48 patents in this list

Updated: August 29, 2024

Ensuring product integrity is becoming increasingly reliable with the advent of tamper-evident food packaging. These innovative solutions are designed to provide clear indicators of any unauthorized access, helping to maintain product safety and consumer trust.

This article examines the latest advancements in tamper-evident packaging and their impact on the food industry. By incorporating features that visibly show if packaging has been compromised, these solutions enhance security and ensure product authenticity.

As these technologies evolve, we can expect greater assurance of product integrity, leading to improved safety and confidence for both consumers and manufacturers.

1.  Paperboard Food Container with Irreversible Tamper-Evident Closure Feature


A paperboard food container with a tamper-evident closure that provides an alternative to plastic containers without the same disposal issues. The paperboard container has a receptacle with an opening and a closure that spans the opening. The closure has a tamper-evident feature like a split region that irreversibly opens when separated. The closure also has a tab that can be moved from overlapping the closure surface to being spaced away. This allows easy opening but also shows if the closure has been tampered with.

2.  Innovative Tamper-Evident and Reclosable Flexible Food Packaging Design


Flexible packaging with a reclosable opening, pull tab, and tamper evidence. The packaging has a score line defining an opening flap that separates from the rest of the structure. A second score line in the inner structure joins to the flap. A tab with score lines connects to the flap. When the flap is lifted, the inner section lifts too. The score lines allow reclosing without tearing. The tab detaches, revealing a tear in the connection. This indicates the package has been opened.


3.  Tamper-Evident Blister Packaging with Integrity Verification Feature


A tamper evident blister package that provides visual indication of product opening and tampering. The package has a blister assembly with a cavity closed by a membrane. A sleeve houses the blister with a contact window aligned with the cavity. A package integrity feature is applied over the contact window and also through the membrane in the cavity. This feature covers the contact window and seals the cavity opening. If the blister is opened, the integrity feature will be broken. Printing an origin/manufacture indicia over the feature and window allows verification of tampering.


4.  Innovative Tamper-Evident Closure System for Beverage Bottles


A closure system for beverage bottles that allows easy opening and closing while clearly indicating if the bottle has been opened before. The closure has a hinged lid that folds over a pouring orifice. To indicate if the bottle has been opened, the closure has a flap on the hinged lid that can be gripped and pulled off. This flap covers a recess in the ring below. The flap has a transverse cord on its inner surface that grips the ring when the flap is removed. This allows the lid to fully close and prevents accidental removal. The cord length determines the flap height. Short cords hide the flap, long cords expose it. So, if the flap is missing, you know the bottle has been opened.

5.  Tamper-Evident Food Container with Visual Opening Indicator


Tamper-evident food container with a release flap and closure tab that visually indicate if the container has been opened. The container has a body portion and cover portion joined together. The body portion has a closure tab extending from a side wall with a flap and base. The cover has a release flap. When the container is closed, the release flap folds over the closure tab base to secure it. But if the container is opened, the release flap remains in the open position, exposing torn edges of the closure tab flap. This shows the container has been opened. The closure tab can still be used to close the container. The release flap and closure tab angles are offset for visual contrast.


6.  Tamper-Evident Closure Design for Plastic Bottles with Visual Opening Indicators


A tamper evidence closure for plastic bottles that provides visible indications to users if the bottle has been opened and resealed. The closure has breakable tabs that connect to the bottle neck. When the closure is removed, the tabs snap off, leaving behind visible evidence that the bottle has been opened. This discourages refilling and reselling of used bottles. The closure also has features like outward flaring cams that provide further visual indications when the closure is loosened.


7.  Innovative Foldable Tamper-Proof Wine Case Design for Secure and Aesthetic Display


Foldable, tamper-proof wine case that allows easy viewing and handling of the bottles without opening the case. The case has folding panels that can be folded into a compact, flat shape for shipping and storage, then opened to form a secure case around the bottles. The panels enclose the bottles, with apertures for the top and bottom. When folded, the panels overlap and secure with fasteners. It allows viewing the bottles without removing them, prevents tampering, and provides an aesthetic closed case for display.


8.  Innovative Flexible Packaging with Integrated Tamper-Evidence and Reclosability Features


Flexible packaging with built-in opening, reclosing, and tamper evidence features. The packaging has a laminate structure with one side scored to create a flap that can be lifted to open the package. The flap can be reattached to close the package. The scoring penetrates through one layer but not the other, preventing complete closure. Tear portions in the flap tab or interrupted areas indicate opening. Pressure-sensitive adhesive is pattern applied on one side with permanent adhesive on the other to join the structures. This allows reclosing without labels or liners. The scoring pattern forms tamper evidence since partial closure is visible.


9.  Tamper-Evident Pizza Box with Frangible Release Assembly


A tamper evident pizza box that allows customers to visually detect if their pizza has been opened without their knowledge. The box has a locking tab and slot mechanism to keep it closed. A frangible release assembly has sections that tear apart when pulled, exposing the locking tab to release the lid. This allows opening the box but also shows visible damage if it has been tampered with before delivery.


10.  Tamper-Evident Food Container with Visual Tamper Indication and Easy Closure

IGB SRL, 2023

Tamper-evident food container with easy closure and visual tamper indication. The container has a closure system with a movable coupling portion that folds to engage a fixed portion. When the container is opened, the movable portion separates, leaving a visible sign of tampering. The container also has features to prevent product mixing and allow venting. The container walls are formed by folding and die-cutting a single sheet.

11.  Innovative Tamper-Evident Cap Design with Enhanced Image Readability for Food Containers


Cap for a container like a beverage bottle with high image readability by forming an image on both the separable part and the remaining part of the cap when opened. This avoids issues with image distortion on the curved cap surface. The image can have a barcode on the smoother part of the remaining section for high readability and visible letters on the bumpy part of the separable section to preserve space. The image width increases further from the center to compensate for curvature.


12.  Tamper-Evident Food Carton with Locking Lid and Tear Strip Feature


A tamper-evident food carton with a moveable lid that can be securely locked in place. The carton has a lid flap that folds over the opening. The flap has a tear strip that allows it to be removed. When the lid is closed, the flap is locked into position by tabs interlocking with receiving tabs on the side panels. Removing the tear strip separates the flap from the side panel, allowing the lid to be opened. This provides visual evidence if the carton has been tampered with. The locked lid prevents unauthorized access.

13.  Tamper-Evident Feature for Disposable Lunch Boxes to Prevent Unauthorized Access


Disposable lunch box with a feature to prevent unauthorized opening during delivery. The lunch box has an upper cover and a bottom box that can be assembled together. The cover has an easily breakable rib and the box has an easily breakable edge. These weak points allow the box to be easily opened by the consumer but make it difficult for others to open during delivery. The rib breaks when the cover is lifted, revealing the contents. The edge breaks when the box is pushed open from the side. This prevents tampering without sacrificing the overall box volume.


14.  Tamper-Evident Food Container with Visible Tear Line Indicator


Tamper-evident food container with a loop of tear line around the lid that leaves evidence if opened illegally. The loop is easy to tear open by the user but leaves a visible break if tampered with. The lid has a force application structure inside the loop area for the user to apply force to break the line. This allows legitimate opening while leaving evidence if tampered. The lid can also have a tableware accommodating structure inside the loop area.

15.  Tamper-Evident Bridge Mechanism for Plastic Bottle Caps


Tamper evidence bridge on a plastic bottle cap that provides visible indication when the cap has been removed. The bridge is a small tab extending from the bottom of the cap to the neck ring. It breaks when the cap is twisted off. This leaves visible remnants on the neck ring, showing the cap has been opened. It deters reusing bottles by making it obvious if a cap has been removed by someone other than the manufacturer.


16.  Innovative Tamper-Evident Food Container Design with Enhanced Security Features


Transparent, one-piece, tamper-resistant/evident container for packaging food products with a cover portion, base portion, and hinge that connects them. The hinge has a frangible section that breaks when the container is opened. The cover flange abuts the base rim when closed, preventing opening. The rim extends beyond the flange to deter manual opening. This provides tamper-evident sealing and deterrence. The container can also have features like vents, locking mechanisms, and beading to enhance functionality and tamper resistance.

17.  Child-Resistant, Tamper-Evident Resealable Food Packaging Design


Child-resistant packaging with resealable flaps that are difficult to open by children. The packaging has multiple panels, with some disposed at an angle to the main panel. The flaps have tabs that are partially on adjacent angled panels. The opening is inside the main panel. This design requires peeling the tab from multiple panels to open the package. It makes tamper evidence clear due to misalignment of graphics after opening. The flaps can be labeled or integrated into the packaging material.

18.  Child-Resistant and Tamper-Evident Container Cover Design


Child-resistant container cover to prevent unauthorized access to containers like beverage cans while also providing evidence of tamper. The cover has a pivoting tab that seals over the can's opening lever. The tab is secured by a frangible seal. To open the container, you lift the tab through an aperture, breaking the seal. The cover has apertures around the edges and a stabilizing member. This allows visual confirmation of tampering if the tab is removed.

19.  Tamper-Evident Closure with Visual Indicators for Container Security


Tamper-evident closure for containers like fruit juice pouches that visually indicates if the container has been opened and resealed. The closure has a cap with tabs that swing outwardly and fold when the cap is rotated to seal the container. This provides a visual indicator that the container has been opened. The tabs have projections that engage with projections on the straw when sealed, but swing outwardly and fold when the cap is rotated with force. This breaks a segment in the tab. The swinging and folding tabs provide a visible sign that the container has been opened and resealed.

20.  Tamper-Evident Closure Design for Drink Containers to Indicate Unauthorized Opening


A tamper-evident closure for drink containers like juice boxes that prevents unnoticed reuse after opening. The closure has a movable part that screws onto a fixed part. When unscrewed, a separate tamper-evident ring pops out and stays visible. This ring can't retract when the closure is screwed back on, indicating the container has been opened. The ring protrudes radially and prevents the movable part from fully retracting. The ring also has a tooth to prevent axial translation. This ensures the ring stays visible if the closure is removed and replaced.

21. Tamper-Evident and Resistant One-Piece Food Container Design

22. Tamper-Proof Zip Tie System for Secure Food Delivery Packaging

23. UV-Sensitive Tamper-Evident Containers for Product Integrity Verification

24. Innovative Tamper-Evident Beverage Bottle Cap Design

25. Innovative Tamper-Evident Cap Design for Drink Bottles

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