15 patents in this list

Updated: July 27, 2024

LED lighting technology's energy efficiency and environmental advantages have completely changed the lighting industry. But to fully utilize these lights, their longevity must be maximized.


Increasing the lifespan of LEDs guarantees dependable lighting for both residential and commercial environments while also lowering maintenance costs and having a minimal environmental impact.

This page examines current developments that increase the lifespan of LED lighting.

1.  Direct Power Supply Connection for Enhanced Reliability in LED Tube Lamps


LED tube lamp with improved reliability and durability compared to existing designs. It addresses drawbacks of traditional LED tube lamps such as easily damaged wires, unreliable connections, and inadequate power supply. The LED tube lamp has an extended LED light strip that reaches inside the end cap to connect the LEDs directly to the power supply, avoiding wire connections. The light strip has thicker wiring in that portion to handle the electrical load. This eliminates the fragile wire connections that can break. The tube also has a protective layer with openings for the LEDs and solder pads.


2.  Advanced Heat Dissipation Structures for Enhanced LED Lighting Longevity

CREE, INC., 2019

Heat transfer structures for lighting devices like LED fixtures improve heat dissipation and extend LED lifetime. The structures include heat pipes and heat rims that extract heat from the LEDs. The heat pipes have circular annular shapes with extended regions that wrap around the heat rims to maximize thermal contact. This allows efficient heat conduction away from the LEDs. The heat rims provide additional surface area for heat transfer. The improved heat dissipation reduces LED temperature, avoids color fading, and extends lifetime.


3.  Optimized Electrode and Insulator Design for Improved LED Efficiency and Durability


Light emitting diode (LED) structure in which the electrodes and insulating structure are optimized to improve device efficiency and reliability. The LED has a semiconductor stack with via contacts to the bottom layer and a top electrode. An insulating layer covers the stack with openings to expose the electrodes. The insulator should have a low Young's modulus and thickness, allowing the electrodes to flex and absorb mechanical stress without cracking the stack.

4.  Oxide-Coated Perovskite Nanoparticles for Enhanced LED Stability and Efficiency

Cree, Inc., 2019

Stabilized perovskite nanoparticles for use in LED applications. The nanoparticles are coated with an oxide layer that protects them from degradation in an LED environment. This improves stability and efficiency compared to uncoated perovskite nanoparticles. The oxide coating is formed by adding an oxide precursor to the nanoparticle dispersion, where the precursor reacts with ligands on the nanoparticle surface to form a conformal oxide layer.

5.  Stabilized Quantum Dot Composites for Enhanced LED Lifespan

Cree, Inc., 2019

Stabilized quantum dot composites for use in LED displays and lighting that have improved stability over previous quantum dots. The composites are made by dispersing luminescent quantum dot nanoparticles in an aqueous solution containing an ionic metal oxide. The dispersion is dried to form a composite with the quantum dots embedded in a matrix of the metal oxide. The metal oxide matrix stabilizes the quantum dots against moisture and oxygen degradation when used in LED packages.

6.  Omni-Directional LED Light with Integrated Heat Sink for Extended Lifespan

Shenzhen Guanke Technologies Co., Ltd., 2019

An LED light for parking lots and garages that can provide uniform lighting both upwards and downwards. The LED light has dual luminous portions - one surrounding the top of the housing and another below it. When the upper portion emits light in the first direction, the lower portion emits light in the opposite direction. This provides omnidirectional lighting. A heat sink is positioned between the luminous portions to dissipate heat and improve LED lifespan.

7.  Dual-Directional LED Lighting with Enhanced Heat Dissipation for Parking Facilities

Shenzhen Guanke Technologies Co., Ltd., 2019

LED light is designed for parking lots and garages that have improved heat dissipation and lifespan compared to HID lamps. The LED light has two luminous portions, one surrounding the housing and one below it, that emit light in opposite directions to provide upward and downward illumination. A heat sink positioned between the luminous portions dissipates heat from both. This allows the LED light to evenly illuminate the ceiling and floor like HID lamps but with better energy efficiency, longer lifespan, and improved heat dissipation.


8.  Enhanced Heat Dissipation Design for Extending LED Lamp Lifetime


LED lamp design that allows for more efficient heat dissipation to improve thermal management and extend the lifetime of the lamp. The design includes a thermal conductive material positioned between the PCB and the transparent cover to facilitate heat transfer from the LEDs to the cover. This allows the transparent cover itself to act as a heat sink, dissipating the heat generated by the LEDs. The conductive connecting structures on the end lids also help to transfer heat away from the PCB. This provides multiple paths for heat dissipation from the LEDs, reducing operating temperature and improving the reliability and lifetime of the lamp.

9.  High Power LED Lighting Apparatus with Enhanced Heat Dissipation


A high-power LED lighting apparatus with improved heat dissipation to increase the lifetime and maintain the efficiency of the LEDs. The apparatus has a carrier with a light-emitting element on its top surface, covered by a transparent cover body. The cover body protects the LED while allowing light emission. The cover body also thermally connects to the carrier to dissipate heat from the LED.


10.  LED Package Design with Protective Adhesive Layer for Enhanced Durability and Performance


A light-emitting device that improves LED performance and reliability through a novel package design. The LED has a protective adhesive layer between the electrode and semiconductor layers, preventing direct contact that can degrade performance. The adhesive layer also coats the exposed semiconductor surfaces to protect against environmental damage. The LED package surrounds the LED with a molding compound, protecting the delicate LED components from mechanical stress and contaminants. The package design thus enhances LED durability and longevity.


11.  LED Socket Assembly for Reducing Package Failure and Extending Service Life

TE Connectivity Nederland BV, 2018

A socket assembly to hold an LED package securely for lighting applications without causing LED package failure. The assembly includes a base frame, isolator frame and electrical contact. The base frame attaches to a support structure and has a spring finger that applies a clamping force to the LED PCB. The isolator frame isolates the electrical contact from the base frame. This allows the spring finger to clamp the LED PCB against the support structure without applying excessive force that could fracture the LED package.


12.  LED Lighting Assembly with Enhanced Heat Dissipation and Light Distribution

LIFI Labs, Inc., 2018

A lighting assembly and housing for improved light distribution and heat dissipation. The assembly includes a light source, such as an LED, mounted on a heat sink. The heat sink has fins to increase surface area for better cooling. The heat sink is enclosed in a housing with a lens to protect the light source and direct the light output. The housing has a shape that helps distribute light evenly in all directions. This provides improved lighting performance and also ensures the heat from the light source is efficiently dissipated to maintain LED performance and lifespan.


13.  Enhanced LED Device with Optimized Pad Structure for Improved Heat Dissipation and Light Extraction


Light-emitting devices like LEDs with improved efficiency and lifespan. The device has an intricate pad structure that allows better heat dissipation, current spreading, and light extraction. The pad includes a metal layer with specific material properties like high Young's modulus and surface tension. The pad is also thin compared to the surrounding insulation. This allows the pad to improve performance without blocking light emission. The device can further have textured surfaces and optimized electrode coverage for enhanced brightness.

14.  Thermally Conductive Fluid Cooling System for Extending LED Lifespan


Lighting device that uses a thermally conductive fluid-filled chamber to cool the LEDs and extend their lifetime. The device has a sealed chamber filled with a thermally conductive fluid like oil. Inside this chamber are the LEDs and a conductive interface to transfer heat to the fluid. The light from the LEDs passes through the chamber walls.


15.  LED Device with Protective Adhesive Layer for Extended Service Life


A light emitting device and package that protects the LED structure from damage and degradation. The LED device has an adhesive layer between one electrode and the LED structure, with the adhesive layer spaced apart from the other electrode. This embeds the LED structure within the device. The adhesive protects the edges and surfaces of the LED layers from contamination and degradation. The device can be packaged with a surrounding molding to further protect the LED.

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The innovative ways to increase the lifespan of LEDs are shown in these patents. The utilization of stable materials like perovskite and quantum dots, as well as enhanced electrode and insulator designs, are a few of these. The lifespan of LED lights is also being aided by enhanced power supply arrangements and package designs.