13 patents in this list

Updated: July 27, 2024

Traditionally, IP rights have been managed through legal frameworks. However, the rise of digital assets presents new challenges and opportunities for IP ownership.

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have emerged as a novel approach to representing ownership of digital assets. This technology, powered by blockchain, offers potential solutions for some of the complexities surrounding IP management.

This page explores innovative approaches to NFT-based IP management.

1.ย  Hybrid Asset Management System for Synchronized Physical and Digital Asset Trading

Numรฉraire Financial, Inc., 2023

A hybrid asset management system that enables secure and efficient trading of physical assets with corresponding digital tokens on blockchains. The system synchronizes digital asset certificates (stored off-chain) with blockchain-based NFTs representing the assets. This allows consistent ownership and transfer between the physical and digital representations. When an NFT is sold, the system replaces the off-chain certificate with a new one for the buyer. This ensures the physical asset's legal ownership matches the blockchain.


2.ย  Blockchain-Based Method for Securing and Monetizing Intellectual Property Rights in NFTs

Erich Lawson Spangenberg, Jonas Block, Daniel Lawrence Bork, 2023

Securing and tracking IP rights for NFTs using blockchain to prevent unauthorized use of IP in NFTs while still allowing IP owners to monetize their IP through NFT sales. The method involves using blockchain smart contracts to tie IP rights to NFTs in a way that is transparent, tamper-proof, and enforceable. It uses specialized IP tokens that represent ownership or licenses for IP associated with NFTs. These IP tokens can be transferred along with the NFTs to ensure that the new owners have the proper IP rights. The tokens are designed to define the exact scope and limitations of the IP rights being transferred.

3.ย  Blockchain-Based System for NFT Tokenization of Intellectual Property Rights


A system for trading intellectual property rights using NFTs to enable reliable and efficient transfer of patents, copyrights, etc. The system involves tokenizing IP rights on blockchains and creating NFTs representing the rights. These can be traded like stocks, allowing investors to buy, sell, and license IP assets. The NFTs provide clear title, ownership history, and encumbrance information.

4.ย  Blockchain-Based Automation of Patent Licensing Using Non-Fungible Tokens

Caerus Institute LLC, 2023

Automating the licensing of patented technologies using blockchains and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). This involves creating an NFT representing a patent, recording licensing terms in a smart contract, and using the blockchain to track and enforce licensing agreements. The NFTs can be transferred, sold, or licensed like physical assets, enabling automated patent licensing and monetization.


5.ย  Blockchain Registry for Copyright and Derivative Rights Management in NFTs

Aria Mir, 2023

Blockchain-based registry of copyright license status, usage rights, and other intellectual property rights associated with NFTs. It enables authors to authorize derivatives of their NFTs and have immutable blockchain records indicating approved derivative works. This allows future token purchasers to query the registry to check if a derivative NFT was made in an authorized manner or infringes copyright. The registry can be smart contracts or oracles callable from third-party smart contracts to confirm licensed derivatives.

6.ย  Bitcoin Blockchain-Based Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Implementation for Intellectual Property

Alexei Dulub, 2022

Implementing Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) using Bitcoin, leveraging the Bitcoin blockchain infrastructure for NFT transactions instead of separate NFT blockchains. The NFT metadata is stored in a content-addressable storage (CAS) and referenced in Bitcoin transactions. This allows NFT creation, transfer, and validation on the Bitcoin blockchain. The NFT metadata, digital assets, and transaction rules are loaded into the CAS and referenced by cryptographic hashes in the Bitcoin transactions. This integrates NFT functionality into the existing Bitcoin network.

7.ย  Blockchain-Based System for Decentralized Ownership Transfer of Digital and Physical Assets


Decentralized system for recording and transferring ownership of digital and physical assets using a blockchain-based property system. The system allows direct peer-to-peer asset ownership transfers without central authority involvement. Digital assets are uniquely identified by cryptographic hashes, and physical assets can be fingerprinted using local image textures. This enables traceability and verifiable ownership transfers.

8.ย  Blockchain-Based Validation System for Digital Goods Ownership and Authenticity

Sony Group Corporation, 2022

Validating the genuineness and ownership of digital goods using a blockchain to create scarcity and prevent unauthorized copies. Each digital good has a unique identifier, watermark, and signature linked to an ownership token. When sold, the token is passed and recorded on the blockchain. Validators verify transactions. This ensures only one owner, prevents double-spending and proves authenticity.

9.ย  Blockchain-Based Management of Digital Content Ownership via Non-Fungible Tokens

Metadyn, 2022

Managing digital content using blockchain to enable secure and transparent tracking of digital content ownership, rights, and transfers. It uses blockchain to create digital tokens representing content items that have embedded information about the rights associated with them. This allows verifiable rights transfers, smart contracts for usage and payments, and decentralized marketplaces for buying and selling rights. The blockchain provides a public ledger of content provenance and ownership.


10.ย  Blockchain-Based Method for NFT Tokenization of Digital Design Rights


A method for efficient and secure distribution of digital design contents using blockchain and NFTs. The method involves recording transaction information about digital design contents in a blockchain using non-fungible tokens (NFTs) that represent the digital designs. The transaction information includes rights holder information like copyright and ownership details. This allows tracking and managing the rights and ownership of the digital designs as they are distributed and used on various products and media. The blockchain provides an immutable and transparent record of the design transactions for efficient and safe distribution.


11.ย  Blockchain System for Certifying Ownership of Physical Goods via NFTs

Solydaria, Inc., 2022

<|assistant|> Blockchain-based system for generating, transmitting, and ascertaining proof of ownership of physical goods. The system uses non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on a blockchain to create digital certificates of ownership for physical goods. When a customer buys a product, metadata about the purchase is processed and an NFT representing ownership is minted on the blockchain. This NFT is assigned to the customer's wallet. The system also verifies customer identity and generates transaction fees.


12.ย  Blockchain-Based Method for Asset Registration and Authentication Using NFTs

bythedirectpath LLC, 2022

Decentralized infrastructure for registering and authenticating assets using blockchain rights ledgers. The method involves creating a non-fungible token (NFT) representing an asset's unique, immutable, and irrefutable fingerprint. This NFT is then recorded on a public blockchain along with evidence of authorship and creation. This provides an immutable, transparent, and decentralized way to register assets and track ownership transfers.


13.ย  Blockchain-Based Distributed Ownership Management through Non-Fungible Tokens

Seoul Auction blue, 2022

Distributing collectable ownership based on blockchain networks to allow multiple participants to jointly own an ownership of a collectable, in a similar way to owning stocks, and to store and manage each of distributed ownerships in a form of tokens on a blockchain. It involves generating an ownership token contract for distributing an ownership of a collectable, broadcasting it to the blockchain network to register, and then allowing participants to transfer their tokens to distribute the collectable ownership. The transfers require multi-signatures from designated signers.

Request the PDF report with complete details of all 13 patents for offline reading.

These advances explore a variety of ways to integrate Non-fungible Tokens (NFT) with intellectual property. Some focus on securing and managing intellectual property rights within NFTs. Others address streamlining the licensing process for patents through NFTs.