332 patents in this list

Updated: June 10, 2024

Solid-state battery electrolytes are poised to revolutionize energy storage technology. By replacing conventional liquid electrolytes with solid materials, these advancements promise to enhance the safety, performance, and longevity of batteries.

This article delves into the latest innovations in solid-state electrolytes, addressing key challenges such as increasing ionic conductivity, improving compatibility with electrodes, and ensuring manufacturability.

With these breakthroughs, a new era of batteries featuring higher energy densities, enhanced safety profiles, and longer cycle lives is on the horizon, paving the way for advanced applications in various fields.

1.  Innovative Solid-State Electrolyte System for Structural Batteries in Vehicles

Hyundai Motor Company, Kia Corporation, 2024

Structural battery for vehicles that can provide both electric power storage and structural support without requiring liquid electrolytes. The battery has stacked positive and negative electrode layers sandwiched between outer structure reinforcement layers. Solid electrolytes coat the boundaries, electrode side surfaces, and outer layers. This allows forming the battery by connecting terminals without injecting liquid electrolytes. It improves mechanical strength compared to conventional liquid electrolyte batteries.

2.  Red Seaweed Polysaccharide-Based Gel Electrolyte for Zinc-Air Batteries


Gel electrolyte for zinc-air batteries that minimizes carbonate formation, hydrogen gas buildup, and corrosion while providing high ionic conductivity. The gel electrolyte contains a red seaweed polysaccharide network with interstices filled with a concentrated solution of metal hydroxide. The high concentration of hydroxide prevents carbonate formation and hydrogen evolution. The high concentration of metal hydroxide also enhances gelation and ionic conductivity. The gel electrolyte can be used in zinc-air batteries without separators, as the gel itself physically separates the anode and cathode.


3.  Advanced Manganese Oxides as Solid-State Electrolytes for Lithium-Ion and Sodium-Ion Batteries

Honda Motor Co., Ltd., 2024

Manganese oxides for lithium-ion and sodium-ion batteries with high capacity, long cycle life, and low cost. The manganese oxides have compositions containing lithium and/or sodium, like Li1.5Mn0.5O2 or Na1.5Mn0.5O2. They can be synthesized by introducing manganese, sodium, and metal precursors under specific conditions. The metal can be any element except manganese or sodium. The resulting oxides have improved performance compared to conventional manganese oxides used in batteries.


4.  Laser-Patterned Separator for Enhanced Electrolyte Flow and Heat Reduction in Solid-State Batteries

Rivian IP Holdings, LLC, 2024

Battery cell separator with improved electrolyte flow and reduced heat generation compared to conventional separators. The separator has a laser-patterned polymer layer on a ceramic layer. The polymer layer is randomly distributed on the ceramic layer in conventional separators. The laser treatment etches a pattern into the polymer without modifying the ceramic. This separator design promotes electrolyte flow and minimizes heat effects in battery cells compared to unmodified separators.

5.  Dual-Layer Protective Coating for Lithium Metal Anodes to Inhibit Dendrite Growth


Lithium electrode for batteries with a protective layer to prevent dendrite growth in lithium metal anodes. The protective layer is a composite of two layers: a first layer close to the lithium metal with high ion conductivity, and a second layer further from the lithium metal with high electrical conductivity and mechanical strength. The first layer allows lithium ions to pass and prevents lithium depletion. The second layer transfers electrons to the lithium surface and prevents localized current density. The composite layer structure inhibits dendrite growth and improves battery performance compared to single-layer coatings.


6.  Reinforced Solid Polymer Electrolytes for Improved Lithium-Ion Battery Performance


Low cost, reinforced solid polymer electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries that provide improved mechanical, electrochemical, and thermal stability compared to existing solid electrolytes. The electrolyte is made by coating a porous substrate with a fluoropolymer-ionic liquid-lithium salt solution on one side and a fluoropolymer-LLZO solution on the other side. The coated substrate is then dried and cured to form the solid electrolyte. The reinforced electrolyte has better ionic conductivity, lower dendrite growth, and higher thermal stability than pure solid polymer electrolytes.

7.  Advanced Solid-State Electrolyte Composition for Enhanced Lithium Battery Performance


Electrolyte for lithium batteries with improved charging efficiency, high temperature recovery capacity, and long term storage stability. The electrolyte contains specific additives, compounds represented by Chemical Formulas 1 to 6, that when added to the battery electrolyte improve charging resistance, high temperature recovery capacity, and capacity retention at high temperatures compared to conventional electrolytes. The additives are 1,3,2-dioxaphospholane-2-yl diethyl phosphite, 2-((trimethylsilyl)oxy)-1,3,2-dioxaphospholane, and other related compounds. The electrolyte composition includes 0.1-10% of these additives along with lithium salt and organic solvents.


8.  Electrolyte Injection Improvement for Solid-State Battery Reliability

SANYO Electric Co., Ltd., 2024

Electricity storage device with reduced damage to the electrode assembly during electrolyte injection to improve reliability. The device has a lid with a tubular member extending between the lid and the electrode assembly to surround the injection hole. A covering member connects to the tubular member and interposes between the injection hole and the electrode assembly. This prevents high-speed electrolyte impingement on the electrode assembly edges when injected through the hole.


9.  High-Temperature Resistant Solid-State Battery with Enhanced Safety and Flexibility

Semiconductor Energy Laboratory Co., Ltd., 2024

Power storage device with improved thermal stability, safety and flexibility. The device uses specific components like electrode materials, separator, electrolyte and housing materials that are less prone to degradation at high temperatures. The separator contains polyphenylene sulfide or solvent-spun regenerated cellulosic fiber. The electrolyte contains lithium bis(pentafluoroethanesulfonyl)amide (LiBETA) and propylene carbonate. The housing can be flexible with a rubber band. This allows the device to withstand high temperatures during processing without degrading performance.

10.  Advanced Electrolyte Solutions with Additives for Improved Lithium Battery Performance


Electrolyte solution for lithium batteries that improves output characteristics, storage stability, and reduces gas generation compared to conventional electrolytes. The electrolyte contains specific additives: a compound with a lithium or sodium cation and an anion, and a compound with 3-5 atoms, double bonds, and electronegativity >3. These additives improve battery output, recovery capacity, and lifespan at high temperatures.


11.  Hybrid Polymer-Ceramic Separator for Enhanced Solid-State Battery Performance

University of Dayton, 2024

Lithium battery separator that combines the benefits of polymer separators and solid ceramic electrolytes for improved battery performance. The separator is a three-layer structure with ceramic electrolyte coatings on either side of a polymer separator. The ceramic layers, made of materials like lithium aluminum germanium phosphate (LAGP), provide high ionic conductivity, stability, and prevent dendrite formation. The polymer separator provides flexibility and mechanical strength. The hybrid separator shows better electrolyte uptake, ionic conductivity, interface stability, cycle life, and voltage polarization compared to regular polymer separators.

12.  High-Temperature Solid Electrolyte with Enhanced Ionic Conductivity

GS Yuasa International Ltd., 2024

Solid electrolyte for high temperature applications like batteries in electric vehicles that provides high thermal stability and ionic conductivity at temperatures up to 200°C. The solid electrolyte contains lithium, phosphorus, sulfur, halogen, and an element like magnesium or calcium. It forms a stable crystal structure with high ionic conductivity even at high temperatures. The electrolyte can be produced by reacting a composition containing the lithium, phosphorus, sulfur, halogen, and element, then heating.

13.  Advanced Solid-State Polymer Electrolyte for Extended Voltage Range in Lithium-Ion Batteries


Solid-state polymer electrolyte membrane for lithium-ion batteries that allows operation over a wider voltage range compared to conventional liquid electrolytes. The membrane is made by mixing a lithium salt, plasticizer, and co-network of crosslinkable polyether and amine additions. Deep discharging the battery lithiates the membrane, providing excess lithium ions for higher capacity. This allows operation down to -0.5 V versus 2.5 V for liquid electrolytes. The solid-state membrane enables batteries with a voltage range of 0.01-4.3 V versus 2.5-4.3 V for liquid electrolytes.


14.  Advanced Composite Electrolyte for Improved Lithium-Ion Battery Performance


Composite electrolyte for high-performance secondary batteries like lithium-ion batteries that improves cycle life and discharge rate compared to solid-state electrolytes. The composite electrolyte contains inorganic solid particles, an ionic liquid, and a fibrous polymer with an average diameter of 1-100 nm. The polymer reduces interface resistance between the electrode and electrolyte and prevents electrode delamination during cycling. The composite electrolyte is sandwiched between the battery electrodes.

15.  Multiphase Thin Film Solid-State Electrolytes for Enhanced Battery Performance

QuantumScape Battery, Inc., 2024

Multiphase thin film solid-state electrolytes for solid-state batteries that have improved properties like stability, compatibility with Li metal, density, and strength compared to conventional single-phase garnet electrolytes. The multiphase electrolytes contain a primary cubic lithium-stuffed garnet phase with a secondary phase inclusion. The cubic garnet phase is present at 70-99.9% volume, while the secondary phase is 30-0.1% volume. The multiphase structure provides better properties for solid-state batteries compared to single-phase garnet electrolytes.

16.  Enhanced Cycling Stability in Solid-State Batteries with Composite Electrolytes


Composite solid-state battery electrolyte that improves cycling stability and reduces short circuiting compared to pure sulfide electrolytes. The composite electrolyte has a sulfide electrolyte, a polymer electrolyte, and a functional additive material with a specific structure. The functional additive coats the sulfide electrolyte surface to prevent polymer contact and degradation during battery cycling. The composite electrolyte is made by mixing the sulfide, additive, and solvent, removing the solvent, and then mixing with the polymer electrolyte.


17.  H2S Emission Abatement in Solid-State Batteries Using Sorbent Materials

Rivian IP Holdings, LLC, 2024

Reducing hydrogen sulfide (H2S) gas emissions from solid-state batteries used in electric vehicles to prevent odor and potential safety issues. The solution involves using a sorbent material inside the vehicle to capture or react with the H2S gas. The sorbent can be coated on vehicle components or enclosed in a cartridge with a fan to draw in the H2S-containing air. The sorbent is selected by downselecting stable, reactive materials that meet certain conditions to effectively abate the H2S gas produced by solid-state batteries.


18.  Low-Temperature Synthesis of Argyrodite-Type Solid-State Electrolytes for Lithium Batteries

Rivian IP Holdings, LLC, 2024

Process for preparing argyrodite-type solid-state electrolytes for lithium batteries that involves contacting lithium and phosphorus sources with a solvent-reagent at lower temperatures, like 80-120°C, instead of high temperatures like 400-600°C. This allows forming Li7-xPS6-xYx compounds directly in solution, which can then be collected and further processed into solid-state electrolytes. The solvent contains a lithium salt like LiCl and a polymer like PVP. The lower temperature synthesis enables scalable production of argyrodite electrolytes using earth-abundant elements like phosphorus and chlorine.


19.  Enhanced Solid-State Battery Design with Nanofiber-Polymer Composite Electrodes


A positive electrode, electrode, and secondary battery design to improve cycle life, discharge rate, and low temperature performance of solid-state batteries. The electrode contains positive electrode active material particles, polymer fibers with 1-100 nm diameter, and inorganic solid particles. The polymer fibers help prevent expansion/contraction of the active material during charge/discharge cycles, reducing resistance and cycle degradation. The inorganic solid particles further enhance cycle life and performance by reducing electrode-electrolyte interface resistance. The composite electrolyte layer between the electrodes contains nanofiber dispersed in an aqueous electrolyte solution.

20.  Flame-Resistant Quasi-Solid Electrolyte System for Lithium Batteries

Global Graphene Group, Inc., 2024

Safe, flame-resistant electrolyte system for lithium batteries that can be produced using existing battery production facilities. The electrolyte is a quasi-solid or solid-state electrolyte made by impregnating an ion-conducting polymer into the battery components like cathode, anode, and separator, followed by removing the initial liquid solvent and filling with a second, more flame-resistant liquid solvent. The polymer allows ionic conduction without flammable liquid electrolytes.


21. Innovative Solid-State Battery with Enhanced Separator and Nonaqueous Electrolyte Combination

22. Innovative Electrolyte Composition and Tab Design for Enhanced Solid-State Battery Performance

23. Low-Temperature Process for High-Performance Solid-State Battery Electrolytes

24. Chlorine-Ion Enhanced Solid-State Batteries for Improved Cycling Life and Low-Temperature Performance

25. High-Porosity Polypropylene Membrane Separator for Enhanced Lithium-Ion Battery Performance

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