15 patents in this list

Updated: July 27, 2024

Advancements in technology have made it easier to steal or copy valuable IP, such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights.


Forensic marking and tracing technologies offer a range of tools and techniques to combat these threats by deterring theft and identifying the source of stolen IP.


This page explores innovation in the protection of IP through forensic marking and tracing.

1.  Automated Digital Forensics Tool for Efficient Evidence Extraction and Analysis


A digital forensics tool designed to efficiently extract, transform, analyze, and present digital evidence from user devices, aiding criminal investigations. The tool automates tasks such as finding and associating identifiers across apps, significantly reducing manual review time and errors compared to traditional methods. It features an interactive interface that allows investigators to easily navigate and analyze the transformed and analyzed data, facilitating the identification of crucial evidence.


2.  Video Processing Technique for Embedding Forensic Markers to Deter Unauthorized Distribution


A video processing technique to deter unauthorized viewing or downloading of video footage while enabling traceability of leaks. The technique embeds a hidden forensic marker in some frames and a visible marker in others, creating an alternating pattern from the original video stream. If the video is leaked, the hidden marker can be detected to identify the specific leaked portion. The visible marker can also be checked to verify if it matches the hidden marker pattern, revealing whether the entire video or only a portion was leaked.

3.  Behavioral Biometrics for Attributing Insider Attacks in Organizations

Plurilock Security Solutions, 2022

Attributing insider attacks in organizations by leveraging behavior biometrics. The technique involves continuous monitoring of user activity and behavioral biometric profiling to identify perpetrators of insider attacks. When an intrusion is detected, the behavior biometrics of the intruder are captured and compared against the biometric profiles of organization insiders. This allows attributing the attack to potential perpetrators based on behavioral anomalies during the intrusion, providing deeper insight into insider attacks beyond merely identifying the compromised account.


4.  Digital Media Component Tracking for Intellectual Property Rights Management

Dubset Media Holdings, Inc., 2021

Reducing the risk of theft or loss by using a digital media component to create new works of media content. The process involves identifying song segments and their duration within DJ mixes or other user-generated media content (UGC) to determine the associated rights holders. This helps ensure that all rights holders are correctly acknowledged and compensated, minimizing the risk of unauthorized use and enhancing protection for original content creators.


5.  Blockchain-Based Document Authentication and Modification Tracking

Jeffrey E. KOZIOL, 2020

Ensuring the authenticity, authorship, and timestamp of documents stored on blockchain by combining a timestamp and hash of the document. The timestamped hash provides proof of the document's original content and when it was created. Hashing and timestamping each document part allows tracking of modifications.

6.  Selective Data Duplication for Forensic Analysis in Intellectual Property Protection

Jonathan Grier, 2020

Selectively duplicating data from a digital source like a hard drive in a forensically sound way by identifying and copying only the relevant data blocks instead of the entire drive. The method involves associating an agent with the source, receiving criteria to identify desired data, monitoring access to blocks, and copying only the accessed blocks containing the selected data. This selective duplication preserves just the relevant blocks and metadata for forensic analysis instead of the entire drive.

7.  Digital Fingerprinting for Tracking Unauthorized Copying of Copyrighted Materials


Tracking the copying of printed materials owned by rights holders to detect unauthorized copying and compensate rights holders. It uses image processing to match copies against a database of copyrighted materials. Images from copiers are processed to obtain digital fingerprints that are compared with fingerprints of copyrighted images. Matches indicate copying of copyrighted materials. This enables automated monitoring and enforcement of copying permissions.


8.  Intelligent Pattern Matching System for Detecting Patent Infringement

International Business Machines Corporation, 2018

System and method for efficient, scalable, and accurate detection of patent infringement using intelligent pattern matching. The method involves creating hashes of patent metadata like industry taxonomy and business advantages. These hashes are compared to hashes of subsequences of other patents to find potential matches. The matching subsequences are then compared character by character to confirm infringement.

9.  Redundant Security Marker System for Enhanced Forensic Accuracy in Intellectual Property Protection


Security marker system with redundancy to improve accuracy and reliability. The system has two components, a forensic marker and a validation marker. Both markers contain unique sets of characteristics that correspond to data in a database. This allows independent validation of results obtained from the forensic marker. The redundant validation marker improves accuracy/reliability compared to just using the forensic marker. The markers can be separate components or built-in redundancy in the forensic marker.

10.  Real-Time Forensic Watermarking Technique for Copyrighted Video Content Protection

Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, 2014

Preventing the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted video content and tracking the illegal distributors using a forensic watermarking technique that allows real-time insertion and detection of high-resolution video watermarks. The technique involves generating a forensic watermark with a unique identifier based on content metadata, inserting it into the video, and storing the original video and watermarked video. When the video is played, the watermark is detected and checked against the stored version. If the watermark doesn't match, it indicates an unauthorized copy. The technique also involves storing transaction information when the video is requested. This allows tracking the origin of illegally distributed videos back to the original viewer. The real-time watermarking and detection allow catching video piracy in progress. The separate user and distributor watermarks prevent collusion attacks.

11.  Enhanced Security Watermarking for Audio-Visual Content with Forensic Traceability

Nagravision S.A., 2014

Watermarking audio-visual content to improve security and enable forensic analysis when the content is illegally distributed. The watermarking involves modifying the content in a way that degrades its perception but allows recovery of the original when the watermark is present. The modification involves replacing some elements with highly perceptible alternate values. A unique identifier is also added that is calculated based on internal device parameters. This watermarked content can be broadcast and illegally distributed. If found, the watermark can be used to identify the device it came from.


12.  Dynamic User-Specific Forensic Watermarking Method for Digital Content

Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute, 2013

Real-time forensic watermarking method and system for digital content to insert user-specific watermarks in content as it is delivered to the user. The content server inserts different watermarks into the original content to create separate versions. It sends the fragmented versions to the user's device, which combines them in the correct order based on user info to create a personalized watermarked version. This allows dynamic user-specific watermarking without pre-processing or delay.

13.  Signature-Based Method for Generating and Comparing Computer Forensic Evidence

Georgetown University, 2012

Generating, preserving and comparing computer forensic evidence for a computer system. The generation includes generating at least one signature for at least one target based on the content of the target, comparing the at least one generated signature with at least one previously generated signature to determine whether the signatures have similarities above a predetermined threshold, and storing the generated signatures.

14.  Scalable and Forensically Defensible System for Computer Investigations

Guidance Software, Inc., 2011

A system and method for conducting computer investigations in a forensically defensible and scalable way. The system involves generating a unique identifier for a set of investigation criteria, like keywords or file metadata, and associating that identifier with the evidence collected using those criteria. This allows tracing the evidence back to the specific investigation subject. The criteria can be complex and regenerated if changed. Multiple instances of the investigation run in parallel on target machines.


15.  Portable Mobile Forensics System for Rapid Digital Evidence Acquisition

Purdue Research Foundation, 2010

Mobile forensics system for rapid acquisition and analysis of digital evidence from personal devices like phones, cameras, etc. The system provides a portable case with a touchscreen computer and compartment for device connectivity cables. The software guides the user through acquisition, analysis, presentation, and exportation. The cables are indexed and locked to prevent loss. The system aims to bring forensic capabilities to the field for capturing time-sensitive evidence before it's lost.


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These patents demonstrate several methods of strengthening IP rights. Some concentrate on digital solutions, such as blockchain-based document authentication and automated forensic tools for effective evidence extraction. Others encrypt videos with forensic markers to prevent unapproved sharing.