Support Removal for 3D Printed Parts
39 patents in this list
Support structures in additive manufacturing, while necessary for complex geometries, can consume up to 40% of print material and require extensive post-processing time. Current removal methods often lead to surface defects and can take several hours per part, with manual intervention frequently needed for intricate features and internal supports.
The fundamental challenge lies in designing support structures that provide adequate mechanical stability during printing while enabling clean, efficient removal without compromising part quality.
This page brings together solutions from recent research—including thermally decomposable build plates, dissolvable sacrificial materials, optimized tear-away geometries, and multi-layer printing techniques that reduce support requirements. These and other approaches aim to streamline post-processing while maintaining dimensional accuracy and surface finish of the final parts.
1. Automated Support Structure Removal Method for 3D Printed Models Using Tool-Driven Cutting Path Generation
Automated method for removing support structures from 3D printed models without manual intervention. The method involves determining the connection points between the support structure and printed part, generating a cutting path based on those points, and using a tool to separate the printed part from the support structure along the path. This allows automated removal of supports compared to manual methods.
2. Method for Assigning Quality-Based Support Structures in 3D Printed Objects
登士柏希罗纳有限公司, 希罗纳牙科系统有限公司, DENTSPLY SIRONA INC, 2024
Method to improve the quality of 3D printed objects with support structures by optimizing where the supports are added. The method involves assigning degrees of quality to different surface segments of the 3D model based on factors like surface orientation. Then calculating where supports should be added based on the quality levels. This allows targeted placement of supports that prioritize critical areas over unnecessary ones.
3. 3D Printing Support Structure Customization System with User-Editable Interface and Regenerative Support Data
A 3D printing support generation system that allows customization of the support structure around an object being printed. The system generates an initial support structure based on predetermined conditions. The user can then remove portions of the support using an interface. The system regenerates the support data using the modified shape. This allows the user to fine-tune the support locations to avoid unnecessary material and improve print quality.
4. Method for Automated Support Structure Removal in 3D Printed Objects via Strategy-Based Model Modification
Method for producing 3D printed objects with automated support structure removal that improves quality and reduces post-processing costs. The method involves selecting a removal strategy based on the object model, modifying the support structure model based on the selected strategy, and using additive manufacturing to form the 3D object with modified supports. After printing, the supports are removed using the selected strategy. This automated support removal is done in-house instead of manual post-processing. The strategy selection is based on estimating process values for each removal method.
5. 3D Printing Support Structure with Parallel Columnar Shapes for Automated Generation and Removal
A 3D printing support design, method, and removal technique that enables easier and more automated support generation and removal for complex 3D printed parts. The support structure is a series of parallel columnar shapes surrounding the part. This allows for easier separation compared to traditional supports since the columns can be completely removed. It also enables automated support generation and removal using specialized tools since the columns are accessible and uniform. The columns can be printed alongside the part during the 3D printing process. After printing, the columns are detached from the part using the removal technique. This avoids manual support addition and removal and prevents support residue on the printed part surface.
6. Sequentially Stacked Support Structures for 3D Printed Metal Parts with Post-Print Water Jet Removal
Removing supports from 3D printed metal parts by spraying a water jet onto them immediately after printing. The supports are sequentially stacked around the printed part during printing. After printing is complete, a water jet is sprayed onto the supports to quickly remove them along with any remaining metal powder. This allows easy and quick removal of the supports compared to manual removal or using explosive substances.
7. Build Plate with Recessed Low-Melting Metal Insert for Additive Manufacturing
A thermally decomposable build plate for additive manufacturing that enables easy release of 3D printed metal parts without damaging the parts or build plate. The build plate is an open frame with a recessed section filled with a lower-temperature melting metal or alloy insert. After printing, the insert can be melted and drained to release the 3D printed part without mechanical cutting. The lower melting insert protects the build plate, allows separation without damage, and reuses the plate.
8. 3D Printing Method with Removable Resin Supports for Complex Shaped Objects
Seiko Epson Corporation, 2023
3D printing method that enables 3D printing complex shaped objects with removable supports. The method involves 3D printing the object using a shaping material like metal or ceramic powder and simultaneously 3D printing supports around the object using a removable resin material. After printing, the supports are removed by heating, vaporizing, or dissolving the resin. This enables the creation of complex 3D shapes with internal voids and overhangs that would otherwise require difficult support removal.
9. System for Dynamic Agitation Method Selection in 3D Printed Part Support Removal Using Historical and Real-Time Machine Data
PostProcess Technologies, Inc., 2023
Automatically optimize the support removal process for 3D printed parts by using historical and real-time data from the support removal machine to decide which agitation methods to activate and adjust.
10. Flexible Hose System for Internal Support Structure Removal in 3D Printed Objects
Divergent Technologies, Inc., 2023
Removing internal support structures from 3D printed objects using flexible hoses that can be inserted into the internal hollows of the printed part. The hose has a channel with an inlet and outlet. When fluid is pumped into the inlet, it exits through the outlet and causes the hose to flail inside the part. This flailing motion fractures the internal support structures. In some cases, a balloon attached to the outlet inflates as fluid exits, further aiding in fracturing the support structures.
11. System for Determining Machining Origin Using 3D Scanning and Pose Offset Calculation in Multi-Layer 3D Printed Parts
A system for precise post-processing of multi-layer 3D printed products like metal parts. The system uses 3D scanning to accurately find the origin of processing for post-machining. It compares 3D scan data of the as-built part with CAD data to determine the relative pose. This pose offset is used to set the machining origin. The system then generates tool paths for support removal and surface finishing starting from the known origin. This allows automated post-processing of complex 3D printed parts with improved accuracy and reduced setup time.
12. Machine Operation Model for Real-Time Parameter Adjustment in 3D-Printed Support Material Removal
PostProcess Technologies, Inc., 2023
Optimizing the operation of a machine that removes support material from 3D-printed parts to maximize efficiency and avoid damage involves using an operation model that analyzes real-time data from the removal process to identify the best parameters for each consecutive interval of the process.
13. Multi-Layer 3D Printing Technique with Multiple Print Heads for Simultaneous Layer Deposition
Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P., 2023
A method to reduce the number of post-processing steps required after 3D printing is using a multi-layer 3D printing technique. The method involves printing multiple layers simultaneously, rather than one layer at a time, using a 3D printer with multiple print heads. This reduces the need for support structures by allowing overhanging features to be supported by adjacent layers. The simultaneous printing of layers also allows different materials to be printed together. The multi-layer printing technique simplifies post-processing by reducing the need for support removal, sorting, cleaning, and packaging.
14. Method for Designing Support Structures with Optimized Thermal Properties in Additive Manufacturing
Design method for optimizing support structures in additive manufacturing to reduce distortion and deformation of 3D printed parts. The method involves using computer modeling to create a manufacturable support structure that can be 3D printed alongside the part to prevent warping during the additive manufacturing process. The support structure is designed to mitigate temperature gradients and uneven melting that can cause internal stresses and deformations. The support structure is optimized by analyzing factors like thermal conductivity, geometry, and melting rates to create a support that allows the part to cool and solidify uniformly.
15. 3D Model Modification via Layer Profile Offsetting for Reduced Support in Additive Manufacturing
Optimizing 3D models for additive manufacturing by reducing support structures. The optimization involves modifying the generated 3D shape during the design process to reduce overhangs and angles that require external support during additive manufacturing. This involves extracting and offsetting 2D profiles of each layer, then modifying the next layer using the offset profiles to produce a larger sized 2D profile. This reduces the amount of geometry violating overhang constraints and encourages shapes with less support.
16. Automated Support Structure Removal from 3D Printed Parts Using Design-Based Feature Recognition and Robotic Tool Guidance
Post-processing method for removing support structures from 3D printed parts that reduces damage and improves efficiency compared to manual removal. The method involves using the original part design to identify features of the support structures in the actual printed part. Then a plan is generated for removing the supports based on this information. This plan is sent to the robot control system to guide automated removal using tools like mills and chisels.
17. Design Generation Method for Additive Manufacturing with Accessible Support Structures Using Physics-Based Inaccessibility Analysis
Automated design generation for additive manufacturing with an accessible support volume. The method involves optimizing the design of 3D printed parts to have removable supports that can be accessed by subtractive manufacturing tools. It uses physics-based analysis to evaluate accessibility and generate plans for removing the supports. The method involves calculating a measure of inaccessibility of the support volume using physics simulations. It then generates designs with accessible supports by filtering and augmenting the decision variables with the inaccessibility measure. This ensures the support volume can be removed using subtractive manufacturing after 3D printing.
18. 3D Printing Method with Overcuring Technique for Reduced Support Structure Marks
Align Technology, Inc., 2023
Optimized 3D printing to minimize marks from support structures on printed objects. The method involves overcuring regions of the object near the support structures that will remain as marks when supports are removed. By overcuring those regions, the surface is made to project past the marks once the supports are removed, which flattens it to the desired profile. This eliminates the need for post-processing, like sanding, to remove support marks and achieve smooth surfaces.
19. 3D Printing Method with Overcure Regions for Concealing Support Marks
Align Technology, Inc., 2022
A method to reduce or eliminate visible support marks on 3D printed objects. The method involves adding overcure regions to the object during printing - regions where extra material is deposited. When the support structures are removed, any remaining support marks are recessed below the overcured regions, leaving a smooth surface.
20. Method for Removing Internal Support Structures in 3D Printed Parts Using Demolition Objects
Removing internal support structures from 3D printed parts to reduce weight and provide flexibility. The method involves inserting demolition objects into the hollow interior of the part, breaking the support structures, changing the demolition objects, then removing them. The demolition objects can be hardened balls that pulverize the supports, melting balls that liquefy and drain out, or shape memory alloys that deform and break. By selecting the right demolition object material and state, it allows efficient removal of broken supports without getting trapped inside.
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A range of methods for achieving easier support removal are demonstrated in the patents that are being presented. These strategies include new materials with high dissolution or degradation rates, data-driven removal process optimization, and techniques that fully do away with the need for supports through the use of multi-layer printing or optimized geometries.