557 patents in this list

Updated: June 18, 2024

Solid-state battery technologies are poised to revolutionize energy storage by offering a safer and more efficient alternative to conventional batteries. At the heart of this innovation lies the solid-state battery with a stable interface, a breakthrough that promises to enhance battery performance and longevity.

This article explores cutting-edge solid-state battery solutions that focus on creating stable interfaces between solid electrolytes and electrodes. By addressing critical challenges such as dendrite formation and interface degradation, these advancements are unlocking new possibilities in energy storage technology.

With these innovations, we can anticipate higher energy densities, longer lifecycle batteries, and substantially improved safety profiles, thus paving the way for the next generation of high-performance, reliable, and sustainable energy storage systems. This progression heralds a transformative era for applications ranging from electric vehicles to renewable energy integration.

1.  Innovative Electrode Tab Configuration for Enhanced Safety and Energy Density in Solid-State Batteries


Battery cell design to improve energy density and safety. The battery cell has the electrode tabs on the same end of the electrode stack facing the end cap, instead of opposite ends. An insulating member separates the tabs and abuts against the stack. This prevents tab overlap and short circuits during vibration. The insulating member also limits stack movement within the cell. The tabs leading out from the same end saves internal space compared to opposite ends.


2.  Cold Temperature Charging Optimization System for Solid-State Batteries to Prevent Lithium Plating


Battery system for optimizing charging in cold temperatures to prevent lithium plating and maximize charging power. The system uses reference cells in cold spots to monitor anode potential. If a reference cell's potential drops below a threshold, charging current is reduced. This prevents lithium plating in cold cells without limiting overall charging capacity. The reference cells are placed in positions expected to have lower temperatures during charging. By monitoring cold cells specifically, the system can prevent plating in those locations without unnecessarily limiting charging power in warmer cells.

3.  Enhanced Surface Stability in Positive Electrode Materials for Long-Life Lithium-Ion Batteries


A positive electrode active material for lithium-ion batteries that retains its structure and capacity after repeated charge/discharge cycles. The material has a surface region with higher concentration of an additive element X compared to the interior. This reinforces the outer surface and prevents breakage of the layered structure as lithium is extracted during charging. The higher X content surface helps the material maintain its structure and capacity over cycles compared to a homogeneous composition.

4.  Solid-State Structural Battery with Enhanced Mechanical Strength and Stability

Hyundai Motor Company, Kia Corporation, 2024

Structural battery for vehicles that can provide both electric power storage and structural support without requiring liquid electrolytes. The battery has stacked positive and negative electrode layers sandwiched between outer structure reinforcement layers. Solid electrolytes coat the boundaries, electrode side surfaces, and outer layers. This allows forming the battery by connecting terminals without injecting liquid electrolytes. It improves mechanical strength compared to conventional liquid electrolyte batteries.

5.  Method for Creating Porous Structure in Battery Materials to Stabilize Volume During Cycling


Reducing volume change of battery active materials during charging/discharging by creating a porous structure inside the material particles. The method involves preparing a LiSi precursor with a specific crystal phase, then extracting Li using a solvent to form voids in the precursor. This step creates a porous active material with reduced volume change compared to non-porous materials. The specific crystal phase is Li22Si5.


6.  Solid-State Battery Design with Enhanced Thermal Management and Short Circuit Prevention

Webasto SE, 2024

Battery design with improved thermal management and short circuit prevention. The battery has a battery module and a temperature control plate with a thermally conductive paste between them. An electrically insulating spacer is sandwiched between the module and the plate. This spacer prevents direct electrical contact between the module and plate, preventing short circuits. It also allows some deformation of the plate when the module compresses during assembly, reducing stress on the paste and preventing cracking. The spacer thickness provides clearance between the module and plate filled with paste for thermal conductivity.

7.  Solid-State Battery Anode Design for Enhanced Charging Stability and Short Circuit Prevention


An all solid state battery design to prevent short circuits in the anode during charging by controlling the resistance distribution. The battery has a coating layer with lithium titanate on the anode current collector. The coating exists in the region where the anode and cathode are opposing but is omitted in the region where they are not opposed. This helps balance charge reaction progression in both regions. In the opposed region, the coating provides a conductive path to lower anode potential. In the non-opposed region, the coating omission reduces resistance compared to the coated region. This prevents uneven charge reaction progression and minimizes short circuits in the anode.

8.  Solid-State Thermal Battery with Actuated Heat Engines for Improved Efficiency and Stability


Solid-state thermal battery with actuated heat engines to improve efficiency and reduce thermal shock compared to conventional molten salt batteries. The battery has an insulated container with a stationary thermal storage medium. Actuated heat engines can move in and out of the container to selectively extract heat from the medium. This allows discharging without large thermal gradients that could damage the medium. The engine positions are varied over time to balance heat extraction. This reduces thermal stresses and enables higher power and capacity compared to fixed engine locations.


9.  Solid-State Battery Cell Design with Enhanced Safety Features


Battery cell design to improve safety by reducing internal short circuits and leakage risks. The cell has a unique case structure with the electrode terminals on the cover plate instead of the case end. This moves the terminals farther from the cell joints, reducing forces on them during impact. The terminals connect to a concave section on the cover body. A sealing plate covers the concave area. This prevents terminal shaking during assembly and reduces risks of terminal-cover contact. The terminals also have through-holes for electrolyte injection.


10.  Solid-State Battery Cell Design for Enhanced Welding Stability by Insulating Film Control


Battery cell design to reduce defects like burst points and pinholes during welding by controlling the insulating film around the electrode. The insulating film is enclosed around the electrode and isolates it from the cell shell. The distance between the film ends near the electrode edge increases as it approaches the end cap. This prevents the film from extending too close to the cap during welding where it can vaporize and cause defects. Avoidance structures on the film near the cap further prevent interference.


11.  Dual-Layer Protective Coating for Lithium Metal Anodes to Inhibit Dendrite Growth


Lithium electrode for batteries with a protective layer to prevent dendrite growth in lithium metal anodes. The protective layer is a composite of two layers: a first layer close to the lithium metal with high ion conductivity, and a second layer further from the lithium metal with high electrical conductivity and mechanical strength. The first layer allows lithium ions to pass and prevents lithium depletion. The second layer transfers electrons to the lithium surface and prevents localized current density. The composite layer structure inhibits dendrite growth and improves battery performance compared to single-layer coatings.


12.  Innovative Multi-Cell Design for Enhanced Low-Temperature Performance in Solid-State Batteries


Battery design to improve low-temperature performance without adding thermal insulation. The battery has multiple cells where some cells have higher internal resistance and slower heat transfer compared to others. The cells with higher resistance can operate separately at low temperatures to warm up the environment before connecting in series with the other cells. This allows gradual capacity release without severe polarization or lithium plating in the cells with slower heat transfer. The cells with faster heat transfer can have lower resistance.


13.  Reinforced Solid Polymer Electrolytes for Enhanced Stability in Lithium-Ion Batteries


Low cost, reinforced solid polymer electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries that provide improved mechanical, electrochemical, and thermal stability compared to existing solid electrolytes. The electrolyte is made by coating a porous substrate with a fluoropolymer-ionic liquid-lithium salt solution on one side and a fluoropolymer-LLZO solution on the other side. The coated substrate is then dried and cured to form the solid electrolyte. The reinforced electrolyte has better ionic conductivity, lower dendrite growth, and higher thermal stability than pure solid polymer electrolytes.

14.  Solid-State Battery Design with Optimized Cell Insulation and Containment


A battery design and production method that improves energy density by optimizing the insulation and containment of the battery cells. The battery has an enclosure with fixed positions for upper and lower insulating members that surround and isolate the cells. This allows higher cell density and stacking compared to loose cell assemblies. It also simplifies maintenance by enabling individual insulator removal without disassembling the entire battery. The enclosure has separate fixing points for the upper and lower insulators.


15.  Core-Shell Structured Electrode for Enhanced Stability in Solid-State Batteries


A positive electrode sheet for secondary batteries with improved performance and cycle life. The sheet has a core-shell structure for the positive electrode active material. The inner core contains a doped lithium manganese phosphate with elements like Zn, Al, Si, and N. The core is coated with cladding layers of pyrophosphates, phosphates, and carbon. This core-shell design reduces manganese leaching, lattice strain, and improves cycling stability, storage, rate, and safety compared to regular lithium manganese phosphate. The core-shell structure can be used in single-layer or multi-layer positive electrode coatings on battery current collectors.


16.  Innovative Heat Transfer Method for Solid-State Battery Assembly Without Complex Molds


A method and device for connecting battery components to enable efficient heat transfer without complex molds. The method involves placing the battery base sheet on a vacuum-filled cushion that molds around it. The cushion is then evacuated to harden. Battery modules are pressed into heat-conducting paste between the base sheet and module while the hardened cushion supports the base. This allows the modules to float in the paste for heat transfer without needing molds for precise fitting.

17.  Enhanced Lithium Nickel-Based Oxide Material for Stable Solid-State Battery Interfaces


Lithium nickel-based oxide positive electrode material for solid-state batteries with improved first charge capacity. The material contains Li, Ni, Mn, Co, D, and Zr oxides. The Ni content is 50-85%, Mn and Co are 0-40%, D is 0-2 mol % of other elements, and Zr is 0.1-5 mol %. The Zr content in the surface layer is around 0.1-0.5 at %. This composition and Zr surface enrichment provide a high first charge capacity of at least 160 mAh/g in solid-state batteries.


18.  Zirconium-Doped Lithium Nickel Oxide for Improved Charge Capacity in Solid-State Batteries


Lithium nickel-based oxide positive electrode active material for solid-state batteries in electric vehicles with improved charge capacity. The material contains nickel, cobalt, manganese, optional dopants like aluminum or boron, and zirconium. The nickel content is 50-75 mol %, zirconium is 0.1-5 mol %, and the zirconium content in the surface layer is around 0.1 at %. This composition improves the first charge capacity to at least 160 mAh/g in solid-state batteries. The zirconium-doped lithium nickel oxide provides a higher charge capacity compared to traditional lithium nickel oxide materials in solid-state batteries.


19.  Innovative Battery Module with Elastic Restraint and Smoke Management for EV Safety and Performance


Battery module design to improve safety and performance of electric vehicles by using a unique cell restraining structure and smoke management system. The module has a frame with elastic elements inside each cell chamber. This allows cells to expand/contract without affecting force on neighboring cells. The elastic elements deform when cells are inserted, then compress/recover with cell expansion/contraction. This provides consistent restraining force. The frame also has an insulating element between cells and shell, adhered with thermal conductive glue. This prevents electrical shorting while allowing heat transfer. The module also has a smoke guiding element on the outer shell to direct cell smoke into the main pack venting system instead of into the pack or external environment. This prevents smoke spreading and burning.


20.  Solid-State Battery Design with Stabilized Electrode Interface for Vibration and Impact Resistance


Battery design to prevent electrode movement inside the housing during vibrations and impacts to reduce internal short circuits. The battery has an uncoated region on the electrode tab where the active material layer is not applied. This uncoated region allows it to bend without damage when compressed between the current collector and housing. A spacer between the current collector and cap fills the gap and prevents electrode movement. The spacer height matches the distance between the collector and cap. This prevents the electrode from vibrating when the battery shakes. The spacer prevents excessive bending or stretching of the uncoated region. It also stops damage to the collector-electrode and collector-housing connections.


21. Vacuum-Assisted Control of Electrode Thickness in Solid-State Battery Manufacturing

22. Composite Interlayer Coating for Improved Lithium Metal Solid-State Battery Performance

23. Dendrite-Resistant Composite Electrolytes for Lithium-Ion Batteries

24. Solid-State Battery Cell Design for Enhanced Internal Stability and Impact Resistance

25. Curved Wall Design in Battery Cells for Enhanced Durability and Crack Prevention

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