28 patents in this list

Updated: July 05, 2024

Revolutionizing the world of EVs means achieving lightning-fast charging without compromising battery life or safety. Engineers from different fields are bringing innovations in battery materials, charging systems, power electronics, and thermal regulation techniques to cut down charge times. This collection of patents provides valuable insights into the multifaceted R&D pathway towards fast-charging EV batteries.

1.  Dynamic Pulse Heating Method for Optimized EV Battery Charging

Gbatteries Energy Canada Inc., 2024

Battery charging method that optimizes charging speed and battery life by dynamically switching between heating pulses and regular charging based on pack temperature. The method involves applying alternating positive and negative pulses with a specific frequency to heat the battery pack when it's below a reference temperature. This helps raise pack temperature for faster charging. Once the pack reaches the reference temperature, regular charging current is applied.


2.  Liquid Cooled Charging Cable for High-Power Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Southwire Company, LLC, 2023

A liquid cooled charging cable for electric vehicle charging stations that allows higher power charging than air cooled cables without becoming too large and heavy. The cable contains a coolant that is pumped around the conductors to cool them and prevent overheating at high charging currents.


3.  Optimal Temperature Control for Improved Electric Vehicle Battery Charging Efficiency

Hyundai Motor Company, 2023

Efficiently controlling the temperature of an electric vehicle battery to improve charging efficiency by determining the optimal charging temperature based on vehicle driving conditions and battery charge status, and then adjusting the battery temperature to that optimal level before charging.

4.  Adaptive Charging Strategy with Impedance Monitoring to Prevent Lithium Plating in EV Batteries


Battery charging method and system that enables faster charging without compromising safety. The method involves charging a battery according to a strategy table and periodically performing impedance measurements during charging to detect lithium plating. If plating is detected, the charging current is reduced for subsequent charge cycles. This prevents plating without over-conservatively limiting charging.

5.  Efficient EV Battery Charging System with Selective Energy Storage Utilization


Charging and discharging device for electric vehicles that improves battery charging and discharging efficiency. It uses two DC/DC converters and an energy storage unit in addition to an AC/DC converter. The device selectively uses the energy storage unit to charge the battery when possible. It monitors bus voltage and balance to determine when to engage the AC/DC converter. This balances the charge sources and prevents over/undercharging.

6.  Optimal Temperature-Based Battery Conditioning for Enhanced EV Charging Performance

Hyundai Motor Company, Kia Corporation, 2023

Battery conditioning for electric vehicles that provides battery state information associated with charging performance. The conditioning enables a driver to control and manage battery temperature before charging to reach an optimal level. This improves charging speed and capacity compared to unconditioned charging. The conditioning method involves obtaining battery temperature vs charging time data, using that to determine an appropriate charging time given the current battery temperature, then displaying a charging performance level (excellent, good, poor) based on the actual charging time compared to optimal.

7.  Prismatic Battery Cell Design for Efficient Fast Charging and Heat Management

Volvo Car Corporation, 2023

A prismatic battery cell design that enables fast charging with reduced heat development and efficient packing in a rectangular battery pack. The cell has a rectangular conductive casing containing stacked layers of cathode, anode, and separator. One set of cathode and anode tabs run along the bottom width and connect to the casing for one terminal. The other set of tabs run along the top width and connect to a terminal that projects through the cover.

8.  Adaptive Fuel Cell System for Optimizing EV Battery Charging Time


Fuel cell system for vehicles that reduces secondary battery charging time after ignition off. It calculates the energy needed from the battery until the fuel cell starts again, and sets the target battery state of charge (SOC) accordingly. This prevents overcharging the battery. It also varies the target SOC based on fuel cell system temperature, switching to a higher target if the system is hot.


9.  Multi-Stage Voltage Conversion System for Fast and Efficient EV Battery Charging

Gbatteries Energy Canada Inc., 2023

Fast charging battery system with multi-stage voltage conversion to charge batteries faster with minimized heat dissipation compared to conventional chargers. The charging involves a sequence of voltage conversion cycles to generate a charging pulse with high current for fast charging. Each conversion cycle starts with getting input voltage from the power source, generating intermediate voltages, and converting them into portions of the charging pulse using secondary converters. This allows stepping down voltage while increasing current to charge the battery faster with reduced power loss.

10.  High-Efficiency AC-DC Converter Circuit for Fast Charging of Electric Vehicle and Smartphone Batteries

Epinovatech AB, 2022

AC-DC converter circuit for efficiently charging electric vehicle and smartphone batteries at high power and fast rates. The circuit uses two transistors, one of which is always ON and grounded, to reduce parasitic capacitance and increase switching speed. This allows efficient AC-DC conversion at high frequency without bulky passive components. The converter has an input rectifier, two transistors, and output rectifier/filters.

11.  Pulse Charging Method for Efficient and Uniform EV Battery Formation

Gbatteries Energy Canada Inc., 2022

A faster, more efficient, and uniform method for battery formation using pulse charging instead of the traditional constant current-constant voltage charging. The method involves applying sets of pulses with net zero, positive, and zero charge to the battery at different frequencies. The pulse parameters are adjusted based on measured battery parameters after each set. This allows faster and more controlled formation compared to constant current charging.

12.  Adaptive Charging Method Based on Relaxation Voltage Measurements for EV Batteries

Gbatteries Energy Canada Inc., 2022

Adaptive battery charging method that improves charging speed and battery life by using relaxation voltage measurements. After charging, discharging pulses are applied to determine the battery's relaxation voltage. The difference between peak and post-pulse relaxation voltages is analyzed to adapt charging parameters. This adaption is based on the relaxation behavior to optimize charging based on the battery's specific characteristics.

13.  Distributed Energy Storage for Grid-Friendly Fast Charging EV Stations


Fast charging electric vehicle stations that uses distributed energy storage to provide high power charging without stressing the grid. The stations have one or more electric reservoirs, like batteries or capacitors, that store energy from the grid. This stored energy is used to fast charge EVs, reducing the peak grid power demand. The stations also have fuel pumps to provide a full-service refueling station.


14.  Layered Negative Electrode Design for Enhanced Quick Charging of Secondary Batteries

Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, 2022

Secondary battery with improved quick charging performance and cycle life while maintaining high energy density. It uses a layered negative electrode design with two films. The first film closest to the current collector contains artificial graphite with a high percentage of primary particles. The second film on top contains artificial graphite as well.

15.  Real-Time Controlled Pulse Charging for Enhanced EV Battery Efficiency and Lifespan

GBatteries Energy Canada Inc., 2021

Pulse charging batteries using real-time control to improve charging efficiency and extend battery life. The technique involves generating pulse waveforms based on electrochemical models of battery charging dynamics. The waveforms are used to modulate the charge pulses applied to the battery. The modulation is done in real-time during charging based on factors like lithium ion intercalation, elastic deformations, and impedance changes. This allows optimized pulse durations and intervals for each battery cell to match its charge kinetics. It reduces charging time, prevents overcharging, and mitigates degradation compared to constant current charging.

16.  Dynamic Reconfiguration System for Enhanced EV Battery Charging Rates

Rivian IP Holdings, LLC, 2020

Configurable battery system that allows higher charging rates without needing larger current rated components. It uses switches to dynamically reconfigure battery module connections from parallel to series. In the low voltage configuration, the battery modules are wired in parallel to achieve a target maximum voltage. For fast charging, the connections are switched to series to double the voltage. This allows higher charging current without increasing voltage.

17.  Customized Fast Charging Technique for Lithium-Ion Batteries with Minimized Degradation

SF Motors, Inc., 2020

Smart and customized fast charging of lithium-ion batteries that minimizes degradation and extends battery life. The technique involves automatically generating a customized charging algorithm for each battery batch based on testing individual cells. The algorithm is stored in a lookup table and used by the battery management system to charge batteries optimally at different states of charge.

18.  Adaptive Charging Method for Accelerated and Safe Charging of EV Batteries


Charging a rechargeable battery in a way that allows faster charging without overheating or damaging the battery. The charging current is adjusted based on the battery's state of charge, allowing faster charging when the battery is low and slower charging as it fills up. This prevents excessively long charge times as the battery gets fuller.

19.  Dynamic Power Management for Enhanced Fast Charging at EV Charging Stations

innogy SE, 2019

Operating electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in a way that allows for faster charging than the station's continuous power rating would normally allow, without damaging the station components. The method involves negotiating a charging power with the EV and then monitoring the charging current. If the current exceeds the continuous power rating, the charging station cuts off the current. This prevents excessive power draw that could damage the station components while still allowing brief periods of faster charging for improved battery state of charge.


20.  Pulsed Charging Method for Improved Efficiency and Lifespan of EV Batteries


Charging a battery cell using pulsed charging to improve charging efficiency and extend battery life. The pulsed charging involves applying short charge pulses to the battery instead of continuously charging it. Each pulse has an ON time to charge capacitive regions in the battery and an OFF time to dissipate that charge into the ionic storage form. The pulse is turned OFF before the capacitive regions are fully charged to transfer the stored energy into the ionic storage. This pulsed charging reduces overcharging and improves charging efficiency by utilizing the battery's capacitive regions instead of continuously charging.

21. Adaptive Pulse Charging Technique for Fast and Safe EV Battery Charging

22. Adaptive Charging Interruption Method for Fast Charging of Storage Batteries

23. Overloading Capability in EV Charging Stations for Accelerated Charging

24. Balanced Fast Charging Method for Extended EV Battery Life

25. Innovative Approach to Achieve Rapid Charging in Lower C-rate Electric Vehicle Batteries

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