25 patents in this list

Updated: June 04, 2024

Manufacturing has been completely transformed by 3D printing since it allows for on-demand production, rapid prototyping, and complicated designs. Nevertheless, the expensive cost of materials, printers, and post-processing may prohibit its wider application and thereby inhibit adoption.

This page examines numerous cutting-edge methods that lower the cost of 3D printing without sacrificing functionality or quality.

1.  Equalizing Sintered Volume per Layer to Reduce Build Time Variability in Additive Manufacturing


Reducing variation in build time for additive manufacturing (AM) by equalizing the sintered volume on each printed layer. It calculates slice area distributions for the desired and sacrificial parts, then plans a layout where, on each plane, the total slice areas match. This balances the sintering time per layer and improves part quality.


2.  Optimization System for Lightweight 3D Printed Parts Using Modular Geometric Units


Optimization system for designing lightweight 3D printed parts using modular building blocks with specific shapes. The system involves creating a digital model of the part using modular units with platonic geometric shapes like cubes, tetrahedrons, etc. The system analyzes the test data of printed parts to optimize the arrangement and selection of the modular units. It also analyzes stresses and removes units from regions where stresses are below a threshold. The system aims to create lightweight, optimized parts by leveraging the modular units and their shapes.

3.  Innovative Matrix Optical Lens Design for Cost-Efficient and High-Precision UV 3D Printing

Shenzhen Anlun Optical Co., LTD, 2023

Combined matrix optical lens for UV 3D printers that improves uniformity and efficiency of UV light exposure for high precision 3D printing. The lens design reduces the number of LED units needed to illuminate the LCD screen by using double-sided optics. It also allows customization of lens size based on application requirements to optimize cost and performance.


4.  Optimized Support Structure Placement in Additive Manufacturing to Reduce Material Use


Determining locations for support structures in additive manufacturing build parts. The system examines the geometrical characteristics of each segment of a building part at a candidate position relative to the energy source. It determines support locations based on factors like the angle of incidence of each segment relative to the energy source. This allows precise determination of which segments require support to achieve good quality. Reducing unnecessary support can reduce the total amount of support material used in the build process.

5.  Cost-Effective Modular Tool Assembly for Machining Process Validation via 3D Printing


A modular tool assembly for validating machining processes in a timely and cost-effective manner. The assembly is entirely 3D printed using additive manufacturing. It comprises a 3D-printed tool holder, a 3D-printed cutting tool, and a 3D-printed spindle connector. By 3D printing, the entire tool assembly can be rapidly produced and validated without having to rely on expensive machined components. This enables faster and cheaper machining process validation.

6.  Dynamic Adjustment of Fabrication Conditions in Additive Manufacturing for Cost Efficiency

Kabushiki Kaisha Kobe Seiko Sho (Kobe Steel, Ltd.), 2023

Optimizing additive manufacturing processes by dynamically adjusting fabrication conditions based on object shape. The method involves dividing the object into small elements, sorting them by position type (e.g., curved, flat, edge), and setting fabrication conditions specific to each type. This allows customization of parameters like laser power, speed, etc., for different regions to improve efficiency and prevent defects like lack of fusion or burning through.


7.  Innovative Unibody Design for Cost-Effective, Customizable 3D Printed Transtibial Prosthetics

The Regents of the University of California, 2023

Lower-cost, highly customizable, and better-performing 3D printed transtibial prosthetic devices that are patient-specific, adjustable, and robust. It uses a unibody design with a 3D-printed socket, pylon, and ankle-foot complex. The unitary polymer structure provides multi-axial dynamic flex like a human ankle. The device can be customized to the patient using digital scanning and 3D modeling. 3D printing enables the fabrication of complex geometry. The integrated unibody design eliminates assembly and sliding connections for better durability.

8.  In-Situ Material Regeneration System for Cost Reduction in Additive Manufacturing

Sakuu Corporation, 2023

An in-situ material regeneration system and method for additive manufacturing, such as 3D printing, enables recovery, reconditioning, and reuse of used powders and liquids collected during the AM process. The system and method involve extracting portions of the powder/liquid at various stages, such as after deposition, wetting, and binding, into separate containers. This allows targeted regeneration processes for each type of material. The collected powders/liquids are regenerated separately or mixed and then reused in subsequent print jobs. The in-situ regeneration reduces waste and material costs compared to discarding and replacing used powders/liquids.

9.  Innovative Support-Free 3D Printing of Integral Threads to Reduce Manufacturing Costs


3D printable parts with integral threads that can be produced in a single print without supports. The key is using a minimum 45 degree angle for the thread flanks, which allows overhangs that can be printed without support material. This enables printing complex parts like screw threads in one piece without separate assembly, reducing cost and complexity compared to conventional manufacturing.


10.  Cost-Effective Layered Fabrication Technique Without Traditional 3D Printing

Thermwood Corporation, 2023

Method for fabricating components (e.g., patterns, molds, and/or similar products) via techniques or processes similar to 3D printing manufacturing processes of layering, however, using lower cost fill materials without the use of a 3D printer. It involves a layering process to create parts with hollow interiors. The technique uses a CNC router to cut layers from sheets of various materials like MDF and plastic. These layers are stacked and bonded together to form the part shape. The interior is hollow. The part is then infused with a thermoset resin that hardens to create a solid composite.


11.  Cost-Effective and Customizable 3D Printed Shoe Last for Footwear Production

ECCO Sko A/S, 2023

A customizable, durable, and cost-effective shoe last for footwear production. The last has a main body that is 3D printed from a polymer material. It also has a movable body part that can slide to adjust the length. The main body and movable part have guiding structures for smooth movement. The 3D printed construction enables customization and reduces costs compared to CNC machining.


12.  Method for Reducing Support Structures in Additive Manufacturing Processes

Sodick Co., Ltd., 2023

Method for preparing an additive manufacturing program that reduces support structures in additive manufacturing processes. The method involves dividing the 3D model into layers, calculating overhang angles or lengths for each layer, and subdividing layers with overhang angles or lengths below certain thresholds. This allows reducing support structures while maintaining manufacturing quality.

13.  Optimization of Support Structures in 3D Printing to Reduce Sintering Distortions

General Electric Company, 2022

Optimizing support structures for 3D printed parts to minimize distortions during sintering. The method involves predicting distortions, optimizing support structures, and checking compliance. The optimized support structure is saved and transmitted to the AM system for fabrication.


14.  Efficient 3D Printing by Segmenting Models into Slices for Reduced Resource Use

General Electric Company, 2021

Printing slices of a 3D component model to reduce the time and resources needed to generate a complete 3D print. The method involves receiving a 3D model of a component, an output structure definition, and segmenting the model into slices. Then, for each slice, the method generates a printing layer that includes an arrangement of one or more slice instances of the slice according to the output structure definition. This allows printing a single layer at a time, rather than printing the entire model in one go, which can significantly reduce the time and resources needed.

15.  Efficient Data Handling Technique for Cost Reduction in 3D Printing Processes


Reducing the large quantity of 3D data that typically has to be sent to a 3D printer during the printing process, thereby making 3D printing systems and processes more efficient, faster and less costly.

16.  Efficient Multi-Component 3D Printing Process to Reduce Production Costs

Flender GmbH, 2019

3D printing process for producing multiple components at once to speed up production. The process involves creating a single CAD file that includes all the components to be produced, arranging them in a way that allows them to be printed in layers on top of each other or next to each other. The CAD file is then used to print all the components simultaneously using a 3D printer. This allows multiple components to be produced in a single printing operation, reducing production time.


17.  Dynamic Support Generation Method for Material-Efficient 3D Printing


3D printing support generation that reduces the amount of support material needed to print 3D objects. The method involves dynamically identifying overhanging surfaces in a 3D model and generating support posts that connect the overhanging surfaces to the print bed. This allows the 3D printer to print the object without support material where possible, reducing the amount of material needed and improving print quality.


18.  Innovative Easily Removable Support Structures for Cost-Effective 3D Printing

Autodesk, Inc., 2018

Generating support structures for 3D printed objects that can be easily removed after printing. The support structures are generated from the 3D model of the object and the toolpaths for printing. The support structures are designed to cleanly separate from the object after printing. The support structures can be continuous single filament walls that are easy to remove.

19.  Two-Step Job File Generation Process for Cost-Efficient 3D Printing


Efficiently generating job files for 3D printing by dividing the preparation process into two steps. The first step is creating a reusable intermediate file called the Part-to-Build file. This file contains the necessary manufacturing data extracted from the CAD model, like orientation, support, feature, and slicing. The second step is generating the actual job file using the Part-to-Build file, exposure strategy, and nesting. This allows avoiding repeated calculation and input for each job.


20.  Hybrid Fabrication Method for Cost-Effective 3D Printing of Complex Designs


Simplifying complex 3D mesh structures generated by generative design to improve manufacturability. The method involves analyzing the mesh to identify candidate regions that can be simplified, then replacing those regions with simpler shapes suitable for traditional fabrication. The remaining complex regions are fabricated using additive techniques. This hybrid approach minimizes the reliance on additive manufacturing while still allowing for 3D structures to be generated based on complex designs.

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One of the main obstacles to the broad use of 3D printing has been its expensive cost. These developments offer a practical means of reducing these expenses. 3D printing is beginning to look like a more affordable option for a variety of uses by streamlining the printing process, reducing waste, and researching substitute materials and methods.