25 patents in this list

Updated: August 29, 2024

The quest for extending food shelf life is being transformed by innovations in Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP). This technology alters the atmospheric conditions within packaging to slow spoilage and preserve quality.

This article highlights the latest advances in MAP and their impact on the food industry. By adjusting the internal environment, MAP extends freshness, reduces waste, and enhances consumer satisfaction.

With these innovations, we are moving toward a future where food longevity is improved and preservation is more efficient. This evolution is reshaping food storage and consumption with smarter, sustainable solutions.

1.  Adaptive Gas Discharge Valve for Enhanced Modified Atmosphere Packaging


Gas discharge valve for packaging materials like coffee bags that prevents oxygen ingress and allows controlled gas release to maintain product quality during transport and storage. The valve is a stack of adhesive films attached to the bag. A high adhesion film covers part of the bag opening. A lower adhesion film underneath it seals the opening. When gas builds up inside the bag, the lower film detaches and opens the valve. After gas release, the lower film reseals. The adhesion levels can be adjusted for different gassing foods.


2.  Oxygen Reduction and Anti-Bacterial System for Extending Shelf Life of Produce in Modified Atmosphere Packaging


A system for removing oxygen from a container used to store fruits and vegetables to extend their shelf lives while also preventing bacterial growth. The system includes a recirculation pump, an oxygen removal device, and an anti-bacterial system. The oxygen removal device injects oxygen-depleted air into the container to reduce respiration and ripening. The anti-bacterial system destroys bacteria using UV light or ozone to prevent bacterial growth and prevent spore formation that can survive oxygen deprivation.

3.  Dual-Function Packaging System with Respiration and Steam Release Features for Extended Food Shelf Life


Packaging system for fresh produce and other perishable foods that allows respiration during storage to extend shelf life and microwavable steam cooking without bursting. The packaging has two features: 1) respiration microperforations to maintain quality during storage by regulating gas exchange, and 2) visually closed steam vents that open during cooking to release pressure. The respiration perforations are small for storage but large steam vents would reduce respiration. The closed steam vents prevent bursting during cooking by regulating steam release.


4.  Innovative Modified Atmosphere Packaging System for Enhanced Oxygen Control in Food Products


A packaging system for food products, particularly cured meats, that provides better oxygen control and product quality over time compared to traditional flow packs. The packaging involves a multi-component structure with a tray for supporting the food item, an upper film layer, and a lower film layer. The tray is made of recyclable materials and provides stiffness and support. The upper and lower film layers have oxygen barrier properties. The packaging is formed by welding the layers together around the food item without the need for a separate tray inside. This eliminates the need for separate tray welding zones and reduces oxygen ingress through joints. The vacuum-sealed packaging can then be filled with a modified atmosphere to further reduce oxygen levels and prevent oxidation.


5.  Dual-Compartment Packaging for Extended Shelf Life and Condiment Preservation


Food packaging that combines modified atmosphere packaging for perishable items with non-modified atmosphere packaging for condiments to extend shelf life while allowing separate packaging of condiments that could be damaged by the modified atmosphere. The packaging has connected compartments, one with modified atmosphere and one without. The modified atmosphere compartment is sealed to extend shelf life, while the other compartment is open to prevent spoilage of condiments. The compartments are connected by a hinge. This allows conveniently packaged meals with separate, unopened condiment packets instead of mixing condiments into the modified atmosphere compartment.


6.  Innovative Reusable Container with Removable Liner for Enhanced Freshness Preservation


Reusable packaging container for preserving freshness of perishable food items like fruits, vegetables, and baked goods without the need for seals that degrade over time. The container has walls, a bottom, and a lid that enclose a removable liner made of a thin polymeric material like PET, HDPE, or PS. The liner fits tightly against the container walls to create an airtight environment inside. The liner can be easily removed and replaced to preserve freshness for longer than traditional packaging. The container design allows reuse without piercing the packaging or needing complex seals.


7.  Intelligent Modified Atmosphere Packaging System for Extended Food Shelf Life


Intelligent food preservation system that uses a combination of passive and active gas control to extend the shelf life of perishable foods by optimizing the atmospheric conditions inside storage containers. The system uses a highly permeable film to allow passive gas exchange, along with an active CO2 injection system and vacuum pump controlled by a digital logic controller. Sensors monitor the gas levels inside the container. This allows the controller to automatically adjust the CO2, O2, and vacuum levels to achieve and maintain the optimal atmosphere for the specific food being stored.


8.  Innovative Beverage Container Packing Assembly for Temperature-Controlled Shipping


Beverage container packing assembly for shipping temperature-sensitive beverages that allows temperature control without spoilage during transit. The assembly has a bottom tray, center support, and top tray that hold the bottles. The center support separates the bottles and has through holes for them. Thermo packs can be inserted between rows of bottles on the center support to maintain temperature. The top tray covers the bottles. This allows packing thermo packs between the bottles without compromising structural integrity or stacking support. The assembly can be placed in a shipping container with insulation for further temperature control.

9.  Resealable Breathable Packaging for Extended Freshness and Shelf Life of Produce


Breathable packaging for food products like fruits and vegetables that extends shelf life by optimizing the internal atmosphere. The packaging has resealable peelable films with perforations to allow gas exchange. This promotes controlled atmospheres inside the package that extend food quality and prevent spoilage. The perforations allow transmission of gases like CO2 and O2 based on the produce respiration rate. This prevents premature fermentation and maintains freshness during storage. The resealable films also allow repeated access to the food.


10.  Innovative Reusable Container System with Bidirectional Gas Exchange for Enhanced Food Preservation


Reusable, sterile container system for cooking, preserving, and regenerating food. The container has a port with a regulating unit that allows bidirectional gas exchange between the interior and exterior. This prevents pressure buildup during cooking. A filter unit inside the port prevents contaminants. The port can also be used for cooling, gas injection, and evacuation. The container can be closed and sealed with a gasket. This allows pasteurization, MAP, and reheating without external equipment. The container is compatible with standard Gastronorm formats.

11.  Biodegradable Packaging Film with Controlled Gas Exchange for Extended Fresh Produce Shelf Life


Biodegradable and compostable packaging film for fresh produce that allows extended shelf life without the use of synthetic plastics. The film has controlled oxygen and water vapor permeability through apertures. The apertures expel carbon dioxide while allowing oxygen to enter, maintaining optimal respiration levels for fresh produce. The biodegradable film also prevents excessive moisture loss. The film's gas exchange properties are optimized for specific produce types to maximize shelf life.

12.  Ventilated Stackable Food Containers for Preventing Condensation and Extending Shelf Life


Stackable food containers that can vent heat and moisture when nested together. The containers have vents on their sides to release warm air and prevent condensation inside when stacked with other containers. This prevents soggy food from forming due to condensation when transporting hot food items in a nested stack.

13.  Innovative Packaging Bag with Integrated Freshness Preservation Device


A dried food packaging bag with an integrated freshness preservation device inside the bag. The device has a compartment filled with a preservative like a desiccant. The compartment is attached inside the main bag. It has an outlet covered by a breathable film to prevent leakage, and a sealing film over the outlet that extends outside the bag. This allows pulling the sealing film to tear the outer sealing and expose the compartment. This allows access to the preservative without opening the main bag. It keeps the food inside dry and fresh.

14.  Layered Film Packaging for Extended Fresh Produce Shelf Life with Improved Sealing Properties


Packaging fresh produce using layered films that provide high water vapor transmission rate (WVTR) for extended shelf life, while also having improved sealing properties for automated packaging processes. The packaging film has a first layer of polyamide with high sealing temperature, and a second layer adhered to it with lower sealing temperature. This allows better sealing during packaging while still enabling easy opening of the package by breaking the seal when lifting. The layered film structure enables improved sealing and breakability compared to using high WVTR polyamides alone.


15.  Breathable, Peelable, and Resealable Food Packaging for Extended Shelf Life


Breathable, peelable and resealable packaging for food products that optimizes the food life, provides the food in a ready-to-eat form, and allows multiple servings. The packaging uses a breathable film structure with controlled perforations to modulate the interior atmosphere. This prevents premature fermentation by promoting optimal conditions for respiring foods. The film can be peeled and resealed for multiple accesses. It connects to containers and promotes extended shelf-life for packaged foods.


16.  Modified Atmosphere Packaging Method for Extending Perishable Food Shelf Life


Packaging method for perishable food products like fish that extends their shelf-life during transport, distribution, and retail display. The method involves enclosing individual packages with high oxygen permeability films in a master pouch with a modified atmosphere of mainly carbon dioxide and low oxygen concentration. This provides an overall lower oxygen environment for the packaged products compared to just using the high oxygen permeability films. It helps prevent spoilage and maintains freshness during longer storage and transport times.


17.  Vacuum-Sealed Packaging for Extended Shelf Life of Pickled Foods


A vacuum-sealed container for pickled foods that improves shelf stability and convenience without refrigeration or artificial preservatives. The container has a flexible foil wall that defines a sealed chamber. The pickled food is filled into the chamber, sealed, and vacuumized to remove air. This creates a low-oxygen environment that slows spoilage. The foil wall prevents moisture loss and keeps the food crunchy. The vacuum seal also prevents contamination and spoilage during transport and storage. The container can be pasteurized to further extend shelf life. The vacuum sealing and pasteurization allow shelf stability without refrigeration and artificial preservatives.

18.  Innovative Support System for Vacuum and Modified Atmosphere Food Packaging


A packaging system for vacuum and modified atmosphere packaging of products like food items. The system involves a support with through holes and a process to make it. The support is used in packaging with a film where vacuum or modified atmosphere is created. The holes allow air extraction during vacuum packaging. The support can be made by thermoforming a sheet material. The packaging process involves introducing gas into the package through the holes while simultaneously sealing the film. This maintains a controlled atmosphere inside the package.

19.  Dry Ice-Enabled Modified Atmosphere Packaging Method for Food Preservation


Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) for food using dry ice to rapidly create a desired gas composition inside the package without the need for external gas flushing or vacuum systems. The packaging has a flexible liner with a check valve over an aperture. Dry ice is placed inside the liner along with the food. The dry ice sublimates rapidly, creating a vacuum and pulling in surrounding air. The check valve prevents air from flowing back in. This naturally removes oxygen and replaces it with carbon dioxide, forming a MAP inside the package without external gas equipment.

20.  Noble Gas Food Preservation System for Extended Shelf Life


A food preservation system using noble gases like argon, helium, and nitrogen to extend the shelf life of food without refrigeration. The system involves packing food in containers filled with a noble gas and sealing it. The noble gas displaces oxygen and other spoilage gases to create an anaerobic environment inside the container. This prevents oxidation and microbial growth, preserving the food quality for longer. The noble gas packaging can be reused multiple times by evacuating the contents before refilling.

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