14 patents in this list

Updated: February 06, 2024

This page provides information on prosthetic heart valves and the valve-in-valve procedures used in cardiac surgery.

Prosthetic heart valves are artificial devices used to replace damaged or diseased heart valves. Heart valve diseases can cause symptoms such as shortness of breath, chest pain, fatigue, and dizziness. Prosthetic valves are vital for patients with severe valve damage or dysfunction, as they help restore normal blood flow, improve cardiac function, and enhance the quality of life. They come in various types, such as mechanical valves and biological valves, each with its own benefits and considerations.

Valve-in-valve procedures are minimally invasive surgeries performed to replace a failed bioprosthetic valve with a new valve without removing the existing valve. This technique is particularly beneficial for patients who have already undergone valve replacement surgery and need a new replacement due to valve degeneration or dysfunction. Challenges in valve-in-valve procedures include accurate sizing of the new valve to fit within the existing valve, ensuring proper alignment and sealing, reducing the risk of complications such as leakage or obstruction, and optimizing procedural outcomes while minimizing invasiveness.

1.  Percutaneous Prosthetic Heart Valves with Radiopaque Markers for Accurate Positioning

Medtronic, Inc., 2023

Prosthetic heart valves that can be accurately positioned within existing implanted valves using percutaneous techniques. The valves have radiopaque markers that can be visualized outside the body to identify valve size, position, and depth after implantation. The markers aid in optimal placement, reducing risk of coronary artery obstruction and enabling multiple valve stacking if needed.

2.  Percutaneous Annular Support Structure for Aortic Valve Repair


A medical device for repairing aortic insufficiency by reducing the diameter of the aortic valve annulus. It involves a percutaneously implantable annular support structure that can be expanded and positioned below the aortic valve to engage the leaflets and reduce the effective annulus diameter. This improves valve closure to prevent regurgitation. The support structure may also be overexpanded to radially constrict the annulus for long term reduction.

3.  Rotational Deployment System for Percutaneous Prosthetic Heart Valve Implantation

Edwards Lifesciences Corporation, 2023

A delivery system for percutaneous implantation of a prosthetic heart valve. The system allows controlled and precise deployment of a self-expanding valve from a sheath using rotational movement instead of push-pull forces that can cause uncontrolled valve jumping. The valve is connected to a torque shaft catheter that can be rotated to unsheathe and expand the valve in a controlled manner. The system also has releasable mechanisms to disconnect the valve from the catheter after deployment.


4.  Two-Stage Prosthetic Heart Valve for Rapid Implantation

Edwards Lifesciences Corporation, 2022

Prosthetic heart valve designed to be implanted in less time than current devices. It uses a two stage design where a tissue anchoring member is first deployed to secure to the native valve annulus, followed by attachment of the valve member to the anchoring member. This allows for faster implantation compared to sewing in a valve. The anchoring member can be expandable to quickly anchor in place. The valve member can then be attached to the anchoring member.


5.  Minimally Invasive Mitral Valve Therapy Device with Secure Anchoring Mechanism

Caisson Interventional LLC, 2022

A mitral valve therapy device that can be deployed through minimally invasive procedure and secured to the native valve annulus. The device has an expandable frame and multiple anchors extending from the frame. Each anchor has a foot angled relative to the frame axis to contact the sub-annular collagenous tissue for secure anchoring. The foot has a shape and area that minimizes pressure on surrounding heart tissue to avoid puncture.

6.  Transcatheter Side-Delivery Prosthetic Heart Valve with Anchoring Tabs for Valve-in-Valve Procedures

VDyne, Inc., 2022

A transcatheter prosthetic heart valve that can be side delivered through a small catheter and then expand once deployed in the heart. The valve has a compressible frame with anchoring tabs and a central flow component. The frame is compressed orthogonal to the catheter axis. After release, it expands to engage the native valve annulus. The tabs anchor the valve while the central portion allows unidirectional blood flow.

7.  Percutaneous Deployment System for Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement

Caisson Interventional, LLC, 2022

A percutaneous, transcatheter deployment system for mitral valves. The system has multiple catheters that can engage each other and releasably couple to the prosthetic mitral valve components. A deployment frame with clamps allows simultaneous movement of the catheters to position and release the valve components.


8.  Expandable Prosthetic Heart Valves Designed for Simplified Valve-in-Valve Procedures

Edwards Lifesciences Corporation, 2022

Simplified prosthetic heart valves that can be expanded after implantation to accommodate larger expandable prosthetic heart valves for valve-in-valve procedures. The expansion capability is achieved by incorporating two wireform frames, an upper one and a lower one, that can stretch apart slightly upon application of an outward dilatory force. The lower wireform has a shallow undulation that prevents excessive expansion. The upper wireform has inflow cusps and commissure posts while the lower wireform has truncated peaks between them. The wireforms permit limited expansion of the valve diameter upon dilation to receive a larger valve inside.


9.  Invertible Prosthetic Heart Valve for Enhanced Delivery and Deployment

Tendyne Holdings, Inc., 2022

Prosthetic heart valve that can be moved to an inverted configuration for delivery of the prosthetic valve to within a patient's heart. The prosthetic valve includes an outer frame that can be inverted relative to an inner frame when the prosthetic valve is in a biased expanded configuration. This allows the valve to be collapsed for delivery in a sheath, then expanded in the heart.


10.  Catheter-Based System for Percutaneous Retrieval and Repositioning of Transcatheter Prosthetic Mitral Valves

Tendyne Holdings, Inc., 2021

A catheter-based system for retrieving and repositioning transcatheter prosthetic mitral valves from inside the heart. The system involves using a specialized catheter assembly to capture, collapse, and remove a previously implanted mitral valve through a transseptal approach. This enables percutaneous retrieval and repositioning of the mitral valve without open heart surgery. The catheter assembly has multiple catheters and a snare to invert and collapse the valve for retrieval through the catheter lumen.


11.  Supra-Annular Prosthetic Heart Valve Design for Reduced Regurgitation in Valve-in-Valve Procedures

St. Jude Medical, Cardiology Division, Inc., 2021

A collapsible prosthetic heart valve designed for implanting in aortic valve replacement procedures that has improved performance and reduced regurgitation compared to conventional valves. The valve has a stent with a unique cuff shape and extended landing zone that helps position the valve supra-annularly in the native aortic valve. This allows the prosthetic leaflets to fully open above the compressed native leaflets, reducing regurgitation and improving blood flow. The cuff also positions the valve stent deeper in the aortic annulus to anchor it.

12.  Expandable Prosthetic Heart Valve for Valve-in-Valve Replacement Procedures

Edwards Lifesciences Corporation, 2020

Prosthetic heart valve designed to be expandable from within in order to receive a replacement prosthetic valve. The valve has a structure that can be dilated using a balloon catheter, allowing it to expand to a larger diameter. This enables a second replacement valve to later be implanted inside. The expandable valve has a composite support ring with flexible segments that can stretch when dilated. This allows it to transform from a rigid configuration to an expanded configuration to accommodate the replacement valve.


13.  Collapsible and Expandable Prosthetic Heart Valve for Valve-in-Valve Procedures

4C Medical Technologies, Inc., 2018

A prosthetic heart valve that can be collapsed to a smaller diameter for delivery and then expanded to a larger diameter after implantation. The valve has a stent frame and a valve support that can invert within the stent frame. When inverted, the two structures overlap to reduce the overall diameter. This allows the valve to be compressed to a smaller size for delivery through a catheter, then expanded to full size after implantation.

14.  Controlled Deployment System for Catheter-Based Expandable Heart Valves

Edwards Lifesciences Corporation, 2018

Delivery system for expandable heart valves that enables controlled and precise deployment of the valve using a catheter-based mechanism. The system includes movable deployment members that engage the valve to regulate its self-expansion rate as it opens after deployment. This allows gradual expansion of the valve as desired rather than sudden or uneven expansion that could damage tissue. The system also has means for expanding the valve further if needed.

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