10 patents in this list


In emergency response scenarios, every minute counts - yet ground teams face significant delays navigating debris, traffic, and challenging terrain. Current response times for medical emergencies in urban areas average 7-8 minutes, while rural response times can exceed 14 minutes. Natural disasters and large-scale incidents further compound these challenges by disrupting traditional access routes and communications.

The core challenge lies in deploying aerial assets rapidly while maintaining reliable coordination between drones, ground teams, and command centers across diverse emergency scenarios.

This page brings together solutions from recent research—including distributed drone networks with automated hangars, AI-powered triage and victim detection systems, and integrated air-ground response protocols. These and other approaches focus on reducing response times while enhancing situational awareness and resource deployment efficiency during critical operations.

1. Near-Field Sensing and Information Transmission System for Aerial-Ground Vehicle Coordination in Autonomous Navigation

SQ Technology (Shanghai) Corporation, Inventec Corporation, 2023

A near-field sensing information transmission and pairing system for air-land unmanned vehicles to increase the emergency response capability of ground vehicles in autonomous driving scenarios. It works by having an aerial vehicle fly ahead of a ground vehicle and sense obstacles or traffic features on the road. If any are detected, it calculates and transmits an alternative route to avoid them. The ground vehicle receives the route change request and switches to the alternative route provided by the aerial vehicle. By having the aerial vehicle scout the road ahead, obstacles can be detected and avoided in real-time, compared to a ground-only vehicle reacting when it reaches the obstacle.

2. Antenna Sensor Integration for Airborne Chemical Plume Detection and Autonomous Navigation in Drones

U.S. Government as represented by the Secretary of the Air Force, 2023

Using moth antennae to equip a palm-sized autonomous drone with the ability to detect and track airborne chemical plumes. The drone uses a specialized antenna sensor from a moth to detect odors. It then autonomously navigates towards the odor source using a wind-oriented search pattern. The robotic insect can locate and map odors in confined spaces without GPS.

3. Drone-Deployable Rope Delivery System for Remote Aerial Rescue Operations

Sony Corporation, 2023

A system for using drones to allow a person in distress to be rescued without requiring a helicopter to get close to buildings or cliffs. A drone is launched from a helicopter with a rope attached. The drone flies to the person and enables them to grab the rope. Once secured, the drone detaches from the rope and returns to the helicopter.


4. Distributed Network of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Hangars with Centralized Command and Dynamic Deployment Mechanism

Matrixspace Corporation, 2023

A distributed network of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and ground stations that can rapidly deploy drones for public safety and incident response. The network consists of unmanned drone hangars on light poles connected to a central command center. The hangars house drones that can be dispatched on-demand. When a call for a drone comes in, the closest one is launched while others move closer to the incident area for faster response times. This allows a municipality to have full coverage from strategically located drone hangars without needing to deploy drones from a central location.


5. Autonomous Drone Navigation System Utilizing Environmental Sensors for Emergency Evacuation Guidance

Alarm.com Incorporated, 2023

Using a drone to guide people to safety during an emergency like a fire. The system involves a drone that can be dispatched by a home monitoring system when an emergency is detected like a fire. The drone uses sensors in the home to identify where people are and the best path to reach them and guide them to an exit.

6. Tethered Solar-Powered Drone Tower with Deployable Fire Suppression Drones


Solar-powered drone tower for early wildfire detection and fighting. The system uses a tower with a tethered solar-powered drone to monitor regions for wildfire activity. The tower also has non-tethered drones that can be deployed with fire retardant or other fire suppression material to fight fires when detected. The drones can refill and redeploy from the tower as needed.

7. Autonomous Drone System with AI-Driven Dispatch and Thermal Imaging for Medical Emergency Response

MAVRIK Technologies LLC, 2023

AI-powered medical emergency response using drones to provide fast and efficient medical assistance. The system receives emergency requests and dispatches an autonomous drone to the incident location. The drone can transport medical professionals, search for victims, and transport patients to medical facilities. The drones are assigned based on incident type and use features like thermal imaging and communication to aid in rescue.


8. Drone-Based System with Integrated Sensors for Survivor Detection and Data Transmission in Disaster Zones


Automated search and rescue system that uses drones to quickly locate survivors in disaster situations and relay vital information to rescuers. The drones are equipped with sensors to detect survivors buried in debris and a data link to transmit that information to a command center. This allows rapid deployment of drones to scan large areas and identify survivors without putting human rescuers at risk.


9. System for Generating UAV-Based Property Inspection Jobs Triggered by Weather Event Monitoring

Skydio, Inc., 2023

Proactive property inspection by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) enabled by generating jobs to inspect properties based on upcoming or ongoing severe weather events. The system monitors weather information and generates inspection jobs to be performed by UAVs before and after events like storms, hail, etc.


10. System for Aggregating and Delivering Emergency Items Using AI, IoT Devices, and Drones

International Business Machines Corporation, 2023

Using AI, IoT, and drones to aggregate and deliver items needed during emergencies. The system uses IoT devices in homes to identify available emergency items like life jackets. AI analyzes the data to determine which items would be useful during specific emergencies. Drones are then sent to collect those items and deliver them to people in need during floods, fires, etc.


Request the PDF report with complete details of all 10 patents for offline reading.

Once thought of as a novelty, drones are quickly becoming an essential tool for damage mitigation and lifesaving operations. The creative uses of drones shown here show the great potential for good that this technology may have, from search and rescue missions in disaster-affected areas to the delivery of medical supplies and early fire detection.