IP Service Provider Selection
25 patents in this list
IP service providers handle millions of patent applications annually, with each application requiring multiple match decisions across different jurisdictions, languages, and technical domains. A single global patent family can involve coordinating dozens of providers, with matching decisions that impact both cost and quality outcomes measured in years and hundreds of thousands of dollars.
The core challenge lies in optimally matching providers to IP tasks while balancing technical expertise requirements, jurisdictional constraints, cost considerations, and quality metrics.
This page brings together solutions from recent research—including task-based provider categorization systems, real-time availability matching platforms, automated agreement generation, and data-driven provider selection algorithms. These and other approaches focus on reducing coordination overhead while maintaining consistent quality across global IP portfolios.
1. System for Ranking Service Providers by Availability and Proximity Using Dynamic Location Analysis
Ranking and displaying service providers in search results based on availability and proximity to the service location. When a user searches for a service, the system identifies available providers, calculates distances from their business and current locations to the service site, and ranks them. This provides users with a prioritized list of providers who can actually perform the service immediately.
2. Service Provider Selection Method Using Client Requirements, Provider Capabilities, and External Data Source Reliability Analysis
International Business Machines Corporation, 2023
Method for optimally selecting service providers in a confederated platform environment that takes into account client requirements, provider capabilities, and reliability of external data sources. The method involves receiving client requirements, analyzing available service providers based on those requirements, identifying external data sources for each provider, analyzing the reliability of those sources, adjusting provider scores based on source reliability, and then selecting the optimal providers based on the adjusted scores.
3. Mobile Connectivity System with Dynamic Network Assignment and Big Data-Driven Provider Exchange in Urban Environments
Smart city mobile service system that leverages big data to provide optimized mobile connectivity for devices in urban areas. The system analyzes network quality of multiple service providers in an area and matches user devices with the best network based on their requirements. It exchanges networks between providers to improve coverage, and feeds back network conditions to optimize switching. By analyzing user device needs and network conditions, it dynamically assigns networks to meet user demands.
4. Service Provider Listing System with Suitability Filtering and Delivery Time-Based Sorting
Optimizing service provider listing and display for better matching between customers and businesses based on factors like service type, delivery times, and pricing. The system filters businesses based on suitability for service types, then sorts them based on delivery times. This helps prevent situations where a cheapest option doesn't meet urgency needs or a business that can deliver fast isn't listed as the fastest.
5. Centralized System for Provider Matching and Ranking Based on Consumer Criteria and Proximity
Matching service consumers with providers using a centralized system. When a consumer requests provider recommendations, the system identifies providers who meet specific criteria derived from the consumer's data. It ranks them based on those criteria. It also finds nearby providers without matching criteria and ranks them based on distance and ratings. The ranked lists are combined. The system sends the full list to the consumer to choose from.
6. System for Categorizing Intellectual Property Lifecycle Tasks into Administrative and Technical for Cost-Effective Management of International Patent Applications
ITIP Development, LLC, 2021
A system for managing the cost and quality of related international patent applications by categorizing tasks in the intellectual property life cycle as administrative or technical. This approach enables the efficient management of multiple related international patent applications without the need for costly technical experts for every task. Administrative tasks, such as novelty searches, translations, filings, and payments, are assigned to lower-cost administrative agents. Technical tasks, including examinations, claims, and validations, are handled by more expensive technical agents. By separating tasks and utilizing appropriate agents, the system reduces overall patent prosecution costs.
7. Network Service Provider Selection via Reverse Auction with Encrypted SIM-Based Profile Storage
A method for selecting network service providers for devices using a network service exchange system. The method involves receiving a request from a device with service parameters, validating the device, running a reverse auction to select a provider based on the parameters, and provisioning the device to use the chosen provider's network. The exchange system stores encrypted service profiles for multiple providers on the device's SIM card. This allows dynamic switching between providers without accessing their profiles. It simplifies provider selection by letting devices request optimal service without analyzing options.
8. Inventor Support Platform with Step-by-Step Guidance and Success-Rate-Based Provider Tracking
Jethro Bennett, 2019
A platform to help inventors go from idea to market success and avoid pitfalls. It provides step-by-step guidance, resources, and services for patenting, development, launch, etc. Users can access training, tools, and service providers vetted based on their success rates. The platform also tracks provider success rates to help users make informed choices.
9. System for Matching Legal Service Providers with Coordinators Based on Compatibility and Jurisdiction
Karina I De La Cruz, 2019
Coordinating and optimizing integrated legal services by matching legal service providers like interpreters, court reporters, process servers, etc. with legal coordinators based on compatibility, availability, jurisdiction, etc. The system allows finding and hiring interpreters, court reporters, process servers, expert witnesses, etc. on demand. It iteratively interacts and communicates among users to coordinate time, geographical constraints, social compatibility, jurisdictional authority, etc.
10. Dynamic Matching System with Bid Filtering and Direct Communication for Service Transactions
Dynamic matching and communication system for service providers and requestors to improve efficiency and accuracy of finding suitable providers. It involves collecting provider data, receiving requests, filtering bids based on request criteria, sending filtered bids to requesters, receiving selections, and establishing direct communication channels between the matched parties. The central server handles tasks like checking availability, location verification, reviewing, and payment processing.
11. Method for Calculating User Preference Scores Based on Network Behavior for Internet Service Provider Recommendations
Recommending high-quality potential users to internet service providers based on their network behavior to increase user acquisition. The method involves calculating user preference scores for service providers based on their internet service sequence, preference vector, and attribute vector. These scores are then used to recommend potential users to service providers. The scores consider the user's historical services, preferences, and service attributes to determine match quality. This enables recommending users who are more likely to subscribe to specific providers.
12. Method for Identifying and Ranking Service Providers Using Social Network Data and Compatibility Analysis
Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC, 2019
Using social network data to identify service providers who match requirements in requests for proposal (RFPs) and consumers who generated the RFPs. The method involves identifying providers based on overall compatibility between their capabilities and the RFP requirements, as well as network distance between the consumer and provider in the social network. Providers are ranked and selected based on this criteria. This allows targeting RFPs to relevant providers and reducing proposal overload for both parties.
13. Service Provider Selection Method Using Multi-Parameter Profile Ranking
深圳市云歌人工智能技术有限公司, 2019
Determining the most suitable service provider for a user based on their specific service requirements. The method involves ranking multiple candidate service providers based on multiple parameter items in their profiles. An initial ranking is determined for each parameter, then final rankings are calculated based on all initial rankings. The top-ranked providers are selected as targets for the user. This allows choosing the best provider for the user's needs rather than recommending a generic list of options.
14. Entity Matching System Utilizing Machine Learning with NLP, Ontologies, and Knowledge Graphs
Intelligent matching system for finding appropriate matches between entities and parameters using machine learning techniques. The system uses natural language processing, ontologies, and knowledge graphs to match entities like service providers with requested parameters. It leverages tools like TensorFlow, Keras, and Stanford CoreNLP to extract named entities, relations, and align them to contextual ontologies. The system dynamically generates questions based on contextual cues to accurately capture entity properties for matching.
15. Client-Legal Professional Matching System with Automated Agreement Generation Based on Parameter Analysis
Anantha PRADEEP, 2017
A system for matching clients with suitable legal professionals and generating customized legal services agreements based on client requests. The system receives a legal transaction request from a client with parameters like location and practice area. It then selects a legal professional with matching parameters from verified profiles. An agreement is generated by analyzing past agreements and distances to the request parameters. This allows finding the right lawyer for a client's specific needs and generating tailored contracts.
16. Resource Allocation Method Using Multi-Provider Network Parameter Analysis for Concurrent Data Throughput Enhancement
Method for efficiently utilizing resources of multiple wireless network service providers to enhance data throughput and user experience. The method involves selecting the best service provider for each communication service based on factors like signal strength, quality, congestion, etc. This allows simultaneous use of resources from multiple providers to improve overall throughput compared to sequentially switching between providers. The selection is done by analyzing network parameters and rules.
17. Automated Service Provider Matching and Scheduling System with Project SKU and Location-Based Initial Matching and Provider Scoring
Automated system to match service providers with service consumers and schedule services. The system identifies projects needing service, finds matching providers, and presents options to consumers for selection. It matches based on project details and scores providers further. The consumer views ranked provider info to choose and schedule services. The system uses project SKUs and locations to initially match, then scores providers based on additional criteria.
18. Network-Based Preparation System for Patent Applications Using Independent Contract Agents with Template-Driven Section Reconciliation
Harold W. Milton, JR., 2013
Preparing patent applications using a network of independent contract patent agents via the Internet. The method involves maintaining a database of contract patent agents who can be selected to prepare patent applications. Each agent works independently from the clients. To ensure consistency, preparation contracts are established between the agents and the center, specifying relationships between sections of the application. The center selects an agent, receives the completed application, and forwards it to the client. The agents use templates with coded phrases to automatically reconcile sections and move limitations. This allows using independent agents while ensuring consistent patent applications.
19. Automated System for Electronic Transmission of European Patent Validation Instructions with Integrated Fee Calculation and Agent Interface
Automated system for validating European patents that reduces costs and provides transparency compared to manual methods. The system sends validation instructions electronically to European agents instead of physical mail. It calculates validation fees based on word count and provides an estimate upfront. This eliminates multiple handling fees and surprises. The system also integrates with agent computers for efficient processing.
20. System and Method for Analyzing and Ranking Countries for Intellectual Property Application Filing
Savi Gupta, Balwant Rawat, 2012
A system and method for determining the best countries to file intellectual property (IP) applications in, and providing filing and formalities support. The system analyzes factors like technology, commercialization, competition, and filing history to rank countries for IP protection. It generates an exhaustive list and then prioritizes it. This helps companies make informed decisions on where to file IP applications based on future implications. The system also provides filing and support services for the recommended countries.
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The landscape of connecting intellectual property service providers is becoming more effective and efficient due to these technological improvements. Through the use of these advancements, people and companies can get suitable support for their intellectual property demands.