17 patents in this list

Updated: July 26, 2024

Businesses have to perform patentability assessments to ascertain whether their inventions qualify for patent protection. These evaluations determine if an invention satisfies the legal requirements for a patent issuance by examining its originality and inventiveness.


Companies that go through this procedure are better equipped to decide whether to pursue patent protection for their intellectual property.


This page examines many techniques aimed at improving the effectiveness and precision of these evaluations.

1.  Blockchain-Based System for Decentralized Patent Examination and Smart Contract Grants

Capital One Services, LLC, 2023

A decentralized blockchain system for granting smart contracts that provides an alternative to centralized patent examination systems. The system uses a distributed network of validators to review and grant smart contracts granting patent-like rights. Validators are incentivized to participate by receiving tokens when they successfully validate a contract.

2.  AI and Machine Learning System for Enhancing Patentability Assessments and Prosecution Tracking

Markison Patent Portal, Inc., 2023

Improved computer system and method for identifying, evaluating, and protecting inventions that arise from research and development projects. The system uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to score and track aspects of the invention disclosure and patent filing process. It identifies and tracks invention types, problems, solutions, embodiments, portfolios, challenges, concepts, and decisions. The system also scores the quality of patent prosecution and analyzes the likelihood of patent issuance.


3.  AI-Enhanced Patent Searching and Analysis Using Natural Language Understanding and Machine Learning


More accurate patent searching and analysis using AI, specifically natural language understanding (NLU) and machine learning (ML) techniques, to improve search results and avoid missing relevant patents. The method involves analyzing patent claims and relevant text from a reference document using AI systems to determine the meaning of claim elements and search for matches to rank patents based on how well their claims match the reference document.


4.  Developing a Multiple Regression Model for Accurate Patent Valuation

Korea Invention Promotion Association, 2023

Quantifying the value of a patent using a multiple regression model to build a reliable patent valuation model that reflects structural characteristics of specifications and accurately values patents. The regression model is built by processing patent information and performing multiple regression analyses with key valuation elements as dependent variables. The representative regression coefficients for each independent variable across the analyses are used to generate valuation models for each valuation index.

5.  Machine Learning-Based Method for Automated Patent Classification and Personalization


Automatically classifying patents via machine learning to save time and resources. The method involves learning from a patent database to establish a basic classification model. When a user searches for patents, it uses their classification input to predict their personalized classification standard. This combines with the basic model to classify the remaining unclassified patents. It leverages transfer learning to customize the basic model using the user's classification pattern.

6.  Efficient Patent Screening Method Using Data-Driven Triage Approach

Lucid Patent LLC, 2021

Data-driven method to efficiently screen a large number of patent documents for relevancy to a target subject matter using a triage approach. The method involves mapping key concepts from claims of the identified patent pool to quickly screen and rule out irrelevant patents. The concepts marked as "definitely not in target subject matter" are used to eliminate patents without manually reviewing each one.


7.  AI-Enhanced Method for Generating Patent Applications with Improved Patentability

Al Samurai Inc., 2021

Automatically generating patent applications with improved patentability using AI and prior art. It takes invention text, determines its patent classification, finds similar patents, extracts details not in the original text, and adds those to the invention description. This expands the invention scope and increases patentability.


8.  Dynamic Patent Map Display Device and Method for Navigating Patent Landscapes

AI Samurai Inc., 2021

A patent map display device and method that dynamically generates a visual map representing patents and their attributes to help users navigate and understand patent landscapes. The system compares user-inputted instruction information with patent data to evaluate patents. It then generates a map with characters representing evaluated patents and displays it. The characters can move based on analysis results, have different appearances based on attribute totals, and be grouped based on classifications. The map allows easy visualization of patent landscapes and attributes.


9.  Automated Patent Quality and Value Assessment System

Proactive Patents, LLC, 2021

A patent analysis system that calculates scores to determine the quality and value of patents in a way that is both automated and consistent across a large patent portfolio. The system calculates scores for individual claim elements and overall patents and then compares those scores against peer patents to provide rankings.


10.  Assessment Tool for Quantifying Patent Obstruction Power and Post-Obsolescence Cost

Ichiro Kudo, 2020

Evaluation of the exclusive power of a patent by quantifying the extent to which the patent obstructs third-party businesses. The calculation apparatus extracts legal procedure data from patent histories to determine how obstructive the patent was to third parties and then calculates a post-obsolescence cost based on the filing date. The total post-obsolescence costs across all extracted patents provide an evaluation of patent power.


11.  Automated Patentability Evaluation System Using Edit Distance Measure

AI Samurai Inc., 2020

Patent evaluation system that determines patentability of an invention idea. The system uses an automated process to compare an invention sentence with existing patent sentences using an edit distance measure. The comparison looks for similar sentences in a patent sentence database. The determination of patentability is based on multiplying the reciprocal of the edit distance with the length index of the invention sentence and a content rate of the keyword.

12.  Method for Assessing Patent Portfolio Strategy Alignment with Market Focus

International Business Machines Corporation, 2020

Identifying a value gap in a patent portfolio strategy of an organization to measure the misalignment between the organization's patent strategy and the universal market focus and quantify the business impact. The method involves comparing the organization's internal ranking of focus areas with a universal ranking based on factors like market size, potential, and trends. The difference between the rankings represents the value gap score, indicating the penalty for misaligned strategy.

13.  AI-Driven System for Automated Patent Application Drafting and Patentability Analysis

James L. Brinkley, II, 2020

Streamlining the patent application drafting process by using artificial intelligence (AI) to automatically generate patent applications. The system receives information about an invention and prior art, analyzes it, determines patentability, and generates the application sections. The AI learns user drafting style over time for personalized output, and can also be trained on drafting guidelines.


14.  Apparatus and Method for Evaluating Patent Power Using Historical Legal Procedures

Ichiro Kudo, 2018

An apparatus and method for evaluating patent power using patent history data. The invention extracts legal procedure data from patent histories and calculates a post-obsolescence cost based on the procedures performed by third parties like requests for inspection or invalidation trials. The extracted procedures are matched to costs in a table. Post-obsolescence costs are calculated based on the filing date, procedure dates, and obsolescence functions for the technical field. Totaling the costs provides an evaluation of the patent's power.

15.  Machine Learning-Based System for Enhancing Patentability Searches and Analysis


System for performing patentability searches and analysis using machine learning and pre-filing analysis to improve patent quality and success rates for inventors. The system allows users to submit concept descriptions, claim terms, or draft patent applications for analysis. It conducts searches of patent and non-patent literature databases, identifies relevant prior art, and provides results to the user. The system also identifies the likely patent examiner and art unit for the application and considers frequently cited references.

16.  Internet-Based System for Trading Patent Application Rights

PCTXS INC., 2018

An internet-based system for promoting and offering for sale or license PCT and national patent application rights. The system uses an interactive website with a searchable database of patent applications. Users can search for and view posted patent applications for sale or license. Patent applicants can post their own applications for sale or license. The website provides links to the actual patent applications and search reports to help buyers assess the value.

17.  Apparatus and Method for Forecasting Patent Disputes Through Document Similarity Analysis


An apparatus and method for forecasting patent disputes. It extracts keywords from the claims and background of two patent documents and calculates similarity between them using those keywords. The claim and background similarities are combined to give a cooperative similarity score, which represents the probability that the documents are infringing on each other.


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A range of innovative methods for determining patentability are demonstrated by the offered patents. Certain tasks including quality grading, claim analysis, and patent searching are performed by some using artificial intelligence. Others concentrate on optimizing workflows using data-driven triage techniques or patent map illustrations.