15 patents in this list

Updated: February 06, 2024

This page provides an overview of the application of hydrogen fuel cells in aircraft and how this technology is revolutionizing the aviation industry.

Hydrogen fuel cells offer a promising alternative to traditional internal combustion engines in aircraft. They are environmentally friendly, producing only water as a byproduct, and do not release greenhouse gases. Fuel cells also provide longer flight range and faster refueling times compared to batteries. The use of hydrogen fuel cells in aircraft can significantly reduce carbon emissions and decrease dependence on fossil fuels, making air travel more sustainable and eco-friendly.

Despite their potential, there are several technological challenges to overcome for the widespread implementation of hydrogen fuel cells in aircraft. Safety is a primary concern due to the highly flammable nature of hydrogen. Developing lightweight and compact fuel cell systems that can withstand the harsh conditions of aviation, such as vibrations, temperature fluctuations, and altitude changes, is also critical. Additionally, establishing a hydrogen infrastructure for refueling and storage at airports is a logistical challenge that needs to be addressed.

1.  High Efficiency Thermodynamic Fuel Cell System for Sustainable High Altitude Flight

Joby Aero, Inc., 2023

A hydrogen fueled high altitude aircraft using a thermodynamic fuel cell system that maximizes efficiency and minimizes environmental impacts. The system compresses inlet air using multiple compressors and cools it using liquid hydrogen to maintain low temperature for the fuel cell. The hydrogen is also compressed and expanded before the fuel cell. The exhaust is cooled to condense water that is collected and expelled as ice. The high efficiency hydrogen conversion enables long range flight with lower fuel volumes. The VTOL aircraft can fly at high altitude with reduced environmental impact.


2.  Fault-Tolerant Fuel Cell Module Design for VTOL Aircraft

Alakai Technologies Corporation, 2023

A fault-tolerant fuel cell module for a vertical takeoff and landing aircraft. The module comprises multiple hydrogen fuel cells in a stack, with flow field plates to distribute hydrogen and oxygen. The fuel cells are combined in a modular unit with reduced part count, enabling high power density. Compressed air is supplied by turbochargers. Heat exchangers warm hydrogen extracted from liquid hydrogen fuel.


3.  Efficient Hydrogen Refueling System for Fuel Cell-Powered Aircraft

ZeroAvia, Ltd., 2022

System for refueling hydrogen fuel cell-powered aircraft with minimum boil-off and leakage of cryogenic hydrogen fuel. The system uses a compressor to pressurize ambient temperature hydrogen from a storage source, and a heat exchanger to absorb excess compression heat. This heat is converted to usable energy to power the aircraft. The compressed hydrogen at ambient temperature is then transferred to the aircraft's onboard cryogenic hydrogen storage. This reduces boil-off and leakage compared to directly transferring cryogenic hydrogen.

4.  Electrical System for Jump-Starting Hydrogen Fuel Cells in Aircraft

ZeroAvia, Ltd., 2022

A system for jump-starting a hydrogen fuel cell in a hydrogen fuel cell-powered aircraft using the aircraft's electrical power system and energy storage devices, such as batteries or ultracapacitors. The system uses the electrical power stored in the energy storage devices to provide the initial high voltage required to start the fuel cell. A controller monitors the fuel cell's voltage and starts the fuel cell when it drops below a threshold. The controller then connects the energy storage devices to the fuel cell to provide the high voltage required for starting.


5.  Method for Managing Excess Hydrogen Fuel in Fuel Cell-Powered Aircraft

ZeroAvia, Inc., 2022

Managing excess hydrogen fuel in fuel cell aircraft to prevent losses and reduce costs. The method involves offloading unused fuel from the aircraft's fuel tank to prevent boil-off or leaks. This is done when there is leftover fuel after a flight or if the flight is cancelled. The aircraft can be flown to a location needing power, like an airport during a natural disaster, and used to generate and provide electricity.

6.  Predictive Management System for Optimizing Fuel Cell Usage in Aircraft

ZeroAvia, Ltd., 2022

Predictive fuel cell management for integrated hydrogen-electric systems like aircraft. It optimizes the number of fuel cells online at any given time to avoid wasting energy or damaging cells. The system uses a controller to monitor aircraft flight conditions and predict the power requirements for each phase of flight. Based on this data, it activates or deactivates fuel cells to match the power needs without overloading the fuel cell stack.


7.  Modular Fuel Cell System with Integrated Compressor for Aircraft Propulsion Efficiency

Airbus SAS, Airbus Operations SAS, Airbus Operations GmbH, 2022

A modular fuel cell system for aircraft propulsion that reduces size and complexity while improving efficiency. The system uses a compressor to supply air to multiple fuel cells through separate circuits instead of individual balance of plant systems for each cell. This allows a single compressor and cooling circuit to serve multiple cells, reducing weight and complexity compared to dedicated BOP systems for each cell. The system also has a controller that converts power from the first subset of cells into electrical current for an electric motor.

8.  High-Altitude UAV Fuel Cell with Convertible Cathode for Ambient Air and Stored Oxygen Use

Textron Innovations Inc., 2022

A fuel cell powered UAV with a convertible cathode. The fuel cell can switch between using ambient air and using onboard stored oxygen. This allows the UAV to fly at higher altitudes where oxygen concentration is too low for normal fuel cells. The switchable cathode enables the fuel cell to adapt to changing oxygen availability during flight.


9.  Aircraft Fuel Cell System with Integrated Catalytic Burner for Eliminating Flammable Gas Venting


Fuel cell system for aircraft that consumes hydrogen and oxidizer to eliminate venting flammable gases. The system uses a fuel cell along with a catalytic hydrogen burner to consume residual hydrogen and oxidizer gases. This prevents release into the aircraft cabin. The burner conditions the oxidizer before supplying it to the fuel cell. The reactions are exothermic and can be used to heat the fuel cell during startup or provide heat to other aircraft systems.


10.  Dual-Mode Fuel Cell System for Enhanced Aircraft Performance at High Altitudes

Bell Helicopter Textron Inc., 2022

A fuel cell powered aircraft that converts between using ambient air and stored oxygen to power the fuel cell, allowing operation above 15,000 feet where air oxygen is too low for normal fuel cells. The aircraft has a fuel cell cathode that can switch between air and oxygen, allowing it to use ambient air at lower altitudes, then switch to using stored oxygen at higher altitudes where air oxygen is insufficient. The switching can be automated based on flight parameters, atmospheric conditions, power demands, etc. This allows the aircraft to efficiently use ambient air when possible, while having the oxygen option for high altitude flight.


11.  Modular Hydrogen Fuel Cell System for Electric Aircraft Power Generation

Alakai Technologies Corporation, 2021

A modular fuel cell system for electric aircraft. The system uses hydrogen fuel cells to provide power for on-board electric motors. The fuel cells are housed in modular units that can be combined to scale up power as needed. The fuel cells receive compressed air and hydrogen, and produce electricity and water as byproducts. The cells are cooled using heat exchangers. The modular design allows fault tolerance and lightweight power generation for vertical takeoff and landing electric aircraft.


12.  Efficient Low-Pressure Drop Water Exchanger for Fuel Cell-Powered UAVs

Honeywell international Inc., 2020

Low-pressure drop water exchanger for fuel cell power systems in unmanned air vehicles (e.g. drones) that allows longer flight times through efficient use of hydrogen fuel cells. The exchanger uses hollow tubes with water-permeable membranes to selectively transfer water vapor from the fuel cell exhaust to the intake. The membranes are made of materials like perfluorosulfonic acid or other polymers. The hollow tube design provides lightweight and low-pressure drop compared to existing water exchangers, making it suitable for airborne applications.

13.  Innovative Aircraft Fuel Cell System with Hybrid Pressure Regulation and Enhanced Safety Features

Zodiac Aerotechnics, 2020

Aircraft fuel cell system that is simpler, safer and more autonomous. It uses separate hydrogen zones, a hybrid pressure regulator, and allows independent power delivery without a converter.


14.  Hybrid Fuel Cell Power Generator with Recirculating Hydrogen Path for UAVs

Honeywell International Inc., 2019

A hybrid fuel cell power generator for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that enables long endurance flights. It combines a proton exchange membrane fuel cell with a hydrogen generator and recirculating hydrogen path. The generator has an ambient air path across the fuel cell cathode and a recirculating hydrogen path across the anode. Water is transferred from the cathode air to the hydrogen stream. A separate hydrogen generator adds hydrogen to the recirculating path. This closed loop system sustains fuel cell operation without external hydrogen tanks. Temperature control of components improves efficiency and longevity.


15.  Fuel Cell-Based Emergency Power System for Aircraft

GE Aviation Systems Limited, 2018

An aircraft emergency power system using a fuel cell instead of a ram air turbine to generate electrical power during emergency operations. It does this by supplying hydrogen gas and warmed air to a fuel cell system to generate power proportional to the demand. A solid hydrogen storage system releases hydrogen at a controlled rate matched to the fuel cell load.


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