16 patents in this list

Updated: July 26, 2024

Determining a patent's true worth can be complex. Patent scoring and rating systems address this challenge by providing a quantitative and qualitative analysis of a patent's value and strength.


These systems are valuable for patent owners, businesses, investors, and legal professionals to make informed decisions regarding patent acquisition, licensing, and potential legal disputes.


This page explores recent innovations in patent scoring and rating.

1.  AI-Based System for Scoring and Evaluating Patent Strength and Prosecution Quality

Markison Patent Portal, Inc., 2023

Improved computer systems and methods for identifying, evaluating, and protecting inventions that arise from research and development projects. The system uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to score and track aspects of the invention disclosure and patent filing process. It identifies and tracks invention types, problems, solutions, embodiments, portfolios, challenges, concepts, and decisions. The system also scores the quality of patent prosecution and analyzes the likelihood of patent issuance.


2.  AI-Enhanced Patent Analysis Using Natural Language Understanding and Machine Learning


More accurate patent searching and analysis using AI, specifically natural language understanding (NLU) and machine learning (ML) techniques, to improve search results and avoid missing relevant patents. The method involves analyzing patent claims and relevant text from a reference document using AI systems to determine the meaning of claim elements and search for matches to rank patents based on how well their claims match the reference document.


3.  Blockchain-Based Platform for Patent Risk Evaluation and Insurance

Erich Lawson Spangenberg, Daniel Lawrence Bork, Pascal Asselot, Brian Joshua Berman, 2023

A decentralized platform for evaluating and managing patent risk using blockchain technology. The platform provides customized insurance policies to cover the risk of patents being invalidated. It uses data analysis to evaluate the likelihood of patents being challenged and adjusts policy premiums and limits accordingly. Users can monitor claims and collect payouts if their patents are invalidated. The platform also allows crowdfunding of patent applications and uses blockchain tokens for transactions and rewards.

4.  AI-Based Method for Objective Assessment of Patent Strength and Corporate Value


A method to objectively assess patents using AI. The method involves obtaining information about the target patent and the corporate that owns it, generating input signals from the obtained data, feeding these signals into pre-trained neural networks to classify the patent and corporate, comparing the network outputs to stored comparison values to assess the patent and corporate, and providing the assessment results.

5.  Method for Evaluating Patent Strength and Predicting Life Span Using NLP and Network Algorithms


Patent evaluation method that leverages natural language processing and complex network algorithms to objectively evaluate the depth and breadth of patented technologies and predict the expected life of patents. The method involves collecting patent documents, generating technical points, clustering patents into global industries, and comparing patents with technologies in the global industry to evaluate their value.

6.  System for Analyzing and Visualizing Patent Value and Coverage

Black Hills IP Holdings, LLC, 2021

A system for mapping, ranking, and visualizing patents and patent portfolios to analyze patent value, coverage, and related concepts. It uses data structures and analytics to organize patents by concepts like scope, technology category, and ranking. This allows interactive charts to be generated showing relationships between patent claims, concepts, rankings, and metadata like filing date and owner. The system also enables features like automated prior art citation management within portfolios.

7.  Automated Patent Analysis System for Quality and Value Scoring

Proactive Patents, LLC, 2021

A patent analysis system that calculates scores to determine the quality and value of patents in a way that is both automated and consistent across a large patent portfolio. The system calculates scores for individual claim elements and overall patents and then compares those scores against peer patents to provide rankings.


8.  Innovative Patent Investment and Analysis System with Fantasy Draft Game Feature

ERICH LAWSON SPANGENBERG, Brian Joshua Berman, 2021

A combined patent debt and equity financing system that allows investors to invest in patents through loans or equity, and provides tools to analyze and manage patent investments. The system allows the pooling of patents across multiple owners to create diversified portfolios. It also involves a fantasy draft-like game where users can pick patents they think will perform well. The system provides analysis and tracking of patent performance to inform investment decisions.


9.  Method for Quantifying Patent Obstruction Power and Post-Obsolescence Cost

Ichiro Kudo, 2020

Evaluation of the exclusive power of a patent by quantifying the extent to which the patent obstructs third-party businesses. The calculation apparatus extracts legal procedure data from patent histories to determine how obstructive the patent was to third parties and then calculates a post-obsolescence cost based on the filing date. The total post-obsolescence costs across all extracted patents provide an evaluation of patent power.


10.  Automated Patent Evaluation System Using Edit Distance Measure

AI Samurai Inc., 2020

A patent evaluation system that determines the patentability of an invention idea. The system uses an automated process to compare an invention sentence with existing patent sentences using an edit distance measure. The comparison looks for similar sentences in a patent sentence database. The determination of patentability is based on multiplying the reciprocal of the edit distance with the length index of the invention sentence and the content rate of the keyword.

11.  Method for Identifying Value Gaps in Patent Portfolio Strategy

International Business Machines Corporation, 2020

Identifying a value gap in a patent portfolio strategy of an organization to measure the misalignment between the organization's patent strategy and the universal market focus and quantify the business impact. The method involves comparing the organization's internal ranking of focus areas with a universal ranking based on factors like market size, potential, and trends. The difference between the rankings represents the value gap score, indicating the penalty for misaligned strategy.

12.  Structural Equation Modeling for Patent Quality and Value Evaluation


Leveraging structural equation modeling to evaluate the quality and value of patents. The method involves generating an evaluation model using statistical analysis to determine the factors and weights that impact patent quality. The model is built by surveying experts to rate the importance of various factors. It then uses structural equation modeling to analyze the relationships between these factors and build an evaluation model. This model can be used to evaluate patents by inputting their data.

13.  Automated System for Harvesting and Ranking Patent References to Evaluate Patent Strength

Patterson Thuente Pedersen, P.A., 2018

Automating the harvesting and ranking of patent references to improve patent examination and analysis. Automated reference searching and analysis system that provides a tool to collect prior art references based on automatically harvested and pruned research threads. The system also ranks the harvested references for relevance to a claim set and presents the ranking visually.


14.  Apparatus and Method for Evaluating Patent Power Using Legal Procedure History

Ichiro Kudo, 2018

An apparatus and method for evaluating patent power using patent history data. The invention extracts legal procedure data from patent histories and calculates a post-obsolescence cost based on the procedures performed by third parties like requests for inspection or invalidation trials. The extracted procedures are matched to costs in a table. Post-obsolescence costs are calculated based on the filing date, procedure dates, and obsolescence functions for the technical field. Totaling the costs provides an evaluation of the patent's power.

15.  Machine Learning-Based System for Pre-Filing Patentability Analysis and Quality Improvement


System for performing patentability searches and analysis using machine learning and pre-filing analysis to improve patent quality and success rates for inventors. The system allows users to submit concept descriptions, claim terms, or draft patent applications for analysis. It conducts searches of patent and non-patent literature databases, identifies relevant prior art, and provides results to the user. The system also identifies the likely patent examiner and art unit for the application and considers frequently cited references.

16.  Apparatus and Method for Forecasting Patent Disputes Based on Document Similarity


An apparatus and method for forecasting patent disputes. It extracts keywords from the claims and background of two patent documents and calculates similarity between them using those keywords. The claim and background similarities are combined to give a cooperative similarity score, which represents the probability that the documents are infringing on each other.


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Showcasing a range of methodologies, the innovations offered include blockchain-based risk assessment platforms and AI-driven legal language analysis. A clearer image of a patent's value is given by these systems, which attempt to objectively evaluate elements including novelty, legal defensibility, and market potential.