3 patents in this list

Updated: July 27, 2024

By understanding emerging technological trends, businesses can make informed decisions about innovation, gain a competitive advantage, and plan for future growth.


Technology forecasting also helps identify potential risks and challenges, allowing businesses to adapt their IP strategies accordingly.

This page explores recent advancements in intellectual property technology forecasting and trends.

1.  Machine Learning-Based Prediction of Future Innovations Using Big Data and Patent Indicators


Predicting future innovation at the company level based on big data and predictive analysis using machine learning techniques that explore the usefulness of company financial data, newspaper articles, social media data, and patent indicators.


2.  Predictive Analysis of Technology Capabilities Using Patent and Research Data

Jonghak OH, 2022

Diagnosing and predicting the science and technology capabilities of countries and companies using patent and research paper data. The method involves collecting patent and paper data for a technology, calculating variables from the data for each country or company, generating diagnosis models using machine learning, and using the models to diagnose and predict technology strengths and weaknesses.


3.  Strategic Decision Support System through Analysis of Patent and Research Literature Trends

Tata Consultancy Services Limited, 2018

Analyzing research literature to provide insights and reports for strategic decision-making. It involves indexing patent and research documents, determining topics, finding common phrases, quantifying topic overlap between patents and research, predicting patent classes, and generating customized reports for users based on their roles. The reports help identify emerging research, measure commercialization, and predict exploitable areas.


These technologies assess technological capabilities, forecast future advances, and aid in strategic decision-making by utilizing big data, machine learning, and sophisticated data analysis tools. Businesses are better equipped to deal with the complexity of IP protection and make educated judgments by utilizing such technologies and remaining up to date on developing trends.