12 patents in this list

Updated: July 27, 2024

Trade secrets, copyrights, patents, and trademarks all require specialist knowledge to protect and maximize the value of the IP.


Intellectual property service companies can help with important tasks like filing patents, registering trademarks, and getting legal advice.


Finding the best service provider for your unique needs can be difficult, though. This page examines several methods for matching intellectual property service providers.

1.  Cost-Efficient Management System for International Patent Application Tasks

ITIP Development, LLC, 2021

A system for managing the cost and quality of related international patent applications by categorizing tasks in the intellectual property life cycle as administrative or technical. This approach enables the efficient management of multiple related international patent applications without the need for costly technical experts for every task. Administrative tasks, such as novelty searches, translations, filings, and payments, are assigned to lower-cost administrative agents. Technical tasks, including examinations, claims, and validations, are handled by more expensive technical agents. By separating tasks and utilizing appropriate agents, the system reduces overall patent prosecution costs.


2.  Platform for Guided Intellectual Property Development and Service Provider Matching

Jethro Bennett, 2019

A platform to help inventors go from idea to market success and avoid pitfalls. It provides step-by-step guidance, resources, and services for patenting, development, launch, etc. Users can access training, tools, and service providers vetted based on their success rates. The platform also tracks provider success rates to help users make informed choices.


3.  Optimized Legal Service Provider Matching System

Karina I De La Cruz, 2019

Coordinating and optimizing integrated legal services by matching legal service providers like interpreters, court reporters, process servers, etc. with legal coordinators based on compatibility, availability, jurisdiction, etc. The system allows finding and hiring interpreters, court reporters, process servers, expert witnesses, etc. on demand. It iteratively interacts and communicates among users to coordinate time, geographical constraints, social compatibility, jurisdictional authority, etc.


4.  Automated Legal Professional Matching and Customized Service Agreement Generation System

Anantha PRADEEP, 2017

A system for matching clients with suitable legal professionals and generating customized legal services agreements based on client requests. The system receives a legal transaction request from a client with parameters like location and practice area. It then selects a legal professional with matching parameters from verified profiles. An agreement is generated by analyzing past agreements and distances to the request parameters. This allows finding the right lawyer for a client's specific needs and generating tailored contracts.

5.  Internet-Based Matching of Independent Contract Patent Agents for Consistent Patent Application Preparation

Harold W. Milton, JR., 2013

Preparing patent applications using a network of independent contract patent agents via the Internet. The method involves maintaining a database of contract patent agents who can be selected to prepare patent applications. Each agent works independently from the clients. To ensure consistency, preparation contracts are established between the agents and the center, specifying relationships between sections of the application. The center selects an agent, receives the completed application, and forwards it to the client. The agents use templates with coded phrases to automatically reconcile sections and move limitations. This allows using independent agents while ensuring consistent patent applications.


6.  Automated System for Cost-Efficient and Transparent European Patent Validation


Automated system for validating European patents that reduces costs and provides transparency compared to manual methods. The system sends validation instructions electronically to European agents instead of physical mail. It calculates validation fees based on word count and provides an estimate upfront. This eliminates multiple handling fees and surprises. The system also integrates with agent computers for efficient processing.


7.  IP Filing Strategy Optimization and Support System

Savi Gupta, Balwant Rawat, 2012

A system and method for determining the best countries to file intellectual property (IP) applications in, and providing filing and formalities support. The system analyzes factors like technology, commercialization, competition, and filing history to rank countries for IP protection. It generates an exhaustive list and then prioritizes it. This helps companies make informed decisions on where to file IP applications based on future implications. The system also provides filing and support services for the recommended countries.

8.  Real-Time Brokerage System for On-Demand Intellectual Property Services


Connecting consumers with providers of services, like legal services, using a brokerage system that allows on-demand, real-time communication between consumers and available providers over the Internet. The system receives a request from a consumer to consult with a provider, identifies an available provider, and activates a communication channel between them. It enables consumers to consult with remote experts in a transactional manner without geographical constraints, even for one-time consultations.


9.  Centralized Platform for Facilitating IP Transactions and Opportunities


Facilitating commercial exploitation of intellectual property (IP) and IP-related opportunities for law firm clients by posting IP opportunities on the firm's website. This allows clients to easily promote their IP for commercialization and seek out other IP opportunities. The law firm acts as an intermediary between clients and third parties on IP transactions. Clients can post IP they want to license, sell, fund, or abandon, as well as seek the IP they need. This provides a centralized platform for IP transactions without direct contact with the firm.


10.  Online Platform for Streamlining Intellectual Property Management and Commercialization

Tanaga Anne Boozer, 2006

A virtual technology transfer office that enables universities and organizations to efficiently manage intellectual property protection and commercialization using an online system. The system involves an online platform where users can submit invention disclosures, search prior art, collaborate on documents, receive bids from attorneys, electronically file patents, and generate reports. It aims to reduce costs and delays compared to traditional in-house offices by leveraging pre-selected providers, automating tasks, and streamlining workflows.


11.  Online System for Streamlined Trade Mark Application and Processing

Robert Benjamin Franks, Martin Neilson, 2003

Electronic commerce system for handling trade mark applications that replaces traditional face-to-face and telephone meetings with an online interface. The system allows customers to submit trade mark applications and searches through a web browser, eliminating delays and costs associated with in-person or phone consultations. The system uses electronic communication and automation as much as possible, leveraging databases and expert systems to improve reliability and quality of service.


12.  Web-Based System for Automated Legal Services in Intellectual Property

Robert C. Meltzer, Melissa E. Garber, 2002

Automating legal services delivery using a web-based system that allows clients to contract, communicate, and submit documents electronically without direct attorney interaction. The system provides an online questionnaire for initial engagement, automated processing of submitted data, secure messaging, and a central database for matter management. It aims to streamline legal services delivery by enabling real-time online contracting, automated document processing, and electronic communication.

Request the PDF report with complete details of all 12 patents for offline reading.

The landscape of connecting intellectual property service providers is becoming more effective and efficient due to these technological improvements. Through the use of these advancements, people and companies can get suitable support for their intellectual property demands.