17 patents in this list

Updated: July 26, 2024

Effective intellectual property (IP) management is essential for both individuals and businesses to preserve their innovations and make money. More than just defending intellectual property rights it also entails making sure owners are fairly compensated for others use it.


Aspects of revenue and loyalty management include monitoring, gathering, and allocating money from the usage of intellectual property. This procedure can be complex, particularly given the current digital and worldwide environment.


This page looks at innovative methods for managing royalties and revenue for intellectual property.

1.  Blockchain-Based System for Automated Management of Patent Annuities and Renewals


System for managing patent annuity payments and renewals using blockchain and smart contracts to automate and track patent renewals. The system provides automated patent verification, payment planning, cost optimization, funding options, and payment monitoring. It uses a blockchain network to securely store patent data, execute payments, and provide transparency. The system aims to prevent missed annuity payments and abandonment by providing a comprehensive platform to manage and fund global patent renewals.

2.  Method for Managing Royalties in Media Derivative Creation and Sales

ANIFIE, INC., 2023

Method for managing content rights and payments when creating and selling media derivatives. The method involves using unique identifiers to track relationships between primary and derivative content. A hierarchical copyright system is established for the primary and derivative works. When editing primary content to create derivatives, payments are made to the primary content authors. When selling derivatives, payments are made to both primary and derivative content authors.

3.  Investment Platform for Personalized Royalty Stream Opportunities in Digital Assets

Harry L. Crisp, III, 2023

System for enabling users to invest in royalty streams associated with digital assets like entertainment content based on their existing entertainment preferences. The system accesses user's entertainment apps and data to identify preferred creators and assets. It then generates investment opportunities in those assets' royalty streams. This customized portfolio is displayed to the user who can make investments. The system handles the transactions and updates the user's investment portfolio. It aims to help users find and invest in royalty streams of assets they already enjoy, leveraging their existing entertainment choices.


4.  Digital Music Licensing and Royalty Management System


Administering licenses for copyrighted music in digital music services to ensure compliance with copyright law and compensate rights holders. The system receives identifying information for sound recordings from a client music service. It matches the sound recording to associated musical compositions and evaluates licensing status. It secures licenses for any unlicensed compositions. It also tracks music usage and revenue for reporting and royalty calculations. The system then reports license status back to the client and requests royalty payments. Finally, it provides royalty statements and compensates the composition rights holders.

5.  Smart Contract System for Efficient Intellectual Property Royalty Management

Strong Force TX Portfolio 2018, LLC, 2022

Transaction-enabling system that improves the machines that enable markets, including for increased efficiency, speed, reliability, and the like for participants in such markets. The system includes a smart contract wrapper, accessing a distributed ledger comprising a plurality of intellectual property (IP) licensing terms corresponding to a plurality of IP assets, interpreting an IP description value and an IP addition request; in response to the IP addition request and the IP description value, to add the apportionment of royalties corresponding to the IP description value; and committing an entity providing the access request value to at least one of the plurality of embedded contract terms.

6.  Blockchain-Based Distribution of Copyright Earnings for Transparent Royalty Management

Advanced New Technologies Co., Ltd., 2021

Distributing copyright earnings on a blockchain provides an open and transparent way to distribute copyright payments to creators. The method uses blockchain virtual resources as a medium of exchange for copyright transfers. When a work is used, a portion of the earnings is paid to the publisher, and the rest is reserved as virtual resources for that work. These resources are then distributed to the nodes in the blockchain network that used the work.


7.  Blockchain-Enabled Royalty Management System for Copyright Service Platforms

Advanced New Technologies Co., Ltd., 2021

Blockchain-based method and system for issuing rewards to work publishers on a copyright service platform. The method involves using a blockchain network where service nodes publish works and conduct copyright-related transfers using virtual resources. When a service node publishes a work, the network issues a reward to the node using a consensus mechanism. This increases the node's virtual resources in a transparent and tamper-proof manner recorded on the blockchain.


8.  Automated System for Fair and Reasonable Royalty Evaluation in Intellectual Property Licensing


Automated evaluation system that can charge a fair and reasonable royalty to a license seeker. The system includes an automated evaluation algorithm that allows the license seeker to check whether an exploitative offer is submitted to him and/or whether he is discriminated against by the offer.


9.  AI-Enhanced Platform for Automating Music Royalty Audits and Valuation

Rylti, LLC, 2020

Using AI and machine learning to automate and streamline music royalty audits, certification, and valuation in the music industry. The platform normalizes and regularizes data received in inconsistent formats to identify normalized royalty parameters through entity resolution. It provides a global industry data model to efficiently and completely identify all parties owed royalties. The platform also certifies machine-readable royalty data, processes outlier data from audits to discover insights, and uses AI to categorize royalty-related data into normalized parameters.

10.  AI and Machine Learning-Based System for Efficient Royalty and License Fee Management in the Music Industry

Rylti, LLC, 2020

Automated system for auditing, verifying, and settling royalty and license fees in the music industry using AI and machine learning to reduce costs and improve accuracy. The system receives inconsistent royalty data from multiple sources in different formats, normalizes it through entity resolution and machine learning to identify consistent royalty parameters, and uses a global industry model to calculate and present royalty fees.

11.  Blockchain-Based System for Managing Intellectual Property Rights in Music Remixes

Dubset Media Holdings, Inc., 2019

Using blockchain technology to track and manage intellectual property rights for user-generated music mixes and remixes. The system allows creators to sample and remix music while ensuring proper licensing and rights clearance. It uses blockchain to create a decentralized registry of music rights and assets that can be accessed and managed by rights holders, DJs, and music platforms. This provides transparency, ownership control, and simplifies the process of licensing and distributing mixed music.

12.  Collaborative Digital Platform for IP Rights and Revenue Sharing Among Content Creators


Digital content collaboration platform that allows creators to work together, share IP ownership, and future revenue. The platform brings content creators together to collaborate on projects, allowing them to leverage each other's skills and assets. The collaboration platform facilitates projects, manages IP rights, tracks revenue, and automates payments to creators. It also provides tools like talent matching, analytics, and project workspaces.


13.  Blockchain-Based System for Decentralized Intellectual Property Licensing

Wesley W. Whitmyer, JR., 2019

A decentralized system for licensing intellectual property (IP) using blockchain to facilitate transparent, efficient, and low-cost IP licensing without the need for lawyers or courts. The system allows IP owners to verify and list their IP on a blockchain-based platform. Licensors can view the listed IP along with the owners' payment addresses. When a licensor wants to license an IP, they initiate a payment to the owner's address using the platform. The blockchain records the license transaction. This provides a decentralized, automated, and transparent IP licensing marketplace that eliminates intermediaries and reduces costs compared to traditional IP licensing.

14.  Web Portal for Customizable Display of Royalty and Intellectual Property Rights Management Data

KTech Services Limited, 2019

A web portal for customizable user-centric display of royalty administration and rights management (RARM) data. The portal allows users to view their royalty earnings and account status based on their rights and access levels. The system retrieves RARM data from third-party sources, identifies key parameters, translates formats, allocates royalties, analyzes earnings, generates views, and displays the data tailored to each user's role. It also shows supplemental subsets when metrics or tests are satisfied.

15.  Intellectual Property Rights and Royalty Management System


Management of intellectual property rights and royalty payments associated with intellectual property assets. The management includes receiving statements from income sources, parse the statements such that the data is conformed to a common format, and with the data in a common format, the asset listings in the statements can be matched to the assets in the database.


16.  Intellectual Property Licensing and Transaction Management System

OPTiM Corporation, 2018

Transacting a license of intellectual property with high flexibility by receiving information from each of the exhibitor, the purchaser, and the seller like stock trading. The transaction involves receiving input of information on a license of intellectual property and a selling price for the license from an exhibitor's terminal; a purchase receiving unit that receives input of a purchase price for the input information on the license of intellectual property from a purchaser's terminal; and a sales receiving unit that receives input of a sales price for a license of intellectual property to be sold among the exhibited licenses of the intellectual property from a seller's terminal if the purchaser becomes a seller.


17.  Advanced Licensing Availability Management System for Intellectual Property

Glenn Barber, 2017

Determining the availability of intellectual property licenses for combined sets of territories, languages, and rights. Instead of reporting individual availability periods for each permutation of territory, language, and right, the invention allows defining combination rule sets and processing them to find periods where the entire combination is satisfied. This is useful because new licenses often require availability of all specified territories, languages, and rights at once. The invention involves expanding the combination rule set to all permutations, finding contiguous periods where each rule is satisfied, and concatenating those periods to create the overall availability result set.

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Various methods for streamlining revenue and royalties management are demonstrated in these patents. Certain operations, like patent renewals and royalty distribution, are being automated by means of blockchain technology. Others offer services for managing derivative content rights and auditing royalties tailored to particular sectors, such as music.