12 patents in this list

Updated: July 26, 2024

For both businesses and individuals to stay competitive, guarantee fair pay, and stop the illegal use of their works, intellectual property rights must be protected.


However, manual detection is a difficult task because of the large digital terrain and constantly changing infringement strategies.


The technological solutions for the automated monitoring and identification of intellectual property violations are examined on this page.

1.  Strategic Use of Copyright Protection and Interpol Red Notices to Combat Counterfeiting

EllansaLabs Inc., 2023

A strategy to deter counterfeiters by integrating copyrighted elements into products and using Interpol Red Notices to restrict their travel and pressure them to stop. The strategy involves embedding copyright-protected materials into items like gemstones and affixing authenticated tags with registered copyrighted works. When counterfeiters copy the items, they unknowingly commit criminal copyright infringement. Law enforcement can then request Interpol Red Notices against the counterfeiters. The travel restrictions and criminal charges incentivize them to halt infringement and negotiate with the copyright owners.

2.  Blockchain-Based System for IP Risk Mitigation in Supply Chains

Erich Lawson Spangenberg, 2022

A system for FTO (freedom to operate) analysis and risk mitigation to provide a comprehensive and documented process for reducing IP infringement risk in supply chains. The system uses blockchain to create an immutable record of IP analysis steps, from assessing patent density during RFPs to FTO searches and design-arounds. It also enables secure collaboration between supply chain partners and keeps FTO reports updated.


3.  Blockchain-Based System for Copyright Infringement Detection in Peer-to-Peer Networks


Detecting copyright infringement more accurately and comprehensively in a peer-to-peer network using a decentralized blockchain-based system. The system involves copyright handling apparatuses, license processing apparatuses, and blockchain processing apparatuses that store feature metadata, license info, and copyright transactions. Rights defense detection service apparatuses query these blockchains to obtain rights-to-be-defended content features and licenses. They then perform rights defense detection on digital content using the acquired features and licenses.


4.  Advanced Trademark Infringement Detection System for Online Content

Facebook, Inc., 2021

Searching for and regulating trademark violations in content items distributed by online systems, by allowing trademark owners to use their official trademark information to search for content using their trademark illegally, by performing refined text and image searching techniques to yield the most accurate results and suggestions.

5.  PCB Layout Encoding Technique for Detecting Unauthorized Replication

International Business Machines Corporation, 2021

Detecting reverse engineering of printed circuit boards (PCBs) to prevent unauthorized copying and protect intellectual property. The technique involves encoding a signature or serial number into the PCB layout by slightly modifying the wiring traces. This encoding doesn't impact functionality but allows the detection of copied boards. By checking the traces against the original layout, unauthorized duplication can be identified.

6.  Automated Detection of Unauthorized Copying of Copyrighted Printed Materials


Tracking the copying of printed materials owned by rights holders to detect unauthorized copying and compensate rights holders. It uses image processing to match copies against a database of copyrighted materials. Images from copiers are processed to obtain digital fingerprints that are compared with fingerprints of copyrighted images. Matches indicate copying of copyrighted materials. This enables automated monitoring and enforcement of copying permissions.


7.  AI-Powered System for Automated Copyright Clearance in Digital Media Content

Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC, 2020

Automated system for analyzing digital media content like movies, TV shows, and video games for legal clearance of copyrighted or protected elements. The system uses machine learning to scan the content and identify items that may require copyright clearance, such as images of people, objects, or music. It uses neural networks to analyze and compare images, audio, and text in the content against known copyrighted or protected items. The AI system can automatically scan and flag content elements that may require clearance. This helps automate the legal review process for media production.


8.  Copyright Compliance Monitoring System for Controlled Access to Copyrighted Material


A system to monitor and control access to copyrighted material to ensure compliance with copyright laws. The system uses a database of copyright rules and meters the amount of material accessed to quantify its use. Access is permitted based on the copyright rules.

9.  System for Detecting Illegal Distribution of Copyrighted Content Using Modified Keyword Identification


An illegal content searching system that detects illegally distributed contents, such as webtoons, sound sources, books, and videos, including web information that uses a modified keyword, to protect a copyright holder and teenagers. The system uses a crawler that accesses websites, collects web information, and identifies modified keywords to detect illegal copies. It also uses a distributed network of crawling servers with unique authority information to consistently monitor and detect illegal content across international sites.

10.  Intelligent Pattern Matching System for Detection of Patent Infringement

International Business Machines Corporation, 2018

System and method for efficient, scalable, and accurate detection of patent infringement using intelligent pattern matching. The method involves creating hashes of patent metadata like industry taxonomy and business advantages. These hashes are compared to hashes of subsequences of other patents to find potential matches. The matching subsequences are then compared character by character to confirm infringement.

11.  Forecasting Patent Disputes through Cooperative Similarity Analysis


An apparatus and method for forecasting patent disputes. It extracts keywords from the claims and background of two patent documents and calculates similarity between them using those keywords. The claim and background similarities are combined to give a cooperative similarity score, which represents the probability that the documents are infringing on each other.


12.  Copyrighted Material Detection System for Controlled Printing of Electronic Files

International Business Machines Corporation, 2018

Method to prevent unauthorized replication of copyrighted materials when printing electronic files by analyzing the file for copyrighted content and determining if it can be printed based on the copyright status. The system parses the file for text, images, and formatting indicative of potential copyrighted material. If it finds copyrighted material, it checks if the user is authorized to print it.


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The displayed patents demonstrate a variety of ways to keep an eye out for and identify IP infringement. Some concentrate on discouraging violations by incorporating copyright-protected components into merchandise. Others employ blockchain technology to enable the creation of tamper-proof IP analysis records or to accelerate the detection of copyright infringement in peer-to-peer networks.