16 patents in this list

Updated: July 27, 2024

LED lighting, with its extended lifespan and energy efficiency, has completely changed the lighting industry. Harsh settings, however, can make the performance less reliable. High-durability LED technology assists with this.


These lights are designed to operate dependably and long-lastingly in a variety of harsh environments, including industrial settings and adverse weather.


This page examines several developments in highly durable LED lighting technology.

1.  Self-Cooling High Power LED Lamp Design Without External Heat Sinks

Yuriy Borisovich Sokolov, 2023

An LED lamp design that enables high-power LEDs to operate without external heat sinks. The design features a cylindrical transparent housing with LEDs mounted on a flexible PCB that is rolled up inside. The PCB is coated with a thin transparent layer to protect the LEDs. The rolled PCB, LEDs, and driver components are all enclosed within the housing, allowing heat dissipation directly into the surrounding air through the transparent housing.


2.  LED Lighting Technology with Enhanced Resistance to Discoloration and Sulfurization


A light emitting device that has improved resistance to discoloration and sulfurization, and thus increased lumen maintenance and lifetime. The device contains a light-emitting element, a conductive member containing silver, and a sealing member that covers the element. The sealing member is made of a silicone composite containing zinc silanolate. The zinc silanolate improves the sealing member's resistance to discoloration and gas permeation compared to conventional silicones.

3.  Replaceable LED Light Source Unit for Traffic Signals with Enhanced Heat Dissipation


A replaceable LED light source for an LED traffic signal that can be easily replaced without replacing the entire signal unit. The light source is a self-contained unit with a heat-dissipating housing, internal optics, LED, and electronic driver. The unit can be removed and replaced as a single piece without disturbing the outer lens or housing. The internal components are sealed in a heat-dissipating material to prevent damage from heat buildup.

4.  Durable LED Package with Enhanced Rigidity and Light Extraction Efficiency


Light emitting device package with improved rigidity and light extraction efficiency, and lighting apparatus using the package. The package has a black body made of black epoxy molding compound (EMC) containing carbon black. This provides better mechanical strength and stability compared to white EMC or ceramics. The black EMC also prevents cracks and dust generation which can impact performance. The black body surrounds and supports the LED die mounted on lead frames. The black EMC body is encapsulated with a separate outer molding for protection. The package allows high light extraction and prevents cracking compared to conventional LED packages.


5.  High Intensity LED Luminaire Assembly with Enhanced Thermal Management and Serviceability

Eaton Intelligent Power Limited, 2020

A high-intensity LED luminaire (HILL) assembly that overcomes the drawbacks of existing high-intensity LED luminaires. The HILL assembly has improved thermal management, serviceability, balanced current control, and reduced off-angle glare. It uses replaceable LED modules, concave-convex lenses for light dispersion, modular components for customization, and circuitry to maintain constant color temperature and dimming using pulse width modulation. The HILL assembly also has a bracket to enclose the power supply circuitry.


6.  Enhanced Heat Dissipation Structures for Extending LED Lighting Lifespan

CREE, INC., 2019

Heat transfer structures for lighting devices like LED fixtures improve heat dissipation and extend LED lifetime. The structures include heat pipes and heat rims that extract heat from the LEDs. The heat pipes have circular annular shapes with extended regions that wrap around the heat rims to maximize thermal contact. This allows efficient heat conduction away from the LEDs. The heat rims provide additional surface area for heat transfer. The improved heat dissipation reduces LED temperature, avoids color fading, and extends lifetime.


7.  Dust-Sealed Light Source Unit for Enhanced Durability in Projector Lighting Technology


Light source unit for projectors with improved dust sealing to prevent contamination. The unit includes a holder case, a device holder with a light-emitting device, and a dustproof member with a frame-shaped dustproof portion. The dustproof portion has a softer packing section and a harder support frame. The packing section contacts the device holder and the case opening to seal gaps. The support frame provides rigidity. This prevents twisting during assembly which could cause dust entry.

8.  Innovative Housing Design for Improved Durability and Optical Performance in LED Lighting


An LED light unit with a housing design that enables simple and cost-effective assembly while improving optical performance. The housing includes a base plate supporting the LED and electronics, a transparent cover with a lens, and sealing to protect against contaminants.


9.  Innovative LED Lamp Design for Enhanced Heat Dissipation and Extended Lifetime


LED lamp design that allows for more efficient heat dissipation to improve thermal management and extend the lifetime of the lamp. The design includes a thermal conductive material positioned between the PCB and the transparent cover to facilitate heat transfer from the LEDs to the cover. This allows the transparent cover itself to act as a heat sink, dissipating the heat generated by the LEDs. The conductive connecting structures on the end lids also help to transfer heat away from the PCB. This provides multiple paths for heat dissipation from the LEDs, reducing operating temperature and improving the reliability and lifetime of the lamp.

10.  Weather-Resistant LED Module with Modular Design for Channel Letters

Seoul Semiconductor Co., Ltd., 2018

LED module for channel letters that protects the electronic components from the elements. A molded plastic cover encloses the circuit board and leaves only the LED exposed. The cover has an opening on the bottom to connect to the channel. The cover seals the board from humidity while still allowing modular replacement. The channel has protrusions that contact the bottom opening to provide a heat path.


11.  LED Socket Assembly for Enhanced Durability and Package Integrity

TE Connectivity Nederland BV, 2018

A socket assembly to hold an LED package securely for lighting applications without causing LED package failure. The assembly includes a base frame, isolator frame and electrical contact. The base frame attaches to a support structure and has a spring finger that applies a clamping force to the LED PCB. The isolator frame isolates the electrical contact from the base frame. This allows the spring finger to clamp the LED PCB against the support structure without applying excessive force that could fracture the LED package.


12.  Dustproof Light Source Unit for Projectors Using LEDs or Lasers


Light source unit for projectors that uses LEDs or lasers instead of lamps. The light source unit has a dustproof member with a frame-shaped dustproof portion that fits between the device holder and opening of the holder case. The dustproof portion has ribs that contact the device holder and holder case to seal the gap. This prevents dust from entering the device.


13.  LED Lighting Assembly with Enhanced Heat Dissipation and Light Distribution

LIFI Labs, Inc., 2018

A lighting assembly and housing for improved light distribution and heat dissipation. The assembly includes a light source, such as an LED, mounted on a heat sink. The heat sink has fins to increase surface area for better cooling. The heat sink is enclosed in a housing with a lens to protect the light source and direct the light output. The housing has a shape that helps distribute light evenly in all directions. This provides improved lighting performance and also ensures the heat from the light source is efficiently dissipated to maintain LED performance and lifespan.


14.  Efficient Manufacture of Durable LED Sticks with Uniform White Light Emission

Andrey Zykin, Alcinda Miller, 2018

High-yield, efficient and inexpensive manufacture of LED sticks. The method involves attaching LED packages directly to LED strips that are encapsulated in a solid enclosure. This avoids stressing the packages during assembly and enables good yellow phosphor attachment. The encapsulated LEDs are surrounded by a shrink wrap sleeve coated with yellow phosphor to create a uniform white light emission.

15.  Innovative Modular Outdoor LED Display Technology with Enhanced Durability and Reduced Cost

Ultravision Technologies, LLC, 2018

Modular multi-panel LED display without cabinets to provide a lower cost, lighter weight and more robust replacement for large outdoor LED displays. The modular panels are interconnected directly without cabinets or enclosures, exposing the electronics to the environment. Heat sinks and passive cooling dissipate the heat. The panels have recessed components, sealed with potting, to protect against moisture. The panels interlock for a seamless display. The main panel has extra components like power supplies while slave panels are simpler.


16.  Innovative LED Bracket Design for Enhanced Reliability and Manufacturing Yield

Foshan NationStar Optoelectronics Co., Ltd., 2018

LED bracket design to improve LED reliability and manufacturing yield. The LED bracket has separate top, side, and bottom electrode regions connected within the PCB circuit substrate. An insulating material fills the side electrode region. This design prevents resin from protruding into the via hole like traditional LEDs. The separate electrodes reduce stress on the via connection, preventing failures when encapsulated. The design also allows LED brackets to be arrayed on a PCB sheet, improving manufacturing efficiency and yield.

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The patents shown here demonstrate a variety of methods for producing LED lights with great durability. Some concentrate on novel approaches to heat dissipation, such as self-cooling designs and the use of certain materials to enhance thermal transmission. Others tackle environmental conservation by means of improved sealing methods and sturdy home plans.