8 patents in this list


Traditional 3D printing processes create objects with inherent directional dependencies - parts are typically 15-40% weaker in the build direction compared to the XY plane, and can exhibit significant variations in thermal conductivity and elastic modulus based on print orientation. These anisotropic properties limit the reliability and performance of printed components, particularly in load-bearing applications.

The fundamental challenge lies in overcoming the layered nature of additive manufacturing while maintaining the geometric freedom that makes 3D printing valuable.

This page brings together solutions from recent research—including strain-optimized build orientations, continuous material gradients, reinforcement elements that span multiple layers, and retrograde toolpath strategies. These and other approaches focus on achieving more uniform mechanical and thermal properties without sacrificing the flexibility of additive manufacturing.

1. 3D Printing Technique with Toolpaths for Anisotropic Fiber Composite Reinforcement


A 3D printing technique that allows anisotropic reinforcement of printed parts for improved properties. The technique involves generating toolpaths for a 3D printer that deposits both isotropic and anisotropic materials. The anisotropic material is a reinforced fiber composite. The toolpaths are planned to orient the fiber direction for maximum strength in the desired directions. This enables customized anisotropic reinforcement of the printed part.

2. 3D Printing of Amorphous Hollow Spheres with Controlled Deformation Upon Impact

The United States of America, as Represented by the Secretary of the Navy, 2023

3D printing hollow spheres from amorphous materials to create engineered structures by forming and printing semispherical hollow bodies that deform upon impact. A method involves dropping amorphous hollow spheres onto a base plate to deform into ellipsoids. By controlling the temperature and viscosity at impact, targeted deformation can be achieved. This allows the forming of customized hollow bodies that can be 3D printed into complex structures.

3. Additive Manufacturing Process with Embedded Reinforcement Elements for Enhanced Interlayer Mechanical Properties in Large-Scale 3D Printed Structures

RapidFlight Holdings, LLC, 2023

Additive manufacturing of large-scale 3D printed objects with improved mechanical properties in the stacking direction to address the issue of delamination between layers in large-scale additive manufacturing. The technique involves inserting reinforcement elements into the printed object during the build process. These reinforcement elements, like threaded rods, are inserted through the z-direction of the part and apply a compressive load to the layers. They distribute contact stresses and impose compressive stress in the layer direction to reinforce the printed part in multiple directions and tailor it to the specific geometry of the part. This provides reinforcement out of the z-direction that is needed for large-scale printed objects with complex geometry.

4. Additive Manufacturing Method for Functionally Graded Materials Using Continuous Function-Defined Unit Cells

The Penn State Research Foundation, 2020

A method to create functionally graded materials (FGMs) using additive manufacturing with continuous material distribution instead of discrete inclusions. The method involves using repeating unit cells defined by continuous functions to determine the volume fraction of each component material throughout the gradient. This allows both component materials to exist as continuous structures, improving the strength of the material interface compared to discontinuous inclusions. The continuous function defines the material distribution in each unit cell, which is repeated to create the overall FGM part.


5. 4D Printing Method Utilizing Thermal Anisotropy and Transformation with Directional Layering

Foundation For Research and Business, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, 2020

The 4D printing method uses thermal anisotropy and thermal transformation to create objects that change shape over time. The method involves 3D printing with a thermoplastic material in a specific pattern to impose anisotropy. This involves printing layers transverse and longitudinal to the part. Then, heating the 3D printed part causes thermal transformation in a specific direction. By controlling the heating time, the part transforms into the desired final shape.

6. Additively Manufactured Lattice Structures with Gradient Density and Variable Material Thickness


Additively manufactured lattice structures with gradient density for optimized mechanical properties and reduced stress concentrations. The lattice structures are made of connectible unit cells with materials and voids. The materials occupy a portion of the cell volume, and the voids fill the rest. The unit cells form a lattice with smooth transitions between adjacent cells. The material thickness varies based on the location within the structure. This gradient density provides optimized properties by having lower-density areas in stress-free regions and higher-density areas in load-bearing regions. It allows tailoring the density distribution for applications like orthopedics where stresses vary. The gradients can be created using additive manufacturing techniques like 3D printing.


7. 3D Printing Method with In-Situ Reinforcing Elements for Enhanced Z-Direction Mechanical Properties

Local Motors IP, LLC, 2019

Large-scale 3D printing method to improve mechanical properties of printed parts, especially in the z-direction (stacking direction). The method involves inserting reinforcing elements into the printed part during the printing process. These elements have a shape that allows them to contact multiple layers of the printed part and provide compressive stress in the z-direction. This helps prevent delamination and improves strength in that direction. The reinforcing elements can be removed after printing for final part removal. The method allows customized reinforcement tailored to specific part geometry for improved mechanical properties in all directions.


8. 3D Printing Method for Model Orientation Using Strain-Based Directional Alignment

Stratasys, Inc., 2018

Printing 3D parts with additive manufacturing systems by orienting the digital models based on strain analysis to improve part strength. The method involves generating strain data from the digital model, determining the dominant and secondary tensile strain directions, and then orienting the model. Hence, those directions align with the build plane. This aligns the high-strain areas with the stronger intralayer bonds rather than the weaker interlayer bonds.

Researchers are coming up with innovative methods to guarantee constant material properties in all directions, which is opening doors for stronger, more dependable 3D printed components in a variety of sectors. These include anisotropic reinforcing techniques, functionally graded materials, and optimized printing procedures.