30 patents in this list

Updated: September 13, 2024

Ensuring the freshness of food and beverages is paramount, and vacuum packaging is at the forefront of this endeavor. By removing air from the packaging, vacuum sealing significantly slows down the oxidation and spoilage processes, thereby extending the shelf life of various products.

This article delves into the science and benefits of vacuum packaging, highlighting its role in maintaining the taste, texture, and nutritional value of food and beverages. Through innovative techniques and materials, vacuum packaging offers a reliable solution to keep your products fresh for longer.

Join us as we explore how vacuum packaging is revolutionizing the food and beverage industry, leading to reduced waste, enhanced quality, and greater consumer satisfaction.

1.  Vacuum-Sealed Food Storage Container with Pressure Indicator


Vacuum food storage container with an indicator to show if a negative pressure has been achieved inside. The container has a lid with a sealing profile around the edge that contacts the container top when closed. The lid also has an opening with a valve to suck out air and create a sub-atmospheric pressure. A flexible profile connects the lid interior to the edge. When no vacuum is present, the flexible profile holds the interior up. If a vacuum is created, the interior can move down due to the lower pressure. This visual indicator shows if a vacuum has been achieved inside the container.


2.  Vacuum Cooking Method for Flavor Extraction and Concentration in Food and Beverage

, 2024

A method of extracting and concentrating flavors from foods like fruits, vegetables, meats, seafood, and spices without degradation or imbalance. The method involves cooking the ingredients in vacuum sealed bags at around 83°C for 12 hours. The vacuum cooking extracts and concentrates the flavors without evaporation or oxidation. The vacuum cooked extracts can then be used to flavor dishes, soups, sauces, seasonings, beverages, desserts, and snacks without compromising taste.

3.  Innovative Vacuum Molded Fiber Containers with Enhanced Barrier Coatings for Food Freshness


Vacuum molded fiber containers for food applications that replace single-use plastics while maintaining performance. The containers have barrier coatings applied to selective surfaces using spray systems. The coatings can be embedded in the molded fiber or applied as topical films. They mitigate transmission of water, oil, and vapor through the containers. The coatings contain chemicals like alginates, acrylic polymers, and calcium carbonate to provide barriers. The coatings are optimized for specific applications like microwavable containers, meat trays, and frozen food.

4.  Innovative Vacuum Storage Box for Extended Food Freshness Without Temperature Control


Vacuum storage box for preserving food without requiring cold or hot chains. The box has a container with an inner volume and a lid that seals tightly around the container. The container has vents with non-return valves that connect to the outside environment. The lid has a separate vacuum-sealed compartment. When the lid is closed, air can flow into the inner volume through the lid valve, but gas can't flow back. This allows the inner volume to be sealed and vacuumized when the lid is on, preventing oxidation of stored food. The vents and lid valve let pressure equalize when the lid is open.


5.  Innovative Vacuum Drawer System for Extended Food Freshness Without Refrigeration


A vacuum drawer system that allows food to be stored without refrigeration and prevents spoilage for longer periods of time. The system involves installing a vacuum pump inside a drawer to evacuate the air when the drawer is closed, creating a vacuum seal. This prevents oxygen from reaching the food and slows spoilage. Before opening the drawer, the vacuum is released and the food is ventilated. The vacuum pump is installed in a cover that attaches to the drawer pullout. This converts an existing drawer into a vacuum drawer without modifying the cabinet or refrigerator. It avoids the environmental issues of plastic packaging and reduces food waste.


6.  Eco-Friendly Vacuum-Sealable Bags with Enhanced Biodegradability for Food Storage


Naturally degradable vacuum-sealable plastic bags that can decompose in the environment after use. The bags have layers made from film materials containing a prodegradant additive like D2W, along with regular polyethylene. The prodegradant enhances biodegradation of the bags when exposed to certain conditions like heat and UV. The bags can store food and seal vacuum-tight. The prodegradant amount is 5% of the polyethylene. The bags are made by co-extrusion, casting, blowing, and molding the film layers.


7.  Innovative Top Web Composition for Vacuum Skin Packaging to Prevent Implosion


Vacuum skin packaging (VSP) method for food products that prevents implosion of the top web during vacuum sealing. The top web film used in VSP has a specific composition to resist implosion when conforming to the product and support surface. The top web contains a blend of ethylene/alpha-olefin copolymer and cyclic olefin copolymer in specific amounts. This blend composition allows the web to conform closely to product shapes without fracturing during vacuum sealing.


8.  Reclosable Metal Can with Vacuum Seal for Enhanced Food Freshness


Reclosable metal food can with a vacuum seal to store perishable foods like infant formula without using plastic. The can has a bead with an inwardly directed sealing surface around the opening. The lid has a curl with a channel and sealing compound. When pressed on, the lid seal engages the bead sealing surface and forms a vacuum seal. The lid can be easily reopened and reclosed without breaking the seal.

9.  Innovative Easy-to-Open Vacuum Skin Packaging for Enhanced Food Freshness


Easy-to-open vacuum skin packaging (VSP) for food products that allows simple opening of the package without removing the top film or cutting. The VSP packaging uses a cross-linked thermoplastic multilayer top film with an internal frangible layer that delaminates during opening. The frangible layer contains immiscible polymers that have poor affinity and internal weakness. Cross-linking the film prevents issues with encapsulation and improves formability. The bottom web is a standard VSP web. The cross-linked top film allows easy peeling apart during opening without tearing or encapsulation.


10.  Modular Refrigerator Cabinet with Integrated Vacuum Packaging for Food Freshness


A modular refrigerator cabinet for offices with compartments for food storage, guest reception, and brewing. The food storage compartment has a refrigerator and vacuum packaging. The guest reception compartment is removable for taking out to other areas. The brewing compartment has a hot plate and water tank. The cabinet has features like sliding rods, plugs, and springs to detachably connect the compartments. This allows customizing the cabinet for different office needs by reconfiguring the compartments.

11.  Vacuum-Sealed Consumables Container for Extended Freshness


A consumables container assembly that maintains freshness by evacuating air from the container using an air extracting device. The container has a collapsible, internal bag for containing consumables and a one-way valve. The valve seals the bag when closed but can be moved to openings by applying negative pressure with the extracting device. This sucks air out through the valve openings, creating a vacuum to preserve the consumables.


12.  Antimicrobial Thermoplastic Film with Lauric Arginate Coating for Vacuum Packaging


A thermoplastic film for packaging that has one or both surfaces coated with a composition containing lauric arginate ethyl ester (LAE) without any polymer. The LAE coating provides antimicrobial properties to prevent contamination of packaged foods. The coating composition can be a dispersion of LAE in a water, ethanol, isopropyl alcohol, and ethyl acetate mixture. The coated film can be used to make flexible containers, vacuum skin packages, lidded packages, and wrapped packages for food products.


13.  Smart Vacuum Sealing System for Extended Freshness and Reduced Food Waste


A smart food storage system that tracks and manages perishable food items to reduce waste. The system uses vacuum sealing, weight measurement, and unique identifier scanning to monitor and extend the shelf life of stored food. When a container is placed on the base unit, it seals and measures the weight. By tracking weight changes, the system knows when the contents have been replaced. It also scans unique identifiers on the containers and lids to ensure proper sealing. With this data, it provides freshness insights and alerts when items approach expiration.


14.  Innovative Vacuum Bag Design with Non-Stick Features for Improved Food Storage


Vacuum bag for storing air-sensitive materials like food that can be sealed with a vacuum to prevent spoilage. The bag has a base, peripheral wall with an opening, and a vacuum device on one side. The inner surfaces of the sides have non-stick members to prevent sticking during vacuum sealing. This allows efficient vacuum sealing of the bag without air trapped inside, preventing spoilage and maximizing storage space.


15.  Vacuum-Sealed Food Storage Container with Air Flow Control Valve


Vacuum food storage container system with a valve assembly to allow vacuum sealing to extend freshness and prevent spoilage. The container lid has an opening and adjacent air channel. A valve extends through the opening with a movable check ball. Moving the ball between open and closed positions allows air flow. This lets vacuum sealing using an adapter, but also allows normal storage. An indicator would show if the container is properly sealed.

16.  Vacuum-Sealed Container for Extended Shelf Life of Pickled Foods


A vacuum-sealed container for pickled foods that improves shelf stability and convenience without refrigeration or artificial preservatives. The container has a flexible foil wall that defines a sealed chamber. The pickled food is filled into the chamber, sealed, and vacuumized to remove air. This creates a low-oxygen environment that slows spoilage. The foil wall prevents moisture loss and keeps the food crunchy. The vacuum seal also prevents contamination and spoilage during transport and storage. The container can be pasteurized to further extend shelf life. The vacuum sealing and pasteurization allow shelf stability without refrigeration and artificial preservatives.

17.  Preservative-Free High-Moisture Snacks Through Vacuum Packaging and Controlled Drying


Shelf-stable, high-moisture food snacks that require no preservatives, gas flushing, or oxygen absorbers. The snacks are made by drying a pre-pasteurized food item to a water activity between 0.86 and 0.94, then vacuum-packing it in an oxygen-impermeable membrane. The drying step pasteurizes the food. This allows natural, moist, chewy snacks without preservatives or additives.

18.  Innovative Support System for Vacuum and Modified Atmosphere Packaging to Enhance Freshness


A packaging system for vacuum and modified atmosphere packaging of products like food items. The system involves a support with through holes and a process to make it. The support is used in packaging with a film where vacuum or modified atmosphere is created. The holes allow air extraction during vacuum packaging. The support can be made by thermoforming a sheet material. The packaging process involves introducing gas into the package through the holes while simultaneously sealing the film. This maintains a controlled atmosphere inside the package.

19.  Innovative Plastic Containers for High-Temperature Filling and Vacuum Packaging


Hot fillable and pasteurizable plastic containers for food packaging that can withstand high temperatures for filling and processing without deforming or distorting. The containers have a blow molded body with a base having tapered radial segments that move outward during fill/pasteurization to prevent deformation. This flexing base compensates for pressure buildup. During cooling, the base moves inward as the vacuum pulls in. The containers are made using injection molding preforms with reduced weight and optimized orientation for better strength and barrier properties. The containers can be filled with hot foods, beverages, and oils, and are lightweight, high strength, and barrier packaging.


20.  Noble Gas Food Preservation System for Extended Shelf Life


A food preservation system using noble gases like argon, helium, and nitrogen to extend the shelf life of food without refrigeration. The system involves packing food in containers filled with a noble gas and sealing it. The noble gas displaces oxygen and other spoilage gases to create an anaerobic environment inside the container. This prevents oxidation and microbial growth, preserving the food quality for longer. The noble gas packaging can be reused multiple times by evacuating the contents before refilling.

21. Oxygen-Ingress Resistant Packaging for Pourable Food Products with Embedded Sodium Sulfite

22. Biodegradable Molded Fiber Packaging for Enhanced Food Freshness

23. High-Pressure Vacuum Packaging Process for Preservative-Free Long Shelf Life Precooked Foods

24. Vacuum Packaging Bag with Freshness Preservation Exhaust Valve

25. Innovative Vacuum Packaging Method for Extended Shelf Life of Food Products

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