16 patents in this list

Updated: June 04, 2024

A low-quality print with dimensional errors, inaccurate measurements, deformed shapes, and reduced structural integrity can result from deformation that can happen during the 3D printing process.


Many advanced methods that can assist users avoid these problems and obtain precise dimensional accuracy in the 3D printed output are examined on this page.

1.  Method for Warping and Cracking Prevention in Metal 3D Printing Using Tacky Polymer Substrate


3D printing metal objects without warping or cracking by using a tacky polymer substrate. The process involves spreading a layer of metal particles over a polymer substrate with low thermal conductivity and melting the unmasked metal with pulsed light to form each layer of the object. The polymer substrate reduces lateral heat transfer during melting, preventing warping and cracking.

2.  Innovative 3D Printing Material for Dental Applications with Reduced Shrinkage and Deformation

SHOFU INC., 2023

A 3D printing material for dental applications that allows the fast production of accurate dental models. The material contains specific monomers and initiators that reduce polymerization shrinkage and deformation after printing. The key components are monofunctional acrylate monomers with an electronegativity difference of less than 1.0 between adjacent atoms and initiators with absorption bands of 350-450nm. The material may also include low-shrinkage polyfunctional methacrylates, non-dendritic polymers, fillers, and colorants.


3.  Distortion Compensation in 3D Printing through Predictive Geometry Adjustment

General Electric Company, 2023

Generating distortion-compensated geometry for a workpiece by predicting and compensating for sintering-induced distortion in 3D-printed parts. The method involves comparing a post-sintering mesh to a model mesh, determining node displacements, and moving corresponding nodes in the green body mesh opposite to the predicted sintering displacement directions. The green body mesh is iteratively adjusted until the predicted post-sintering geometry meets the desired tolerances.

4.  Heat-Aware Toolpath Optimization for Minimizing Deformation in 3D Printing

Siemens Industry Software Inc., 2023

Heat-aware toolpath generation for 3D printing of physical objects. The toolpath is generated with criteria that optimize the path to minimize heat accumulation and deformation during the print. The toolpath design accounts for factors like the amount of heat generated in a zone, the proximity to previously printed zones, and the time between printing zones to strategically plan the order and placement of printed paths. This reduces heat-related deformations and improves the quality of printed objects.


5.  Shaped Support Structures for Distortion Reduction in Sintered 3D Printed Metal Parts


A 3D printing technique for reducing distortion in sintered metal parts made from powdered metal and binder. The method involves using a shaped support structure with grooves into which the part's projections fit. When the part is heated to sinter the metal powder, the support constrains the shrinkage direction to prevent distortion.


6.  Additive Manufacturing of Customized Cranial Remodeling Devices from 3D Scans


A cranial remodeling device to correct a deformed head of a subject. The device has layers conforming to the head shape and is additively manufactured using a data file derived from 3D scans of the subject's head. The technique captures head shape data, modifies it to a desired shape, and projects contour lines onto the modified shape to design the device. The additive manufacturing process prints customized layers with removable supports at the point of service. This enables accurate, one-step, in-clinic production of cranial devices without shipping delays. The technique can further include printing alignment marks, sensors, transducers, and fasteners for enhanced functionality.


7.  Method and Apparatus for Improved Shape Accuracy in Ceramic 3D Printing

Kiichi Kamoda, Hiroki Hagiwara, 2023

A method and apparatus for producing ceramic 3D printed objects with improved shape accuracy while preventing deformation and bleeding during shaping. The method uses secondary particles with a specific bulk density range, a solvent with a boiling point range, and binder resin with a specific energy difference to adjust solubility and drying rates. This balances the dissolution of the binder with drying to stabilize each layer.

8.  Material Composition for Reducing Warping and Deformation in 3D Printing


Suppression of warping and deformation in 3D-printed objects. The method involves using a specific material composition for 3D printing that contains thermoplastic resin, thermoplastic elastomer, and filler (like talc). The filler content is 5-70% by weight of the material. This material reduces warping and deformation when 3D-printed compared to conventional materials. The method involves melting and extruding the material to print objects.

9.  Method for Preventing Distortion in Sintered 3D Printed Objects via Grooved Support Structures


Three-dimensional shaping method to prevent distortion of sintered 3D printed objects. The method involves inserting the projections of a green body into grooves of a support structure before sintering. The grooves extend in a specified direction of shrinkage. This allows the green body to shrink uniformly without being distorted during sintering.


10.  Technique for Reducing Warpage in 3D Printed Objects through Controlled Material Supply

Seiko Epson Corporation, 2020

3D printing objects with better dimensional accuracy and reduced warpage. It involves using a first supply amount of material larger than a second supply amount when printing the first layer on a stage with a recessed portion. This prevents voids and unevenness in the layer caused by material entering the recessed part.

11.  Temperature-Controlled 3D Printing Method to Reduce Warping and Deformation


A method for 3D printing objects that reduces warping and deformation by controlling the temperature during printing. The method involves printing the initial layers on a heated build plate to create outward stress that counteracts the inward stress from subsequent layers. This reduces deformation of the final printed object compared to uniform temperature printing.

12.  Directed Energy Beam Technique for Support-Free 3D Printing of Large Objects

Velo3D, Inc., 2019

improvement in 3D printing of large objects with reduced deformation and without auxiliary supports. The method involves printing the object layer by layer using a directed energy beam. The beam irradiates small stationary areas on the bed surface to transform the material into solid tiles, without transforming the surrounding material. By overlapping the tiles, it builds up the object without deforming or requiring supports.


13.  Method for Reducing Warping in 3D Printed Objects through Base Plate Reheating and Flattening

Satoshi Abe, Norio Yoshida, Isao Fuwa, Yoshikazu Higashi, Masataka Takenami, Isamu Matumoto, 2018

Manufacturing method for 3D printing objects that reduces warping. The method involves flattening a base plate before and after printing to counteract warping. The base plate is initially heated to warp it, then flattened. After printing, the base plate is reheated and flattened again. This counters stresses that can cause warping when the object is removed from the base plate.


14.  Stationary Overlapping Tiles Technique for Reduced Deformation in 3D Printing

VELO3D, INC., 2018

3D printing without supports and with reduced deformation by using stationary, low power, overlapping tiles to transform exposed material layer by layer. The method involves a directed energy beam that transforms exposed material at one position, then translating to another position without transforming, and transforming again. This builds the object layer by layer without moving parts. It reduces deformation and allows unsupported overhangs. The stationary, overlapping tiles avoid the deformation caused by continuous scanning.

15.  Energy Beam-Controlled Tile Formation Method for Reduced Deformation in 3D Printing

Velo3D, Inc., 2018

3D printing method to generate objects with control over deformation during printing. The method involves selectively transforming portions of a material bed using energy beams to form individual "tiles" of transformed material that harden into the final object. By adjusting beam parameters and tile locations, the method can reduce bending deformation during printing. The tiles can overlap or contact to form a continuous object.

16.  Continuous Scanning Paths and Beam Diameter Control to Prevent Warpage in 3D Printing

Matsuura Machinery Corporation, 2015

Avoiding warpage in 3D printed objects by using continuous scanning paths and controlling beam diameter. The paths that the scanning beam takes inside the printed object are set to be continuous without intersecting or retracing steps. This prevents uneven heating and cooling. The beam diameter is also adjusted to optimize sintering quality.

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A diverse range of solutions are emerging to address the challenge of deformationᅳfrom using tacky polymer substrates to heat-aware toolpath optimization, these techniques offer users a toolbox to mitigate warping, cracking, and shrinkage during the printing process.