21 patents in this list

Updated: July 27, 2024

Development and preservation of intellectual property (IP) can need large financial investments. Here's where collaborations and funding come in handy.


Getting funding is essential for things like filing for patents and going through legal proceedings. Collaborating with other entities can optimize intellectual property value and expedite its commercialization by pooling resources, knowledge, and market penetration.


This page examines different strategies for securing partnerships and funding in the field of intellectual property.

1.  Blockchain-Based System for Digital Asset Creation and Trading Linked to Physical Assets

Liquid Rarity Exchange, LLC, 2023

A system for creating, tracking, and trading digital assets backed by physical assets using blockchain technology. The system involves creating a root node representing the physical asset on a blockchain, generating subsidiary nodes for modifications, and storing the physical asset location off-chain. It allows tracking asset ownership, modifications, and locations through the blockchain while avoiding excessive on-chain storage. The system also includes tools for product development, collaborative creation, and asset verification to enable lower risk and higher value propositions for new and existing assets.

2.  Innovation Rating Algorithm for Facilitating Funding and Partnerships in Intellectual Property

Erich Lawson Spangenberg, 2023

Global innovation discovery, commercialization, and adoption for individuals and small to medium-sized innovators. The process uses an algorithm to rate each idea, determining its quality and potential. Innovators receive tokens based on these ratings, which they can use to develop, commercialize, and promote their innovations. The platform facilitates the release of tokens according to the innovation's rating, supporting its development and widespread adoption.

3.  Anonymized Asset Ownership Verification for Enhanced User Privacy and Targeted Offers


A method for associating user data with assets in a way that allows users to benefit from third-party knowledge of their ownership without revealing their identity. The method involves associating purchase data with specific items or services, allowing users to anonymously associate online content with items, verifying asset ownership for social media posts, and providing targeted offers based on known assets.


4.  Blockchain-Based Crowdfunding Platform for Patent Commercialization

Sung Yong LEE, 2022

A blockchain-based crowdfunding platform that connects inventors with investors to enable industrializing patents and technologies. The platform issues value coins based on patent valuation and funding amounts. Investors can fund patents using electronic coins, with successful commercialization yielding returns in electronic and value coins.


5.  Patent Suitability Screening System for Debt Financing Decisions

ERICH LAWSON SPANGENBERG, Brian Joshua Berman, 2022

A system and method for screening patents to determine if they are suitable for debt financing. The screening process involves analyzing various factors such as patent quality, market potential, and litigation risk to decide if a patent is eligible for lending, debt financing, or equity financing.


6.  Patent Investment and Management System with Fantasy Draft Game Mechanism

ERICH LAWSON SPANGENBERG, Brian Joshua Berman, 2021

A combined patent debt and equity financing system that allows investors to invest in patents through loans or equity, and provides tools to analyze and manage patent investments. The system allows the pooling of patents across multiple owners to create diversified portfolios. It also involves a fantasy draft-like game where users can pick patents they think will perform well. The system provides analysis and tracking of patent performance to inform investment decisions.


7.  Intellectual Property Valuation and Financing Connection System


Assessing and connecting owners of intellectual property to financing. The evaluation includes generating an IP rating that can be a factor used to determine a credit rating for an owner, determining a potential price for the intellectual property if properly used, and proposing a relative value for the intellectual property if properly used.


8.  Incubator Program for Promoting Innovations in the Integrated Circuit Industry


Promoting innovations in the IC industry. The incubator program is developed for small companies and entrepreneurs that need to utilize EDA tools to develop inventive concepts. The incubator program includes a tiered membership, including at least tier 1 members and tier 2 members.


9.  Strategies for Securing Funding and Forming Partnerships in Intellectual Property Ventures

Natalie Rodrigues, 2020

Solution-oriented strategies, methods, processes, and systems, are patentable (as some products and services listed in this patent have previously been patented by other inventors using different ingredients, formulas, processes, and methods/ie: pizza, medical reporting, etc).


10.  Cloud-Based Platform for Connecting Entrepreneurs with Venture Capitalists in Intellectual Property Funding

Anoushka Narayan, 2019

A cloud-based service that connects entrepreneurs and venture capitalists globally to facilitate funding of innovations. The service provides a secure portal with separate interfaces for entrepreneurs and investors. Entrepreneurs can publish and present their intellectual property for review by interested investors. They retain control over their ideas until granted access. The system allows translation to facilitate multilingual exposure. The aim is to provide a global platform for entrepreneurs to connect with investors regardless of geographic proximity.

11.  Open Platform System for Streamlining Research Funding and Intellectual Property Collaboration


A system to connect innovators, researchers, and funding sources to accelerate the dissemination of scientific knowledge and funding of research projects. The system involves an open platform where innovators can disclose their technologies and researchers can access them. Funding sources can browse and fund selected projects. Collaborations between innovators, researchers, and sources result in manuscripts that can become published articles. The platform aims to streamline funding, dissemination, and collaboration compared to traditional journals and grant applications.

12.  Social Learning-Based Marketplace System for Intellectual Property Development and Monetization

Teleshuttle Tech2, LLC, 2016

Marketplace system for facilitating publication, development, and adoption of useful inventions using social learning and decision support processes. The system provides a platform for inventors to publish and collaborate on ideas, seek support to obtain patents, and potentially monetize ideas through compensation mechanisms. It leverages mechanisms like ratings, analysis, collaboration, and analytics to identify, assess, categorize, and draw attention to good ideas. The marketplace aims to enhance inventor value beyond patent protection, provide alternative reward systems, and foster open dialog for idea development.

13.  Financial Instruments Backed by Intellectual Property for Funding Research and Innovation

Springtime, 2015

Facilitating funding for scientific research and technology advancement by structuring financial instruments backed by intellectual property to provide investment returns while mitigating risks. The method involves creating financial products like bonds or funds to invest in specific targeted areas of innovation. These products provide a way for investors to fund early-stage research projects and share in the returns if the technology succeeds. The investments are backed by intellectual property generated from the targeted innovation areas. This allows investors to participate in the financial upside of technology development without the risk of angel investing or venture capital.

14.  Professional Connection Network (PCN) for Facilitating Business Formation and Partnerships

Arjuna Indraeswaran Rajasingham, 2014

A network for facilitating the creation of new businesses and organizations by leveraging the existing networks of its members. The network, called a Professional Connection Network (PCN), allows members to search for and connect with other members based on their skills, experience, and relationships. This enables entrepreneurs to easily find and recruit the right people for their ventures. The network also provides tools for evaluating and validating potential candidates. Members can charge a fee for their expertise and references. The network can charge additional fees for these services.

15.  Online Marketplace Platform for Intellectual Property Asset Transactions

Benjamin J. Kwitek, Harold S. Springer, 2014

Online marketplace for buying, selling, and licensing intellectual property (IP) assets. It provides a platform for IP owners to list their patents, trademarks, etc. for sale, and for buyers to search, analyze, and purchase IP. The platform has sections for finding IP through data analysis, rating listings, feedback sharing, and transactions. It aims to improve the IP market by enabling efficient discovery, review, and transfer of IP assets.

16.  Universal Economy Enhancement System for Intellectual Property Development and Commercialization

James Edward Lister Broadfoot, 2013

A system called the Universal Economy Enhancement System (UEES) to address economic problems like unemployment by gathering and rewarding new business ideas. It involves a central institution where inventors submit ideas, which are reviewed, developed, and commercialized. The inventor receives royalties for life. A fee covers costs. Remaining fees go to the institution to operate and fund projects like environment and health. The goal is to maximize employment by leveraging available workforce through new ideas.

17.  Structured Approach to Commercializing Academic Inventions

William James HARKIN, 2011

Method for commercializing inventions developed by universities and other academic institutions that involves breaking the commercialization process into discrete, interacting steps to increase efficiency and success. The steps include: protecting intellectual property, developing a prototype, identifying markets, and expanding the product. It also involves project management tools to organize and track the steps. The method aims to provide a structured, systematic approach to commercialization that addresses the challenges of universities lacking commercialization expertise and funding.

18.  Democratic Knowledge Exchange System for Fair Revenue Sharing and Ownership

Ann Racuya-Robbins, 2011

A system to enable fair and just sharing of knowledge, where creators retain ownership and most revenue. It allows users to deposit, market, distribute, and broadcast their knowledge in a self-governing, democratically organized system that values and shares all types of knowledge. The system provides a secure, efficient marketplace for knowledge exchange that incentivizes sharing and amplifies the benefits of knowledge creation for all. It addresses issues like hoarding, exploitation, and isolation by recognizing the value of all knowledge and promoting just sharing.

19.  Incentivized Knowledge Sharing System with Internal Market Mechanics

International Business Machines Corporation, 2010

A knowledge market system to manage and incentivize knowledge sharing within an organization. The system involves creating a central knowledge base with strike values assigned to knowledge assets. Usage of assets increases their earned value. Users have accounts with balances based on adding, using, and reviewing assets. They can use the knowledge base by paying a portion of their balance. This creates an internal market for knowledge where users can earn by sharing and pay to access. The strike/earned value mechanism encourages knowledge capture and sharing.


20.  Collaborative Intellectual Property Management and Monetization System


Collaborative intellectual property management system for companies to pool and share patents. The system involves forming fund companies for specific technical fields, each with members contributing capital. An IP management company assists the funds by collecting, analyzing, categorizing, and selling patents. Funds can buy patents jointly, bid for transfer rights, and license to non-members. This allows efficient patent acquisition, sharing, and monetization among members, reducing costs vs individual patent maintenance. The IP management company provides centralized IP services like search, analysis, negotiation, and licensing.

Request the PDF report with complete details of all 21 patents for offline reading.

These patents demonstrate a variety of innovative ways of securing partnerships and funding for intellectual property. Some concentrate on financial instruments for patent commercialization, such as crowdfunding platforms built on blockchain. Others use cloud-based platforms to link innovators with possible investors and incubator programs to foster innovation.