acting forces and amplifies those forces influencing the speed. The device includes a sensor system for detection of forces acting sideways on the skateboard or longboard relative to the travel direction, a sensor system for control of the rpm of an electric motor, a sensor system for measurement of rpm and direction of rotation of non-driven passive rollers of the skateboard or longboard, a sensor for detection of the turning angle of the skateboard or longboard in relationship to the travel direction and an electronic data processor with an integrated controller, which controls the rpm and direction of rotation of the electric motor by processing of the signals received by the sensors systems.

1.3.  Adaptive Motorized Roller Skates with Natural Movement Mimicking Technology


Intelligent, motorized roller skates that automatically adjust the motor torque based on sensor inputs to mimic natural skating movements. The skates have load sensors on the foot platforms to detect forces applied by the rider. A controller uses this data along with other sensors like motion sensors and angular rate sensors to determine the optimal motor torque for each skate. This allows the skates to assist during certain skating actions and resist motion during others, providing a more natural and intuitive skating experience compared to fixed motor power. The skates also have features like freewheeling when not actively skating and resisting reverse motion. The controller can operate in skating mode where it generates additional torque during push motions, and adjust parameters during pushes. The skates can also have upper body motion sensors for more advanced control.


2. Autonomous navigation using environmental sensors.

2.1.  Autonomous Navigation System for Electric Skateboards

Carla Gillett, 2019

An electric skateboard that provides autonomous control when instructed by a remote user interface. The skateboard has sensors like cameras, LIDAR, and GPS, and employs path-planning algorithms to let it navigate without user guidance. It can follow waypoints set remotely to autonomously travel paths. The skateboard can switch between manual and autonomous modes using a smartphone app or similar.


3. Integrated component housing for streamlined design.

3.1.  Electric Skateboard with Quick-Switch Street and All-Terrain Setups

Evolve Skateboards Pty Ltd, 2020

Electric skateboard that can be switched quickly and easily between a street setup and an all-terrain setup. The skateboard includes a deck, a front truck and a rear truck attached to the deck, and a pair of wheels 22 or 24 rotatably connected to each truck.

3.2.  Integrated Motor and Battery Design for Powered Skateboards

Inboard Technology, Inc., 2018

A powered skateboard with an integrated electric motor and battery instead of separate add-ons. The skateboard has a deck with a cavity between the top and bottom portions to house the motor and battery components. This provides a cleaner, more integrated design compared to attaching external motors to the underside of the deck.


4. Safety mechanisms for rider stability and control.

4.1.  Self-Stabilizing Electric Skateboard with Enhanced Control and Safety Features

Future Motion, Inc., 2020

Self-stabilizing electric skateboard with improved controls and indicators. It uses a tiltable board and an electric hub motor to balance itself and move in response to the board's orientation. The motor controller adjusts motor parameters to weaken balancing and shut off when the board tilts backward, allowing easy dismounting. The controller also manipulates motor flux to reduce back EMF during regenerative braking when the battery is full, preventing overvoltage damage.

4.2.  Electric Skateboard with Enhanced Safety Features through Strain and Inertial Sensors

Daniel James Wood, 2018

An electric skateboard that reduces the risk of injury to a rider. The skateboard includes a strain gauge sensor, an inertial sensor to sense accelerations and balance position, and a traction controller to sense the wheel speeds and adjust drive motor torque to keep the wheel rotational velocities relatively similar.


4.3.  Advanced Control Features for Powered Skateboards: Automatic Acceleration, Braking, and Speed Sensing

EMPower Corporation, 2000

A powered skateboard with advanced control features like automatic acceleration, automatic braking, speed sensing, weight distribution sensing, and exercise mode sensing. The skateboard has a motor, sensors, and a controller to detect user inputs like weight distribution, foot placement, and exercise mode. The controller uses this data to intelligently adjust motor power and torque for optimized acceleration, braking, and speed control based on user actions.


5. Self-propulsion through user movement.

5.1.  Hands-Free Control System for Electric Skateboards Using Motion Sensors

Hui Zheng, Deyi Pi, Bingqiang Zhu, 2018

Electric skateboard that allows hands-free control using motion sensors in the wheels. The skateboard has strain gauge sensors on the suspension trucks to detect weight and angle. The sensors generate signals representing board tilt and rider weight. A control logic processes these signals to determine the skateboard's intended motion, like accelerating or turning. This allows riders to control the skateboard without a separate remote, as the board's motion itself provides input.

5.2.  Foot-Operated Propulsion and Steering Mechanism for Autonomous Skateboards

In Tae Kang, 2018

A self-propelled skateboard that changes direction with a user's foot movement instead of kicking the ground. The skateboard has a center rotation portion for turning and two footrest portions on either side of the center. The user moves their feet back and forth on the footrests to propel the skateboard.

6. Others

6.1.  Flying Skateboard with Orthogonal Bearing Areas for Diverse Applications

Jiangsu Digital Eagle Technology Development Co., Ltd., 2018

Flying skateboard that can be applied to the fields of entertainment, traffic, military etc. The flying skateboard includes a bearing part and power parts, and two orthogonal bearing areas are connected with the bearing part and arranged on the surface of the left foot bearing area and the right foot bearing area.


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Considerable advancements in autonomous skateboard technology are shown by the technologies that are being showcased. These developments demonstrate how skateboarding could change, from integrated power sources and sophisticated navigation systems to self-stabilization and hands-free control.